مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
پست ها: 10   بازدید شده توسط: 171 users
07.07.2011 - 13:55
This is an overpowered combination, in my humble opinion, and I only mention because I will soon be able to do it.

With the Imperialist strategy and the Militia upgrade, militia units are literally 100% free (besides recruitment cost).

Is this overpowered? If not, why not? I realize militia aren't that great.

Should it be changed?
- Canaris
Never forget, never forgive.
07.07.2011 - 15:01
Nope its totally fine in my oppinion, because imperialist is really on good in bigger games, and from my expierience you won't use them as much as you think, rather youll be making tanks/marines to clobber your enemys/conquer with the units that could be used for miltia, but when your donw conquering you may make free miltia in those areas. So all in all, if your foe is using imperialist, take him out early. If you can't, make a good attack force and/or strategy and take out his citys that make the most money so recruitment cost for miltia+attack units overpoweres him.
07.07.2011 - 16:17
Militia suck, the only time you would buy them over any other unit is when you have 0 dollars. If you have any money, any other unit would be better to use a reinforcement point than militia. If you have no money and lots of reinforcements points your probably already in a bad situation. Hence why it is not very overpowered.
07.07.2011 - 16:42
This is the first time I see someone saying that Imperialist is OP.

In my opinion, GW militias are way better because they cost only 20, but have a better defense, better offense and more movement range. Anyway, it's still an advantage to auto-build in your backup cities, but you sure won't use them in your frontiers or you will be in a bad situation really fast.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
07.07.2011 - 17:30
I'm having very good fortunate with Imperialist.

To be honest, Pinheiro's point was the one I was trying to illustrate. You could amass huge stacks in your back field.

If it's easily countered then disregard my thoughts. I'm still new here.
- Canaris
Never forget, never forgive.
07.07.2011 - 17:44
It is easily countered, militias are weak and you don't have infinite reinforcements.
07.07.2011 - 18:06
نوشتع شده توسط Canaris, 07.07.2011 at 17:30
If it's easily countered then disregard my thoughts. I'm still new here.

Even being free militias still have a bad defense and attack when playing with Imperialist. Also, they have a small movement range, which make them not good to expand fast, and most part of the games is decided by how fast and far you can expand in early game.

Yes, you can auto-build militias in your cities, but so do I with Guerrilla Warfare, that 20, and even 30 $ doesn't make that real difference.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
07.07.2011 - 20:01
I know the weaknesses of militias.

I just figured gigantic piles of them on your capital, for instance, at no cost would be useful.
- Canaris
Never forget, never forgive.
07.07.2011 - 20:28
And you are right, they are, indeed, of help, but you will figure out soon, when playing with or against other strategies that imperialist is not that good and the free militias are just a balance to compensate the lack of buffed units, for example.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
08.07.2011 - 01:52
Imperialist militia auto production is really only a viable strat in a few situations

1. Africa (because they are poor, but GW is still better)
2. one minute games (the auto production of units is really nice in such a case where you cannot waste time on defense)
3. Allying lots of people (if you have a massive force of defense and army number, they probably won't betray)
4. South America/Latin America game (they are poor for the most part)

this strategy is just terrible in any rich area, they can easily afford auto production of GW militia or PD infantry in their cities if they are rich
نوشتع شده توسط Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
نوشتع شده توسط tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right


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