20.03.2017 - 21:03
This map is based in the year 1229. There are 4 religions that influence the game: Catholicism, Islam, Protestantism, and orthodoxy. The Catholics and Muslims start off at war. There are a couple of things in a game that influence the later game. ![]() Heresy mini-game ![]() This game is to simulate the devotion to Catholicism each catholic nation has. The six nations outside catholicism must try to take the cities of catholic nations with their special mini-game units. Religious Zeal - for preventing conversion, Heretic - for converting a catholic city to a heretic religion, Religious revolt - collateral damage unit used to disrupt religious order, Religious conversion - to convert a heretic city from heresy to catholicism. If a catholic nation loses all of their religious faith bases, they will become heretic. If they are heretic, the pope may excommunicate the player. If a country converts from catholic to another nation, they become one of the heretic nations and may take the cities of other catholics(only then may that be allowed, if they do when they're catholic, the pope can excommunicate them). Church Assets ![]() Every catholic nation has a city named "Church assets". They are property of the catholic church, and cannot be taken. If a catholic takes it then the Pope can excommunicate them. A catholic nation may only take the church asset city if a foreign nation takes it or they convert to a religion outside Catholicism. Religious Circle ![]() Each nation has a mercenary base in a section of the circle, to show their religious loyalty. When the reformation comes, the catholics will get units near their base that they can move to another section to convert religions. If a country converts from catholicism, the pope may take that country's mercenary base, disabling their Catholic-oriented mercenaries. The pope may only take catholic bases(if they convert) or else they're rogue Event wars A country may be assigned an event war, which allows catholics to war a specific nation. The pope MUST allow that war to go on until the assigned end. Make sure to read events to know when you will get a war or when the war ends. Race for the Throne ![]() This minigame simulates your status in the Empire, at the Top is the Emperor, the middle are Electorate states who vote for the next emperor, and the bottom are Non-HRE states and HRE states who have the opportunity to elevate their status in the empire. If a player makes it to the top of the hierarchy, they effectively become the new Holy Roman Emperor Rules 1. You must declare war unless you're required to war that nation or you have an event war against that nation. 2. You must give the country you're declaring war on one turn to prepare for the war (unless it's an event war or you're required to war that nation.) 3.The crusades end on turn 6, the Catholics must peace Muslims (if they're willing to peace, if not, they may continue) 4. Catholics CANNOT declare war on orthodox nations that are helping in a crusade. 5. You cannot use your heresy bases as justifications for war, they are FFA. 6. If the pope is rogue then the next pope will be whichever christian nation occupies Rome. 7. If a country is excommunicated, any Catholic has the right to declare war against them. 8. Catholics may wage war on nations that aren't required to be warred, with permission from the Pope. 9. Catholic nations may not convert religions until the reformation. 10. On turn 7, the peace of Augsburg allows all catholics to become protestant 11.Once the reformation comes a christian nation may convert to any religion of their choosing. (Even Islam, if they so choose.) 12.Once the reformation begins, all Catholics may ally members of opposite factions, however, they can't ally protestants. 13. On turn 15 the counter-reformation begins, any nations still within the Catholic church are now stuck as catholic. 14. If a nation becomes Protestant they are considered heretics by the Catholic church and are enemies of Catholics. (The pope may excommunicate you for allying them) 15.Catholics must purge heresy from Protestant nations until the end of the counter-reformation. (They must war, I don't mean purge heresy in the heresy mini-game). 16. Catholics are loyal to the pope. Papal States rules -The papal states is the leader of the catholic world, Catholics must get permission from them to war another catholic or another nation in general (only exception is if you get an event war, you're required to war that country, or you are warring an excommunicated nation) -The papal states can excommunicate(exclude nations from catholicism) nations for the following offenses
-The papal states can call for a crusade against another religion -The pope can grant indulgences for nations that committed crimes against the church, such as Heresy, Converting to a heretic religion, taking church assets(Although, you'll need to turn over the church assets city to the Pope once he forgives you), refusing to join crusades. (Indulgence costs are 500 cash) Holy Roman Empire/Holy Roman Emperor -As the Holy Roman Emperor you may: 1. Change the religion of the Empire 2. Declare war on nations(without Papal permission) that commit incursions on HRE lands 3. Wage wars on HRE nations that refuse to convert to the religion you set(without papal permission) 4.Revoke imperial status of a HRE state 5. Declare war (without papal permission) on nations holding lands that originally belonged to the HRE. 6. HRE states must listen to their emperor, the emperor's authority overshadows that of the Pope. -Holy Roman States that follow the religion set by the emperor MAY wage wars against other HRE nations that have not converted WITHOUT papal permission. -To become emperor you must claim the emperor city in the "race for the throne" minigame (Non-HRE states can become emperor as well) -Imperial states (countries with HRE in their name) must answer the call to arms if the Emperor requests their help or else the Emperor may revoke their Imperial status, effectively removing them from the empire. -Joining the empire is NOT allowed unless the nation joining was originally a holy roman state but their imperial status got revoked. -The emperor cannot kick a nation out of the empire for trying to take control of the throne Other important info: -Papal states experiences hyperinflation on turns 6-13 - If a country was excommunicated, they may buy an indulgence for their sin(a sum of 500 gold) -The counter-reformation ends on turn 22, Catholics may then take their Church assets. -Protestants are only allowed back in the Catholic church if the pope agrees. -Reform Desire units will spawn in every catholic nation's heresy cities once reformation begins and it'll have a cost of -150 income. The more heresy capitals you own the more reform desire you own. Up to about 20 reform desires which will give you about -2940 income -Units evolve at turn 12 - After the crusades end, Muslims will get mongol armies spawning in their lands to convince catholics to abandon their efforts. Once the counter-reformation ends, Protestant nations are no longer considered enemies of Catholicism and they may ally(if they choose)
04.04.2017 - 20:40
-Update- Version 2.0 is halfway completed. Soon there will be unique country-specific units once I finish it.
08.04.2017 - 16:08
-Update- Version 1.7 Has been released, the following things have been implemented: Papal hyperinflation and the HRE concept
09.04.2017 - 08:37
If people would read these, and actually play right it would be a great game! Still fun as it was but I suggest blacklisting fruity from the game, but that's just what I believe.
Freeman اکانت حذف شد |
11.04.2017 - 05:11 Freeman اکانت حذف شد
There was no Protestantism in 1229. But this scenario looks like an alternative to the 2 teams Wars of religion of Aetius.
11.04.2017 - 20:21
You missed the point, the game is meant to speed through time as the game progresses.
05.05.2017 - 20:49
Already played the game a couple of times, but the rules are being shit on, due being so many and people are shitheads. This ruins the whole map. i like your map anyway. Havent played the version yet with the emperor succession, but what advantages does an emperor have?
06.05.2017 - 10:19
he controls the holy roman empire, decides their religion, aand a few other things
06.05.2017 - 17:40
ye, I get it so far but how can u guarantee someone that they will actually obey you? U get more reinf? More money? Special troops?
09.05.2017 - 16:33
The Emperor gets claims on all starting HRE lands so they get free justification on nations outside the HRE controlling imperial land, they get 500 income from the throne city, they can decide the empire's religion, and they can remove a state from the empire.
10.05.2017 - 04:19
OK, that should do it, I like the map so far, tell us when u got some new stuff to share. Keeup up the good work.:thumbup:
04.02.2018 - 09:38
Http://www.strawpoll.me/15001012/ - Deciding whether or not to start the map from the reformation at the start, will make final decision in about 2 weeks.
07.08.2019 - 16:10
Version 2 updatelog: -Removed Latin Empire -Altered all of the units so now they can be effected by strategies -Added Mongol Empire player -Added more neutral territory in Russia -Castles are no longer spammable -Buildings introduced
07.08.2019 - 23:57
The borders in the east look weird (eastern Europe) on above screenshot
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
08.08.2019 - 00:10
This is the map i used for reference ![]()
08.08.2019 - 00:33
Ok here are my two maybe three critiques: - the east should be reshaped even if it doesn't meet historical accuracy, and other awkward borders too - there should be carpathian mountains, mountains in switzerland, etc. if there aren't (I only played this map once so I can't remember) - maybe some rivers if and only if it works out, I'm not a map maker so I don't know if rivers pan out well on these kind of maps - there should be crusader units with 150 attack, 100 defense, and 90 HP (60 cost) so the pope can invade all the muslims
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
08.08.2019 - 05:53
I think mountains should be added but that's about it. Nothing else really needs changing. Mountains are so underused, should be added to every map.
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
08.08.2019 - 06:46
The only problem is with mountains is that, doing something like that is harder to do in html5 because it's not possible to make the no-go areas actually visible without using a glitch(in silverlight you could draw a border on top of no-go's then disable that second country in scenario editor, thats not possible in html5 the editor just acts like that overlayed border doesn't even exist so you can't even select it in scenario editor). Nedris managed to glitch his map and as a result his no-gos became visible on html5 but relying on bugs to make it work isn't reliable because you never know whether or not it'll end up fucking your map over. I could put in no-go's but then people won't know where it is and complain "why can't i move my units!!!!!?"
21.08.2019 - 11:12
I wanna suggest that being Emperor should have some advantages,I would suggest using the mechanism of the Shogunate political where the Emperor has bases with op units and reduce the rules a little,if they are too many they could easily be avoided
22.08.2019 - 09:38
Emperor already has advantages -500 income from Emperor cities -Can kick people from HRE -Can change HRE's religion and make member states convert -Justification on all HRE lands(meaning they can war over HRE land even without Papal approval) Also simplification of rules = people can just find loopholes to break rules and argue that they aren't breaking any rules
26.09.2019 - 14:08
Updatelog version 2.5 -Reduced income from each Heresy minigame capital by 100 -Increased incomes of papal church lands by 50 -Mongol units slightly nerfed -Added "reform desire unit" once reformation begins reform desire units spawn in each catholic's heresy cities giving them -150 to their income, therefore the more heresy bases they own the more hits to their income they take. Individually(with just your own reform desire unit) it's -300 income but with all heresy bases combined it's a -2940 hit to your income. Used to prevent people farming heresy game for high income then spamming strong units late game.
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