مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
پست ها: 14   بازدید شده توسط: 52 users
08.07.2015 - 00:55
Death Squad Inc is one of the fastest growing clan. We are also a very active and 100+ members strong clan, maintaining 20 to 30 players online daily. (Infact, we are #1 active clan) if you love humor, socializing and active clan. Death Squad Inc is for you.

We cater to casual and hardcore. Howevrer, you must be rank 4 or higher. We are also starting up CW team.

So, we welcome everybody with open arms.

You can apply to join our clan or pm me for invitation.

08.07.2015 - 07:06
U got a spot for me? I dont like klevis dictatorship!!!!!

08.07.2015 - 09:12
Yes, we are open to everybody.
08.07.2015 - 17:16
 Heat Check (وزارت دفاع)
Good Luck

08.07.2015 - 21:41
This clan..... Lol
09.07.2015 - 09:36
نوشتع شده توسط Eon, 08.07.2015 at 00:55

You can apply to join our clan or pm me for invitation.


You dont need to apply to join her clan cuz autism is free for all!

09.07.2015 - 13:40
نوشتع شده توسط Al Fappino, 09.07.2015 at 09:36

نوشتع شده توسط Eon, 08.07.2015 at 00:55

You can apply to join our clan or pm me for invitation.


You dont need to apply to join her clan cuz autism is free for all!

What exactly makes your clan better then theirs?
09.07.2015 - 13:42
نوشتع شده توسط Google, 09.07.2015 at 13:40

نوشتع شده توسط Al Fappino, 09.07.2015 at 09:36

نوشتع شده توسط Eon, 08.07.2015 at 00:55

You can apply to join our clan or pm me for invitation.


You dont need to apply to join her clan cuz autism is free for all!

What exactly makes your clan better then theirs?

Long story short.

-Strenghtened Leadership
-Rules are enforced
-Active Forum
-Joint map projects
-Establishing a CW team
-Friendly Athmosphere
-Selection of members not membergrab

That's what matters in a clan, rules and stuff, not only activity of the clan..
09.07.2015 - 13:44
نوشتع شده توسط Al Fappino, 09.07.2015 at 13:42

نوشتع شده توسط Google, 09.07.2015 at 13:40

نوشتع شده توسط Al Fappino, 09.07.2015 at 09:36

You dont need to apply to join her clan cuz autism is free for all!

What exactly makes your clan better then theirs?

Long story short.

-Strenghtened Leadership
-Rules are enforced
-Active Forum
-Join map projects
-Establishing a CW team
-Friendly Athmosphere
-Selection of members not membergrab

No need to offend, this clan is like 7 days old. Even though I personally wouldn't join this kind of clan, it is a fun idea.
09.07.2015 - 13:46
I didnt offend lel, just speaking truth ^_^
10.07.2015 - 21:49
Fappy is just mad that a new RP is coming around. Never did like competition. And your list on how your clan is "better" than our; we are a very new clan so leadership is in development, we are working on a CW team, we are based on creating a community (so we provide a friendly environment), and we are looking to expand our community to any player who is interested in joining it. I would hardly call that member grabbing. Pretty much all your claims are void because we are doing the exact same thing. It just took us a week to start, not a number of months and a clan of people who hate us.
10.07.2015 - 22:50
نوشتع شده توسط Oregon, 10.07.2015 at 21:49

Fappy is just mad that a new RP is coming around. Never did like competition. And your list on how your clan is "better" than our; we are a very new clan so leadership is in development, we are working on a CW team, we are based on creating a community (so we provide a friendly environment), and we are looking to expand our community to any player who is interested in joining it. I would hardly call that member grabbing. Pretty much all your claims are void because we are doing the exact same thing. It just took us a week to start, not a number of months and a clan of people who hate us.

Like I said earlier to you, I cant consider garbage to be a competition, my clan was 5 hours old and already had rules and defined leadership.
My clan's based on creating a friendly environment clan, which members I think they are worthy (and all of them are) of being in it, but I'm not having this debate with degenerate.

Also nice cry thread, you're starting to sound like Waffel:

12.07.2015 - 09:41
God damn are you seriously arguing about which RP is better?
13.07.2015 - 07:57
نوشتع شده توسط Evic, 12.07.2015 at 09:41

God damn are you seriously arguing about which RP is better?

I dont consider his RP a match to any other RP, so it aint arguement, just amusing myself of seeing them rage on their clan forum about me LOL
Besides, both RP's are autistic, what's the point of arguing lol

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