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08.01.2013 - 11:02

Syndicate vs Victorious Secret

Victorious Secret

Mathdino(United Kingdom)

Stomach Ulcers(Turkey)


As many of you probably know, the match between Syndicate and Victorious Street was a great show of determination and team spirit with no side giving up until the last minute.
It seemed that Syndicate had the edge at the start with Safari's unfortunate loss in both Vienna and Athens, however as the game progressed it seems that the tables had turned with a sly turn block by hdrakon which led to Mathdino losing London.
Now it was 2v2 with Safari unable to do much. Hdrakon seemed to rapidly expand allowing him to mass produce infantry for absolute overkill. Eventually Safari was capped by Spart, which had been expected over the course of the cw. Stomach Ulcers and Mbuto seemed to be neck and neck in Ukraine and Turkey but as the turns went on, hdrakon managed to land over 80 units into Berlin, which signalled the beginning of the end.
We caught up with Safari,Mbuto and Mathdino to tell us their thoughts:

[pr] V-dog115: ~Safari: Ok Thanks! So what was your overall strategy in that cw?
[pr] ~Safari: so there was me (italy) who should interrupt germany and turkey
then there was mbuto who then could destroy turkey.
[pr] ~Safari: from ukraine. and hdrakon was handling uk from france
[pr] V-dog115: ~Safari: Do you think you performed well in that cw? And if not what do you think you could have improved on?
[pr] ~Safari: i lost already in turn 1, because i attacked austria and greece (wanted to try out something new)
[pr] ~Safari: but stomach stacked greece from turkey and sparta austria , so i lost all my units already in turn 1
[pr] ~Safari: i was just lucky that hdrakon played increadible good
[pr] V-dog115: ~Safari: I guess that was unfortunate, what would you say was the turning point in that game?
[pr] ~Safari: when hdrakon took uk
[pr] ~Safari: then it was a 2vs2 again (i don't count me in, because i just had italy all time)
[pr] V-dog115: ~Safari: So I take it you would consider him to be the man of the match?
[pr] ~Safari: yes
[pr] V-dog115: ~Safari: Ok thanks, now regarding you clan, any reason you decided to pick the name Victorious Street?
[pr] ~Safari: i wanted to make a sexy cln. that was always clear to me
[pr] ~Safari: then there must be also something war in the name
[pr] ~Safari: therefore i just changed Victoria's Secret into Victorious Secret
[pr] V-dog115: ~Safari: Oh yeah I see that, who would you say is your biggest competition at the moment, or the clan you have the biggest rivalry with?
[pr] ~Safari: we dont have a enemy according CWs. We just want to play against everyone
[pr] ~Safari: lately we came up with our idea of the "dailly CW"
[pr] V-dog115: Ok thanks for the interview
[pr] ~Safari: Ok

[pr] V-dog115: Mbuto: Can I ask you a couple of questions regarding your cw yesterday for the AW times?
[pr] Mbuto: lol, sure
[pr] V-dog115: Mbuto: So what were your tactics during that game?
[pr] Mbuto: we had long discussions. we finally decided to try and troll turkey and germany.
[pr] V-dog115: Mbuto: I take it Safari was supposed to be the middle man in this, his unfortunate loss in both Greece and Austria must of been a setback to you
[pr] V-dog115: Mbuto: Did you decide to try something differrent after this?
[pr] Mbuto: I didn't know safari also lost in vienna first turn. Anyway, I felt like I had the upper hand against turkey and could also expand in the back still
[pr] Mbuto: in the first turns before turn 5, it was a battle for me to try and subdue turkey, I got a couple of his turkey cities. But we failed to take Athens. Then also Germany helped to get rid
[pr] Mbuto: but then hdrakon as UK suddenly capped mathdino, and that turned things around
[pr] Mbuto: so I just had to play more safely
[pr] V-dog115: Mbuto: Who did you see as the biggest threat on their team at the start?
[pr] Mbuto: I don't think in this way, I was ukraine, my task was to fight turkey and germany, I don't care who they are
[pr] Mbuto: oh, another point
[pr] Mbuto: I think that it was crucial that I could get a bit of scandinavia, because hdrakon put pressure on germany, so I think we only won because we got a lucky cap turn 4
[pr] V-dog115: Mbuto: Regarding your clan itself do you think you have any rivals?
[pr] Mbuto: all clans are our rivals, in a good way, I think our main aim is to just CW as much as possible and have fun, then success will be guaranteed in the long run. But, we absolutely wanna
[pr] Mbuto: destroy The Socialist Party, just because.
[pr] V-dog115: Mbuto: Oh and another question about the match did you get the picks you wanted originally or were they not in your favour?
[pr] Mbuto: ah, no, we were happy about the picks, we mainly just were discussing whether to try something new or do the same as last time
[pr] V-dog115: Mbuto: Ah ok, Were they're any conflicts of interests regarding the decisions made?
[pr] Mbuto: no, because safari is old master, but we have to wake him up when he says that he will be GC portugal or something
[pr] Mbuto: but, I fucking sweared at him
[pr] Mbuto: cause two turns in a row, he could put one inf in athens, and he would cap it, because I put some choppers there, but he is old master, so I forgive
[pr] V-dog115: Mbuto: Ahahaha, so has your experience at VS lived up to your expectations?
[pr] Mbuto: yes, we have the nicest and sexiest clan in AW, so I am happy about everything
[pr] V-dog115: Mbuto: Ahaha ok and on that bombshell we'll have to end the interview thanks for your time
[pr] Mbuto: thank you too, was a pleasure

[pr] V-dog115: Mathdino: So yeah mind if we interview you....again?
[pr] Mathdino: I don't mind at all.
[pr] V-dog115: Mathdino: Great
[pr] V-dog115: Mathdino: So how do you feel about your performance in that cw?
[pr] Mathdino: I feel like I played fairly well until my one fatal error, which really determined my performance overall.
[pr] V-dog115: Mathdino: Ahh, did you have any overall strategy coming into this game ?
[pr] Mathdino: My main purpose was to kill hdrakon (France); this was about it.
[pr] V-dog115: Mathdino: Would you say you were mostly ahead during that game?
[pr] V-dog115: Mathdino: Well until that incident happened
[pr] Mathdino: I was on fairly equal grounds with hdrakon until I got capped; he refused to stop TBing me, however, so I lost a few moves early on.
[pr] V-dog115: Mathdino: Do you regret any moves you made during when Hdrakon capped you?
[pr] Mathdino: I regret TBing Paris as my first move and underestimating the force he was sending into London. I only moved my transport later on in the turn, and by then it was too late, so I was unable to get very much into my cap.I TBed Paris's 14 units+gen with 8 infs, btw.
[pr] V-dog115: Mathdino: Was there a change in strategy after that?Because it seemed to be 2v2 with Safari unable to much?
[pr] Mathdino: On my part? My 'strategy' was to get my cap back... could you explain what you mean?
[pr] V-dog115: Mathdino: Regarding the rest of the team
[pr] Mathdino: Stomach Ulcers's goal was still to take out Ukraine, and he was not doing too well at that point. Spart killed Safari the turn after I died, but by that point he could do nothing to stop hdrakon.
[pr] V-dog115: Mathdino: Mmmm yes. So in your opinion who do you think is man of the match?
[pr] Mathdino: I honestly don't feel as if there was a man of the match in the CW. hdrakon did well because of my major mistake, and by then, Spart was comprimised. Mbuto did well against Stomach Ulcer, but he really just did his job. So VS as a whole did pretty well.
[pr] V-dog115: Mathdino: Ok thanks for the interview
[pr] Mathdino: No problem!

Now time for "Ask the Player" Avatar Special!

1) Yazan: what will you do if you are alone on island with a knife and a sleeping bag ?

lol i will try to survive

2) Safari: you want to CW us?

nope i am afraid from hdragon he is wizard

3) ~Acquiesce: If you were going to write a book, what would you title it and what would it be about?

wtf he cant find better question i dont know i will probably write kids book and title adventure of hercules

4) LDK: What are your secrets to your great maps?

utahrapter3 promotion my maps he tell all my maps are best

5) Lynchski: How'd you become such a boss?!

it is like in scarface i kill other people and take their business and now i am leader of world kk

6) mnbv12: wich accounts are mods that are used to gather intelligence on other clns?

i dont believe that mods do that

7) Mathdino: Where did your username and avatar come from?

avatar name came from hinduism but i take it from movie avatar that was first movie i watched in 3d

8) TopHats: Larry is 3 years younger than Barry. Mary is 2 years older than Larry but Barry is 2 years and 2 months younger than Crissy. Terry and Barry are the same age, that being 1 year the junior of Katy. Crissy is a year younger than Marie. Katy is older than Mary by a year but is younger than Sammy and last year Sammy was the oldest of her two brothers Larry and Barry. Marie was a day younger than Jonny but Jonny died a year ago. Sammy is older than Katy by a month. Who is the oldest?

for example Terry and Barry are the same age 10 years.
Larry is 3 years younger than Barry so LARRY will be 7 year older
Mary is 2 years older than Larry so MARY will be 9 years older
Barry is 2 years and 2 months younger than Crissy so CRISSY will be 12 years and 2 months older
Terry and Barry are the same age 10, that being 1 year the junior of Katy so KATY will be 11 years older
Crissy is a year younger than Marie. so MARIE will be 13 years and 2 months older

"Katy is older than Mary by a year but is younger than Sammy". ITS IMPOSIBLE KATY TO BE OLDER THEN MARY 1 year Katy should be 2 years older then Mary i think here have mistake. SAMMY will be 11 years and 1 month older because Sammy is older than Katy by a month and Katy have 11 years

Marie was a day younger than Jonny but Jonny died a year ago if Merrie have 13 years and 2 months , year ago Marrie will haved 12 years and 2 month old ,but Jonny then die when he was old 12 years 2 months and 1 day

probably Jonny is the oldest but he die and now Marrie is the oldest she is old 13 years and 2 months

so my answer is Marrie is oldest with 13 years and 2 months because Jonny is died,if Jonny was life he will be older by 1 day and will have 13 years 2 months and 1 day

tell tophats to go to hell he is stupid idiot i lose 1 hour because this question have mistake here "Katy is older than Mary by a year but is younger than Sammy" that should be "Katy is older than Mary 2 years but is younger than Sammy"

This brings us to the end of this edition, be sure to check out the next one where Amok will be in the Hotseat
And finally be sure to congratulate avatar on his success in POTY!
The funny thing about this is by the time you realize that this is completely pointless, it's too late to stop reading.
08.01.2013 - 11:11
Amok: Whats your favourite strat?
08.01.2013 - 11:21
To Amok: are you planning on creating other games?

[pr] Commando Eagle: duel?
[pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush

08.01.2013 - 11:29
Amok: If the world ends tomorrow, what is the last meal you would love to eat before the world ends?
08.01.2013 - 12:17
Amok:Whats your favourite football club in europe?
08.01.2013 - 12:18
Amok: When will AW make my breakfast every mourning?
08.01.2013 - 14:09
Amok: WHY you dont play AW with us we know you are bust but come on one hour with us T_T?

08.01.2013 - 14:22
Nice one V-dog115, i enjoyed reading again
Amok: When are we duelling?
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
08.01.2013 - 14:28
Amok: is aw lucrative?
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz
08.01.2013 - 14:34
نوشتع شده توسط Hugosch, 08.01.2013 at 14:22

Nice one V-dog115, i enjoyed reading again
Amok: When are we duelling?

xaxa don't elo farm hugo, or amok has to abuse his powerful position by using hax

[pr] Commando Eagle: duel?
[pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush

08.01.2013 - 17:06
Hehe, nice article doggy

Amok: who do you think is the overall best player of aw? :3
08.01.2013 - 17:12
 Acquiesce (وزارت دفاع)
Avatar is silly, my questions are the best.

Amok: When did you decide to be a programmer?
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
08.01.2013 - 21:01
اکانت حذف شد
Amok: Why did you decide to make Afterwind?.
08.01.2013 - 21:09
Avatar pwned TopHats. For the record, he responded to the questions before people posted in last week's article with the answers.

Great article V-dog! 4A! For Amok: Do you have an ultimate goal for AW?
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
08.01.2013 - 23:01
Amok: why dont i have premium back yet
I was banned for your sins

VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
08.01.2013 - 23:53
اکانت حذف شد
Amok, is there a sort of rivalry between you and your bro at a younger age? if so elaborate
12.01.2013 - 11:29
Look at the first SS, spart have 2 generals.

one in austria and the second in italy near rome.
12.01.2013 - 11:58
اکانت حذف شد
نوشتع شده توسط Abraham, 12.01.2013 at 11:29

Look at the first SS, spart have 2 generals.

one in austria and the second in italy near rome.

Lol true.
13.01.2013 - 17:04
Yes i see my mistake now but it didn't affect the outcome whatsoever. Nor should it have led you to further problems because Katy is still older than Larry and Barry and younger than Marie. It was typo sorry for that. It could actually be considered a mistake on the birth certificate of Katy.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
14.01.2013 - 03:24
When is the BM/Dalmati report commin? I expected it Saturday ...
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.

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