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پست ها: 6   بازدید شده توسط: 227 users
01.08.2013 - 17:30
Well, I have a considerable big problem:


Well, I think that "None" is an awesome strategy and it carried me to 7,5th rank. And I like it so much... No pros, no cons. And Each strategy has its own strengths and WEAKNESSES!. Those strenghts sound good at first but I don't want to cut my right arm for a better face...

But While surfing on the forums and lobbies, chatting, reading about the game etc. I saw many implementions of "how chosing the right strategy is the key to the victory", "Strategies are so important", "This strat. is better than this" and all. Its like you can't play this game succesfully without a proper strategy.

My question is "Is that right" Are the strategies that important? And I have only a tiny experience with them (once or twice played with Lucky Bastard, Perfect Defence, Naval Commender, Blitz etc.) To someone like me that have a prejudise like that, which strategy should I use it its that important. If you'll suggest a strategy please bear in mind that I never use stealth units

But seriously, is it that important???
01.08.2013 - 18:21
Top players use strategies and try to get them to perfection. Funds, environment (starting country, map, scenario, etc.), availability of specific units and closeness to other players define the use of specific strategies. Furthermore, players upgrades and preferences also influence in the choice. For the same starting position different players use different strats... preference and experience will "dictate" the choice.
Btw, if you are not using stealth units, then you are missing some AWesome experience...
01.08.2013 - 18:21
Using no strategy isn't necessarily a "bad" way to go, but it does have some disadvantages. No units are particularly good, like how other strategies boost units--Sky Menace Bombers, Relentless Attack Tanks, Perfect Defense Infantry, Naval Commander Destroyers, Desert Storm Helicopters, Master of Stealth Marines, Guerrilla Warfare Militia.

At first, "no strat" may seem similar to Lucky Bastard, but Lucky Bastard's high critical chance increases attack and defense, to a point where you might as well see it as every unit gets +1 attack/defense (in larger stacks of course ... correct me if I'm wrong).

Seeing this, I'd recommend strategies that are similar to no strategy: Lucky Bastard and Imperialist. I might even say Iron Fist, but the decreased range makes it much more different from no strategy.

It might be time to use some other strategies, however.

Perfect Defense is actually incredibly strong, and does not require lots of learning to become good at (there's more guides out there than, say, Great Combinator). When in cities or defense lines, Perfect Defense Infantry have nine defense. That's due to the Defense Bonus that Perfect Defense offers, not to mention the +1 defense (changing the Infantry's defense from 6 to 7). The reason people see it as weak is because they do not know this boost, as it's rather hidden (you have to go to the Units and Strategies page to see them).

If you think you're good at what ever strategy you use, no strategy, Perfect Defense, Sky Menace, what ever, then it's as good as any other strategy. SM Ukraine can beat Imp Turkey, Imp Turkey can beat SM Ukraine. It's all about how you play, not the strategy you choose.
The bitterest truth is sometimes better than the sweetest lie - Griffin, MIB III
04.08.2013 - 23:05
نوشتع شده توسط sinanco, 01.08.2013 at 17:30

Well, I think that "None" is an awesome strategy and it carried me to 7,5th rank.

I've played against you twice (that I can remember). Once, you allied everyone and started taking my empty cities while I was fighting the other 2 guys. The second time, you pretended to leave ("I have to go, you win", "gg guys"). Then, instead of leaving, you stayed and reduced the turn time from 4min to 2min.

If you always play like this, it probably doesn't matter what strategy you use
04.08.2013 - 23:28
Using strategies is an important part of playing at your max. If you don't use them and you can actually handle it, that's fine. Though I assure you you'll carry out a very flavorless career on AW.
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
06.08.2013 - 02:24
Well theres pros and cons believe it or not..It all depends on your game style. Do you like playing defensive, offensive etc.. Playing without a strat wont effect any of your units. But if you play lets say Perfect Defense cause your a defensive player it boosts defense while lowering attack. Most pros will tell you Perfect Defense is one of the best strats in the game. :3
It's not the end.


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