05.06.2011 - 21:04
How about an option to enable a function in which if a player conquers a country/region for the first 5 turns of owning it it has a 25% chance to seceed? Just a thought, but give your 2 cents please. Also, just thought that if they do seceed, they can become part of another players empire in the vicinity, or go neutral.
06.06.2011 - 01:55
Look another supremacy1914 suggestion. this can go into the supremacy1914 mode pile from gardevoir (though sadly it will likely be implemented like the last one)
06.06.2011 - 04:06
What was the last one?
---- lol. NO!
06.06.2011 - 05:44
06.06.2011 - 06:03
This is the cancer killing the game
---- Afterwind Summer 1v1 Tournament Final Victory With music and annotation Afterwind Autumn/Winter 2v2 Tournament Final Victory Only music this time
06.06.2011 - 09:52
Too much. If I wanted to play a Paradox game, I'd play a Paradox game. This would get in the way of the fast action of AW and many tactics already developed would be rendered useless. I don't think making the game more complex this way is feasible either, as it would require a complete rebalancing of game mechanics to ensure rebels don't bring down your country. It's not in the spirit of Afterwind for something like this to be a feature. Leave it to Paradox.
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
06.06.2011 - 10:28
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
06.06.2011 - 14:27
Do any great games stay the same? Not a one. Every game must be updated with ideas- thats why there is a ideas thread. I respect your oppinions, but in all honesty making afterwind more realistic could be a great idea- and once again- it says "option" the game wouldn't change a bit for you- all you need to do is not click the box that would say "Enable Secession?". Oh and Fruit, I didn't get the idea from Supremacy1914 nor any Paradox game- I got the idea in class on Friday when we were learning about the American civil war, so kudos for your horrible detective skills.
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