مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
پست ها: 33   بازدید شده توسط: 150 users

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ارسال شده توسط Caulerpa, 10.11.2011 - 07:10
I liked the facebook add, and i got helicopters. So, will they always be standard unit or just for some time?
Infantry have -4 defense against them, now PD will be much weaker and GC will be useless since infantry was the only defensive unit...

Personally, I think you need to fix few bugs that left (save button, glitched walls etc.); than see what you can do here: http://afterwind.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=1883&topicsearch=&page=1 ; and than eventually add some extra units, cards etc.

But it's OK if it is for few days only, since this is good way to "make" people like facebook page.
11.11.2011 - 01:26
 Ivan (رئیس)
نوشتع شده توسط the equalizer, 10.11.2011 at 16:25

Would I get helicopter if I already liked Afterwind?

I liked Afterwind before they added them, so...

Unlike. Like again.
11.11.2011 - 01:33
 Ivan (رئیس)
نوشتع شده توسط GlennMiller, 10.11.2011 at 16:53

Shouldnt anti aircraft get bonus against helicopters too?

Done. Also, Helicopters now get -2 defence when attacked by Bombers, Fighters and Stealth.
11.11.2011 - 04:53
I think it's fine now and the counter to it makes sense (Helicopters are easy targets to planes). Furhter nerfs would make the unit pointless.
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