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07.01.2011 درون Dev. Blog: Finish Line For V1.0
Yes. It allows several exploits.

1. Save up cards in games you don't care about to have disproportiate power in games you do care about.
2. Dislevels the playing field: if I want to play against someone, his amount of playing will determine his power build-up: this makes volume of play more important than playing skill.
3. I want the playing field to be level when I start a game. This is why I'd prefer games against similar-level opponents, without hidden stockpiles of power.

There are more examples, but they all derive from this basic principle.
06.01.2011 درون Dev. Blog: Finish Line For V1.0
نوشتع شده توسط Ivan, 04.01.2011 at 03:46

نوشتع شده توسط specter, 04.01.2011 at 00:18

"you get cards as rewards during battles or at the end of the game and can trade them during the game for various benefits."

what would the benifit of geting cards at the end of the game? are cards transpherable between games?

Yes, should've made it clearer - cards stay with you after the game and you can use them in the next one.

This, I think, is a very bad idea.
19.12.2010 درون RESOLVED: My stats are wrong
Same here. I think that's still broken.
I would like to toss this out for discussion.

While, yes, it is important that no strategy be overwhelming (every map choice should have at least 2 viable and equally competitive strategies, preferrably more), I would like to say that the map doesn't need to be fair.

i.e.: Afrika doesn't need to have the same chance to win (reliably, when played competently) as europe, or Korea+Japan for instance. If you want a challenge, you can get it by playing Africa (or highly contested Europe): no need to keep tinkering/devising strategies so that Africa has 'equal win chance'.

What IS important, is that Africa be AS MUCH FUN to play as Europe. Guer.War. helps, and therefore is a good thing.

Agree? Disagree?
17.12.2010 درون Guerilla Warfare Strategy.
نوشتع شده توسط Sificvoid, 16.12.2010 at 21:16

I hope that no one thinks that I am advocating an overpowering strategy.

I didn't (think that you were).
17.12.2010 درون Cyprus and no air transport
نوشتع شده توسط Amok, 17.12.2010 at 01:51

نوشتع شده توسط jope, 17.12.2010 at 01:13


dont really know if this can be described as a bug, but when you are new to the game and you start on cyprus, you cant get away from this island, cause of the lack of air transport.

maybe its intended this way.

This is not really a bug, just not the best place to start when you have no air transports . But I guess we either have to make air transports available to all players from the beginning, or make Nicosia the port city, so you could escape from it on a sea transport.

No need. Not every uncomfortable situation needs to be fixed. It might be good however, to be able to visually distinguish between port and non-port cities.
I looked hard for and didn't see it then, but perhaps I missed it. Tx!
16.12.2010 درون Guerilla Warfare Strategy.
I almost got taken out by a late-game entering player (egypt) swarming my capital with his GW (after I dealt with another player in europe). This is after the current/recent change.

I would not change the settings without explanation, but I wouldn't also change them too much. Try it the way it is now for a while, and it will be clearer at what point the GW militia are failing exactly. They shouldn't realistically have a chance to win in overpowering style consistently anyway (as should none of the strategies).
Reload gave me the menu back, reported in-game as well now.
Oh and yes, this also means I cannot log out / surrender
Interesting bug. Cannot report it through the 'report bug' feature - as the button for it is gone.

I am in a game, and missing the entire top menu from the screen (I can just make out the bottom 2 pixel row of the menu). Everything else works. In addition, people are sending my alliance requests, but I don't see them coming in (we're also waging a war and taking each other's cities at the same time, does that influence anything?)

I have a screenshot (if this laptop is working, not 100% sure), but it will only show a screen with the top menu missing.
14.12.2010 درون Which is the weakest strategy?
I'd play NC if there were cargo ships. Those battleships are MEAN.
14.12.2010 درون Bug report
Will do.
14.12.2010 درون Which is the weakest strategy?
A suggestion to 'fix' naval commander (NC):

Option 1: Introduce a new naval unit, only buildable by the NC, called the 'merchantman'. This is a weak offensive/defensive unit with a small carry capacity (1?), price roughly the same as a tank (125), but instead of costing money each turn, it given income: around 20-25 a turn, I think.

Option 2: If option 1 is too hard to implement, make the other naval units pay income to the NC instead of costing money (but significantly less so than the merchantman under option 1).
13.12.2010 درون Which is the weakest strategy?
نوشتع شده توسط Guest14502, 13.12.2010 at 12:46

Naval commander wins...just because sea fighting isn't prominent enough on most maps. And with air trans you can usually hop past the sea if you need to

Yes, this. If I look at units built, I'm 40+k on land, ~630 naval units. (I have built at least 5 times more air transports than the entire navy, I think).
13.12.2010 درون Which is the weakest strategy?
نوشتع شده توسط Muncher, 13.12.2010 at 14:59

I think blitzkreig could be more viable if instead of loss of attack its a bigger loss of defense. It would be an interesting game play because you have to push quickly but cant be attacked yourself.

This is how Tank Generals play anyway, right?
13.12.2010 درون Choosing game strategy
Yes, but with better punctuation. ;p
13.12.2010 درون Production of units
I have no issues taking europe as asia, and when I'm europe, a 200+ air transport tank stack takes asian capitals nicely.
13.12.2010 درون Bug report
نوشتع شده توسط Amok, 13.12.2010 at 16:19

نوشتع شده توسط TP_MLD, 13.12.2010 at 15:54

I also have lucky marines.

Just now: 130 of his attacl 150 of mine.... he loses 30 and takes my city.

Not impossible, and I didn't watch the play in detail, but it may match the earlier win/lose streaking of random number generator freeze.

Just checked that battle, didn't see anything wrong with it.

Your army:
Tanks: 11
Infantry: 92
Militia: 22
Air Transports: 9
Combined defence: 735

His army:
Tanks: 107
Bombers: 27
Militia: 9
Air Transports: 1
Combined attack: 1045

Ok, I wasn't sure about this last one anyway... good to know that one was on the upnup. Got a trace on those other ones?
13.12.2010 درون Bug report
I also have lucky marines.

Just now: 130 of his attacl 150 of mine.... he loses 30 and takes my city.

Not impossible, and I didn't watch the play in detail, but it may match the earlier win/lose streaking of random number generator freeze.
13.12.2010 درون Bug report
نوشتع شده توسط Amok, 10.12.2010 at 12:31

نوشتع شده توسط TP_MLD, 10.12.2010 at 10:09

58 of my units (almost all tanks) just attacked 53 of his tanks in the open field.

My entire stack died and caused no casualties. While this is possible through the laws of probability, the chance is highter that this is a bug.

Thanks for reporting this! Problem found & should be fixed in the next release.

Problem seems not fixed. 20 of my marines attacked a city defended by 8 infantry - no losses to the city, marine stack wiped out.

Edit: following this up from what happened just now: 15 marines vs 6 infantry, only 1 infantry killed. Guerilla Warfare strategy is on. Perhaps there's a miscalculation of marine strength under GW strategy?
13.12.2010 درون Impassible terrain
Some parts (mountain ranges) should be unpassable to land units (the himalaya's being the prima example). If it turns out this is only a small part of the map it may be too much hassle implementing it, but it could add some interesting strategic consequences.
Set-up: multiple stacks attacking a city. The first stack loses.

Result: all the other stacks don't attack (don't move, even).

I've seen this before, but always thought some of my stacks must've been intercepted (I don't pay too much attention to turn review normally as I'm pressed for time often). But this time I was attacking a neutral withough any interference around. The first stack lost, all the other stacks didn't execute their move (and thus didn't attack).
13.12.2010 درون Trade/Transfers
نوشتع شده توسط Mathon, 13.12.2010 at 00:05


I have a friend who ive been telling him to come join the game... but i think it would be cool if i could send him some SP or an upgrade so he feels more into the game...

Basicly a system to trade/donate/gift/give SP to someone... This may work into a clan system later on aswell..

I see a possible exploit here, based on badge-getting and SP-farming, but the devs will know best what to do.

And you don't need the upgrades to feel at home in the game, IMHO. Just don't play against rank 3+ players as a noob.
Ah, and now the autoreconnect screen (Which was apparently still running in the background) gave me manual reconnect as option, and it worked).
And login stays at 'connecting.' May be the server being down?
11.12.2010 درون Air transports can be unfair
نوشتع شده توسط Eleidon, 10.12.2010 at 14:20

I agree...there needs to be an effective counter for air transports. I cant tell you how many times I have had a new player join in like week 20, drop all his reinforcements and cash into air transports & tanks then completely bypass all of my troops and flood my capitol with 60+ units....shits gay. Though if you have air transports as well you can usually get your capitol back...but if not your fucked.

This is why you create / join games that have the join limit at 10/15, and why you don't leave unoccupied countries in your back yard when you're expanding.

Also, turn off 'rejoin' and you'll at least get rid of the strategic multi-rapers.
I was thinking 3 myself. or 2 with a +1 cap upgrade
10.12.2010 درون Bug report
58 of my units (almost all tanks) just attacked 53 of his tanks in the open field.

My entire stack died and caused no casualties. While this is possible through the laws of probability, the chance is highter that this is a bug.
نوشتع شده توسط Ad for nike, 06.12.2010 at 14:52

Militia bum rushing is overpowered.


Fight me and we'll see.
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