Land of free , home of the brave. Like the other 280+ countries dont have freedom nor brave people
What part of the national anthem states no other country has freedom nor bravery? Also, there are not even 200 countries in the world so if you are going to try and insult others please use facts not numbers you make up in your head.
Land of free , home of the brave. Like the other 280+ countries dont have freedom nor brave people
What part of the national anthem states no other country has freedom nor bravery? Also, there are not even 200 countries in the world so if you are going to try and insult others please use facts not numbers you make up in your head.
I ment 180+ countries mistype.
Well you guys clearly say land of free, home of brave which llogically means usa has the only land of free and home of brave and for both of them i totally disagree lol. Usa has the same freedom as 80% of other countries in the world and totally has no brave people. Oh if you call someone with best techonology army bombarding an unarmed village as brave then yes you guys got the bravest people ever