مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
پست ها: 1   بازدید شده توسط: 42 users
28.03.2019 - 19:18
So now that I've baited you in here, let me first say this. Why are general icons broken, and why have they been broken for the past four years or so? I don't think I've ever seen my general icon in-game before, since I started playing here I haven't been able to see mine or others. But I have digressed;

Why don't we have custom unit icons in the way which we have a general icon? I saw the thread earlier regarding new unit icons but how about this--either you can keep the standard icon, or custom icon to represent bombers, infantry, marines, AA units, destroyers, and so on. This sounds awesome to me and creates a HUGE amount of creativity for people to draw their own icons so they wish, or just bring your own from any image on the web. I think this would be great for the community and would be very attractive in bringing in new users to the game. For scenarios with special units? Either leave them alone or hold the same policy, custom icons for any unit in the game no matter standard mode or scenario. What do we think ladies and gentlemen?

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