مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
پست ها: 12   بازدید شده توسط: 54 users
27.12.2013 - 21:37
If you have been muted or warned on AtWar, regardless the reason and whether it was the right thing to do (which 99.9% of the time it was the right thing to mute) you as the muted player will most likely feel you have been treated harshly (when you most likely haven't) and therefore you are biased against the particular person who muted you. Because you are biased your opinion on the subject is completely irrelevant.

I mean, you don't see people who actually abide by the rules complaining about moderators do you?

Good Day.

p.s. I'll be the first to say the moderators do a good job, and it is honourable to see people to try to keep order regardless of the hate you know you will undoubtedly receive so keep up the good work.
27.12.2013 - 22:03
نوشتع شده توسط Tundy, 27.12.2013 at 21:48

WW2 Huge by Rommel ^_^ *beta (17) +927 260d ago

lol, congratulations.
being a person that is only active like 15 minutes a day once a week., entitles you to have an opinion about the people complaining.

how do you know how active i am?

I check atwar forums most days. I play when I have time, which is not a lot considering I work long weeks nowadays. maybe you should all find something more interesting to do than be 14 year old boys with anger issues.

maybe you should all realise this is a game and it will be moderated to the level the admins see fit. If you don't like that, you can always leave? or find somewhere else to chat on atwar, your own personal unmoderated IRC?
27.12.2013 - 22:12
نوشتع شده توسط nonames, 27.12.2013 at 22:03

نوشتع شده توسط Tundy, 27.12.2013 at 21:48

WW2 Huge by Rommel ^_^ *beta (17) +927 260d ago

lol, congratulations.
being a person that is only active like 15 minutes a day once a week., entitles you to have an opinion about the people complaining.

how do you know how active i am?

I check atwar forums most days. I play when I have time, which is not a lot considering I work long weeks nowadays. maybe you should all find something more interesting to do than be 14 year old boys with anger issues.

maybe you should all realise this is a game and it will be moderated to the level the admins see fit. If you don't like that, you can always leave? or find somewhere else to chat on atwar, your own personal unmoderated IRC?

who even plays atwar for fun? is a boring game....
the only reason to be here is because the community is nice and sometimes even funny.
(but is bipolar, and its in decline since UN was created)

if you remove all chats except private, nobody would play it.

Heavy moderation is bad to a community that is based around chating about politics and black humor.

wanna know whats the problem? that the most active people talk too much and are getting punish for insignificant stuff.
27.12.2013 - 23:30
نوشتع شده توسط Tundy, 27.12.2013 at 22:12

نوشتع شده توسط nonames, 27.12.2013 at 22:03

نوشتع شده توسط Tundy, 27.12.2013 at 21:48

WW2 Huge by Rommel ^_^ *beta (17) +927 260d ago

lol, congratulations.
being a person that is only active like 15 minutes a day once a week., entitles you to have an opinion about the people complaining.

how do you know how active i am?

I check atwar forums most days. I play when I have time, which is not a lot considering I work long weeks nowadays. maybe you should all find something more interesting to do than be 14 year old boys with anger issues.

maybe you should all realise this is a game and it will be moderated to the level the admins see fit. If you don't like that, you can always leave? or find somewhere else to chat on atwar, your own personal unmoderated IRC?

who even plays atwar for fun? is a boring game....
the only reason to be here is because the community is nice and sometimes even funny.
(but is bipolar, and its in decline since UN was created)

if you remove all chats except private, nobody would play it.

Heavy moderation is bad to a community that is based around chating about politics and black humor.

wanna know whats the problem? that the most active people talk too much and are getting punish for insignificant stuff.

Funny, i'm one of atwar's longest serving players and hardly chat.

6) Do not transmit or facilitate distribution of content that is harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, or objectionable in a reasonable person's view. Hate speech is not tolerated.

some of the "politics" you are refering to can be blatantly be classed as hate speech, generally people have conflicting political views because of a massive multicultural community and in most cases on atwar it just turns into a massive troll flame war, which is why players get muted.

Black humour is offensive to some, if you want to joke about it by all means in private or un-moderated chats instead of public chats but don't inflict it on other people who may not want it.

it seems the main defence that players who get muted is "it's the internet, I should be able to say what I want." Sure, you can, but that doesn't mean you can't expect a backlash, there are other humans who will react just like they react in the real world, so if you want to act like an idiot, go troll on 4chan with your political bullshit, this is a multicultural community of people of varying beliefs, and as such public chat should be kept to a family friendly level so people can come and play the game and not have to get tied up in political arguments or other bullshit that could be deemed offensive.
27.12.2013 - 23:59
If you remove all chats except private, nobody would play it.

Zizou never use chats he still play this game
i think its time sameone from mods to ban Saint Tunder3 1 month from forums and help,global,room chat
28.12.2013 - 01:06
نوشتع شده توسط nonames, 27.12.2013 at 23:30

Funny, i'm one of atwar's longest serving players and hardly chat.

6) Do not transmit or facilitate distribution of content that is harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, or objectionable in a reasonable person's view. Hate speech is not tolerated.

some of the "politics" you are refering to can be blatantly be classed as hate speech, generally people have conflicting political views because of a massive multicultural community and in most cases on atwar it just turns into a massive troll flame war, which is why players get muted.

Black humour is offensive to some, if you want to joke about it by all means in private or un-moderated chats instead of public chats but don't inflict it on other people who may not want it.

it seems the main defence that players who get muted is "it's the internet, I should be able to say what I want." Sure, you can, but that doesn't mean you can't expect a backlash, there are other humans who will react just like they react in the real world, so if you want to act like an idiot, go troll on 4chan with your political bullshit, this is a multicultural community of people of varying beliefs, and as such public chat should be kept to a family friendly level so people can come and play the game and not have to get tied up in political arguments or other bullshit that could be deemed offensive.

sure buddy, because talking about dick sizes and the classic "Make UN plx" are better topics than politics.
again, a person that is not active feeling entitle to talk-trash about the active community.

if you don't like black humor you can easily use the ignore function, not my fault you have nothing better to do than to overhear my conversation.

again, classic "i get no warnings in the small amount of time that i play, therefore i am right and you wrong"
i am not some douche bag that takes online gaming like real business, If i play atwar is to chill, if you want to take it serious; play some risk with your friends (that hopefully take it as serious as you).

TLDR; you are not gonna have trouble with me or any "trouble" player as long as you don't go screaming in room chat something like "DIE INFIDELS!". if you do, and you dislike my respone; use the ignore function.
28.12.2013 - 09:33
نوشتع شده توسط Tundy, 28.12.2013 at 01:06

نوشتع شده توسط nonames, 27.12.2013 at 23:30

Funny, i'm one of atwar's longest serving players and hardly chat.

6) Do not transmit or facilitate distribution of content that is harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, or objectionable in a reasonable person's view. Hate speech is not tolerated.

some of the "politics" you are refering to can be blatantly be classed as hate speech, generally people have conflicting political views because of a massive multicultural community and in most cases on atwar it just turns into a massive troll flame war, which is why players get muted.

Black humour is offensive to some, if you want to joke about it by all means in private or un-moderated chats instead of public chats but don't inflict it on other people who may not want it.

it seems the main defence that players who get muted is "it's the internet, I should be able to say what I want." Sure, you can, but that doesn't mean you can't expect a backlash, there are other humans who will react just like they react in the real world, so if you want to act like an idiot, go troll on 4chan with your political bullshit, this is a multicultural community of people of varying beliefs, and as such public chat should be kept to a family friendly level so people can come and play the game and not have to get tied up in political arguments or other bullshit that could be deemed offensive.

sure buddy, because talking about dick sizes and the classic "Make UN plx" are better topics than politics.
again, a person that is not active feeling entitle to talk-trash about the active community.

if you don't like black humor you can easily use the ignore function, not my fault you have nothing better to do than to overhear my conversation.

again, classic "i get no warnings in the small amount of time that i play, therefore i am right and you wrong"
i am not some douche bag that takes online gaming like real business, If i play atwar is to chill, if you want to take it serious; play some risk with your friends (that hopefully take it as serious as you).

TLDR; you are not gonna have trouble with me or any "trouble" player as long as you don't go screaming in room chat something like "DIE INFIDELS!". if you do, and you dislike my respone; use the ignore function.

I have got mutes, i have got warnings, on multiple occasions, yet I know what I did wrong and in all times I accept it was the right course of action for the moderators.

funny story, I had a global mute for around 3? months.
28.12.2013 - 09:49
Point is: Tunder is God. Now lock thread.
28.12.2013 - 11:06
Point is: tunder is an immature boy who needs to grow up and realise if you get bent over and spanked by a moderator because you've been breaking the rules he needs to take it like a good little bitch, lelz.
28.12.2013 - 12:03
نوشتع شده توسط nonames, 28.12.2013 at 11:06

Point is: tunder is an immature boy who needs to grow up and realise if you get bent over and spanked by a moderator because you've been breaking the rules he needs to take it like a good little bitch, lelz.

I have become a complete and utter faggot and should be treated as such.

O-Okay, we'll all be good goy and spend our s-shekels on freemiums to play a b-broken game, with a b-broken community, and a g-ghost staff. Yes, it will be g-glorious, and we'll all have f-fun, even though it's a waste of t-time, because as soon as you start having f-fun, you're warned, muted, kicked from the server, permab&, blacklisted, sent to the deep web, and obliterated by the Zizoucannon. Y-yes, we'll be good goyim and bend over for child/nanny-mods who confuse proper punishment and being a cunt.
28.12.2013 - 13:21
نوشتع شده توسط nonames, 28.12.2013 at 11:06

Point is: tunder is an immature boy who needs to grow up and realise if you get bent over and spanked by a moderator because you've been breaking the rules he needs to take it like a good little bitch, lelz.

Love how you have to use personal attacks to make a point.
Go to your risk convention boy, when you are dressing as harry poter, tell your friends about atwar's heresy lmao.
28.12.2013 - 16:11

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