12.04.2012 - 22:10
One time I was playing as the UK. It was pick two countries so I decided to mimic the British empire with UK and SA. I took over everything in the old world that the British ever had, besides India. So I went and tried to rape India, but he ended up with over 200 guys in his cap, and I had no money. Meanwhile, I was fighting South America in Africa as well, and was spending money there too. I eventually got him out of Africa, and focused on India. Once I took India, he asked me for it back if I lose. I said "Im not losing any time soon". He then pointed out that South America had the UK for 2/3 weeks. (Yes I know, 0/5) My closest countries were Ghana, Nigeria and Ireland. But with 20 people in my cap, Ireland could not recap me. Anyways. The reason was that 10 turns earlier, I suicided most of the people in my cap to save money. Im happy that wasnt the stupidest thing in the game though: A person had his cap in Mauritious, and then chose France. I agreed to ally him, because he was willing to help me with Germany. Anyways, in turn 20, he declares war on me while I have a huge empire in Africa, and he only has Mauritious. He dies, the end. Then there was Japan who had by far the most SP by turn 47, it was 50 weeks, and nobody was near him. I tried to convince him not to ally so he could get 2000 SP, but he ally ended anyways. It costed him 600 SP. Thats all! Post your stupidest game moments here!
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12.04.2012 - 23:40
Just to let you all know, this is from wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back when I was like rank 4 noob. -Made a 50k Eurasia game -Pick South Africa TG -When game starts make shit load of tanks -Conquer whole Africa with 4 main tank cores consisting of 50-65 tanks each -Got -12678325 or something like that debt -Decided to war China -China easily destroys my tank core "A" and tank core "C" -I somehow lost track of tank core "B" in Nigeria -China kills tank core "D" -10 turns of nonstop Chinese offenses in Africa and I finally find tank core "B" -Found the tank core too late because china was pushing towards capital and was currently at DR Congo -Rushed the tank core as fast as I could -Managed to get the tank core by South Africa's Capital before the 2 weeks -China spammed infantry in South Africa Capital gaining a force of about 70 -I lost I never play 50k games anymore, and when starting in Africa I always use GW. It happened to allow me to mass up to 1,000+ units in a game until income was like +10.
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
12.04.2012 - 23:49
Go into games played until I got 200 SP and then surrender.... Now I have a really bad win/loss ratio.
---- ~My plump juicy breasts are none of your god damn business~
13.04.2012 - 01:27
Played as U.S.A in "True WW2". Gave my allies lots of money but ended the game with like, 50 sp. Never again.
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
LDK اکانت حذف شد |
13.04.2012 - 03:22 LDK اکانت حذف شد
I once IF France 100+ and failed in UK, Italy and Spain o.O Not so stupid as a guy doing Turkey SM in 10k game though lol
13.04.2012 - 15:02
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
13.04.2012 - 15:19
1. Upset the mods admins more times than I can count 2. Turned to the Dark side 3. Started 2 "wars" (Basically TE and SRB throwing comments back and forth, with the latter being more mature about it) and left 5-7 clans gone 4. Let all of my friends down 5. Made a fool of myself 6. Wasn't very fair 7. Disrespected my superiors 8. Lost a whole list of friends through arrogance 9. Bitched about my feelings every second 10. Dragged people into my problems 11. Tried too hard to do nothing 12. Lost my reputation by being a dick to everyone 13. Constantly bitched about Solunae Penticus and made it everyone else's problem 14. Argued with Kanker 15. Argued with Vafika 16. Argued with Guest14502 17. Argued with Ironail 18. Argued with King cow 19. Argued with Ivan 20. Argued with NCM 21. Argued with Yoba 22. Argued with Fruit 23. Argued with Matt 24. Argued with Houdini 25. Argued with Pera 26. Argued with Baal 27. Argued with Zizou 28. Argued with TDFall 29. Let Mr Putin Man down 30. Let Alexxxxi down 31. Let Aksarben down 32. Let Shayke down 33. Let ULAP down 34. Let Undisputed down 35. Let Elite squad down 36. Ruined Every one of my clans 37. Ruined a lot of other clans 38. Ruined many other players reps 39. Played a role in the fall of NoE 40. Betrayed Warborn Legion 41. Yelled at Pinheiro for my faults 42. Blamed Zeroaintdead for my problems 43. Left 1000+ games out of pure arrogance (If I hadn't; I might have had a chance to have beaten Zizou in SP) 44. Act like everything I do is stupid/useless, and then cast it on others 45. Negate any sort of help anyone gave 46. Acted like a total attention whore 47. Ruined the forums for some 48. Ruined the game for some 49. I let Sificvoid down 50. I let you all down. The list goes on.
13.04.2012 - 15:23
Wow.... This is a long list but there are even worse lists than these
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
13.04.2012 - 15:36
I doubt there are. I added 40+ more btw.
13.04.2012 - 16:31
Nope still 1 player whom has made a bigger fail then all those combined ![]()
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
13.04.2012 - 16:38
No. I'm afterwinds Satan, and I deserve it for what I did.
13.04.2012 - 16:40
Mi no seem 2 think so. Argued with zizou? wtf..... he never speaks most of the time
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
13.04.2012 - 16:41
13.04.2012 - 16:43
hdrakon1 He was 2nd funniest person in AW but then had to go and get himself banned. (least we still got IfinlandI to cheer us up with laughter)
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
13.04.2012 - 16:44
Hdrakon1? He still has a better reputation.
13.04.2012 - 16:45
Let us have a poll then
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
13.04.2012 - 16:49
13.04.2012 - 16:52
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
15.04.2012 - 11:53
He allies everyone except one guy --> ecpands freely, kills that guy and backsatbs all his allies ![]()
15.04.2012 - 14:32
but he's also on my ignore list..
15.04.2012 - 20:07
Played marcjr 1v1, he was precious u.k., i was turkey he crushes me same scenario again, i pr him saying know how to beat him. i stack anti aircraft in all of my cities, only to find out he is GW. i played him alot, i never beat him though.
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