مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
پست ها: 3   بازدید شده توسط: 75 users
09.01.2016 - 13:33
We started a cw with epic clan.
try 1.
t1 started and we realized critical changed time to 5 min since he was playing with his alt and not admitting it.
we left for a remake.
try 2.
we make a rematch and crit dces b4 picks
try 3.
i offerd epic clan that we will be willing to tie them till turn 4 if any of them dc, in return pheonix said he wont tie us unless something exceptional happens.(thats nice enough as is)
t1 all 3 of us dced me madra and pavle we were playing vs critical pheonix and crit alt they did not dc what was very weird. we left for tie just to realize pheonix decided he wont tie us and he capped pavle luckily many mods were online and he got cold feet so he agreed to tie.
not only do we feel crit had something to do with us dcing but with pheonix behavior brings us to a decision to not play cws with epic clan till further notice.

get your act together ffs or no clan will play you.

09.01.2016 - 14:02
They are worse than VS when it comes to tie. Lalala
10.01.2016 - 02:50
نوشتع شده توسط 1GodofWar1, 09.01.2016 at 13:33

t1 started and we realized critical changed time to 5 min since he was playing with his alt and not admitting it.
we left for a remake

You have the ability to say that you do not want to play an alternate. I hardly find it anyone but your fault if you fail to exercise your rights.

نوشتع شده توسط 1GodofWar1, 09.01.2016 at 13:33

i offerd epic clan that we will be willing to tie them till turn 4 if any of them dc, in return pheonix said he wont tie us unless something exceptional happens.(thats nice enough as is)
t1 all 3 of us dced me madra and pavle we were playing vs critical pheonix and crit alt they did not dc what was very weird. we left for tie just to realize pheonix decided he wont tie us and he capped pavle luckily many mods were online and he got cold feet so he agreed to tie.
not only do we feel crit had something to do with us dcing but with pheonix behavior brings us to a decision to not play cws with epic clan till further notice.

A tie is an informal agreement between 2 parties. Its your fault you continued to duel them even though you felt skeptical that they would not agree to tie. Next time pick your opponent carefully.


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