مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
پست ها: 5   بازدید شده توسط: 33 users
07.01.2016 - 15:35
I am trying to learn this game as a beginner.
Many times when I take a long move in casual, more than
say 5 or 10 minutes, I get kicked off of AtWar.

This is very frustrating because then I have to press the "reload"
button and start the entire move over again.

I've asked other beginners about this and they say the same
thing happens to them.

Are we doing something wrong?
Is there a time limit on casual moves or is this a glitch??
07.01.2016 - 16:10
Just end your turn every once in a while to save your move.
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
07.01.2016 - 16:23
Hey Nero:

ur assuming there are other players in the game who haven't taken their turn;
if there aren't, JB (a level 1) gets burned with a truncated move;

this "connection closed" thing is out of hand; if its a glitch;
is there any way to fix it?

also: do mods have the ability to kick some one during play by
executing the "connection closed" action?

I doubt that Ivan would give that kind of power to any mod,

if mods have this ability, players should be told about it;
and there should be guidelines as to when it can be used;
thank you
/s/ Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
16.01.2016 - 10:52
No you aren't doing anything wrong. The error occurs whenever the connection is interrupted between your computer and the atWar server. My guess is that the problem occurs when there are too many players playing at thew same time. John mentioned that one way to work around the problem is to end your turn periodically so that you don't lose all of your moves. This will work fine as long as you aren't the last player to move in that turn. If you are the last player and you select end turn it will 'end your turn'. Lol. A better solution which I suggested in a forum was to implement a 'save game' function that would save any moves but not end your turn. Making this type of a change is probably more complicated than it sounds, given the asynchronous nature of the game design i.e. all players take their turn simultaneously. Hope this clears up any confusion. Cheers...
17.01.2016 - 02:11
I got the same problem here as well.
I got no issue with everything else on the Internet (so far) but just having disconnection problem and it became more severe during peak hours, and effectively I can only play casual games...
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

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