مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
پست ها: 4   بازدید شده توسط: 60 users
19.12.2011 - 02:48
Hello Afterwind players! I'd like to inform you that, while you were enjoying your exciting Afterwind games, someone was doing videos of the same thing about himself! And also uploading them to YouTube! You can find his/my channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/fcpolitimisoara . Feel free to watch my videos, comment about whatever absurdities you may find and subscribe to find out when I do more of that. You might find my commentary at least weird, but I guess you must bear with me, after all I am the one that does it (I'm not trying to complain,but it's not as easy peasy bambaleasy as it may sound). Anyways, enjoy watching!
The other thing that I want to talk about is that, as the holidays are closing in, I am going to seriously increase my stream of videos. That means I'll do a whole load of videos taking advantage of my spare time. But doing craptons of videos is quite boring when you do it alone, so I invite you to join me in my commentary! Just send me an e-mail @ dodo_Tudy98@yahoo.com and tell me how'd you like us to communicate. I can do TeamSpeak, Skype, Yahoo! Messneger, MSN and any other talky software (those are the ones I have installed, but I can deal with others if they are free and downloadable). I'd really love to have someone other than my cousin(who always gets interrupted and has a whole lot of background noise, the reason why I didn't even upload any videos with her). So, why still waiting? Go ahead and sign up,and we'll be chatting in no time! Post a reply on this topic if you sent an e-mail and did not get a response in 48 hours. Thank you!
19.12.2011 - 11:26
Where's the video I starred in?
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
19.12.2011 - 11:43
I lol this vid. (it has only 3 views)
I like stuff.... Yay?
20.12.2011 - 14:40
@Deguello: Don't know exactly,cannot remember,go search it yourself;if you're not there,well then I'm sorry,something wrong must've happened with the video and it did not make it online,I apologize.

@LilDGoinIn: Consider the fact that I don't even have 10 subscribers and the fact that this is a Let's Play channel, not a fanky-panky channel with V-Logs and shiz like that.Also consider that I play Afterwind,NOT Halo/Minecraft/Deus Ex/CoD/Battlefield or ANY overdone crap. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate (all) those games,but I just won't do a Let's Play of any. And ALSO consider that I never said anything like 'OMG please rate/comment/subscribe it'll really help me',I always said you should feel free to do it or not, I never had giveaways to my subscribers,which is a cheap way of making people subscribe,and I never complain about how crappy of an LPer I am (well,not in the videos at least ). I'm just doing it for fun and when I feel like. I don't expect to be famous and have thousands or tens of thousands of subscribers. I learnt to do that from a great let's player I follow. You can find him in my subscriptions box,he's called Jefmajor. You'd most surely love him right away

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