21.04.2014 - 18:29
Hello, it is Owl! A few of you may remember me from my other two topic posts on this forum, I have greatly improved since I posted those. Before I only knew MoS South Korea and GW Serbia.With some help from another player, I now know the SM Ukraine expansion, PD Turkey expansion and SM Uk ( Or, the best you can do without the faster infantry upgrade ). Now I am asking for help again. ![]() I now want to learn PD Germany and PD UK expansions. I recently got beat by PD Germany .. pretty badly.. ![]() ![]() -Owl
21.04.2014 - 18:31
MacAttack! اکانت حذف شد |
21.04.2014 - 22:41 MacAttack! اکانت حذف شد
I know PD Germy expansion and PD UK expansion that I can help you out with but I'm sure there are many more qualified players that can teach you better than me lol. As for UK, I'd learn NC UK play instead (bigger expansion, more options...etc.) Anyways, here's how to do some of the expansions from youtube (Mainly Germy expansion): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNvrcE4HZWI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c6C0mGLZzg EDIT: Obviously you won't have all the upgrades that guy has nor do you have a general, but you get the main idea of how Germy should expand.
22.04.2014 - 15:56
Almost all the good expansions produced by the best players use the inf upgrades, so you might struggle until you get these. Unfortunately people don't make videos of expansions for the inf upgrades, as these are quickly phased out and consigned to oblivion. Also, I can say PD is very hard to play without the faster inf upgrade, and I would advise learning imp/NC expansions until you get the upgrades, when PD becomes
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AlexMauzer اکانت حذف شد |
22.04.2014 - 20:24 AlexMauzer اکانت حذف شد
Glad to see one player interested in these stuff. ![]() I would help you with PD after you get the faster infantries upgrade. It is almost unplayable without it. Try using imp or some other strat meanwhile. Btw, you can do a decent Germany expansion with NC, having Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Czech, Austria, Switzerland+city, Netherlands, Belgium. The good thing about it, is that you can even do it as rank 0. Just don't use it in teamgames haha. PR me in game when you see me online.
23.04.2014 - 21:44
Rather then learning the expansions for specific countries, i would suggest you learn why players are expanding as they do as a certain country. ie their thought process/plan of action. are they attempting to secure the money areas first etc. then you can take any country and any strat, and do a decent expansion off the cuff for it.
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24.04.2014 - 01:43
What Lao said is a good thought. Try to learn why do people do these expansions, or pick this countries. Money is a very important factor, so is positional advantage, and reinforcements. Try to mix between getting the perfect ratio of money:reinforcements depending on your starting money and reinfs. Also learn when to pick a strategy and how to play it depending on each games circumstances, remember, each game has its different circumstances. PD is a good base for strategies and UK/Germany is a good starting point to learn your expansions. Before memorizing actual expansions try to make your own based on your own outlook, see how its better/worse than the one you will memorize and keep improving it till its like or better the one you were going to memorize.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
24.04.2014 - 07:55
Start playing eu+ 3 v 3 in the main lobby more often. Those game are perfect to get you where you want to go. Along the way you will need unlock more upgrades to be better. Since you are rank 5 many higher ranks might not want to play with you right now. When you rank up and start proving them wrong things will change. Good luck.
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03.06.2014 - 22:53
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNvrcE4HZWI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c6C0mGLZzg Mac can u include links? It's slightly frustrating ![]() ![]()
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Sir Hawk اکانت حذف شد |
14.06.2014 - 15:17 Sir Hawk اکانت حذف شد
However, you can just ask your clanmates to train with you. This is what clanmates are all about. They are there to train you. If you have infantry range 1+, it is more likely that you can become a decent player, compared to higher ranks who don't play 3v3. If, unfortunately, your clanmates won't train to you, there is nothing I could think of, however, take what's best for you. No one should be able to control you. Good luck!
14.06.2014 - 18:28
you can delete your post/ delete message on the upper right corner "Red-X mark".
---- Hi
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