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16.02.2014 - 16:52
2nd Official Middle Rank 1v1 Tournament
Tournament has concluded
Your host - Madara

Greetings atWar,

This is the 2nd installment of the Middle Rank Tourney series hosted by myself. Soon, I'll be hosting more varied versions of the tournament with different funds and settings. I will of course, ask the community for feedback so everyone will have a say! I've already designed medals and they'll be awarded as soon as we have our victors! The ranks for this tournament will be 5 - 8 thanks to the wonderful feedback from our community.

The first phase will be the sign up phase, which I will give at least 24 hours to complete. Once we have 32 players I'll start the tournament, post the bracket and release more information!

Default Match rules:
Game Type: Quick game*
Map: Europe+*
Turn duration: 4mins
Starting funds: 10k*
Maximum players: 2*
Joining until week: 0*
Victory: Capture player capital and hold for at least 2 turns*
Game duration: 50turns
Rares: None
Initial countries: 1*
Extra cities: On
Allow rejoining: Off

Settings marked with * are non negotiable

It is not allowed to move your units into enemy territory within the first turn.
No wallfucking in enemy home country in the first turn.
No re walling/wall glitching will be aloud in this tournament. Report anything like that with a screenshot.
If both players doesn't want to pick first at the country selection, then the player that has been drawn first, has to pick.
If there are players with several accounts; you can enter the tournament with just ONE of them. Entering the tournament with more accounts will lead to disqualification on all accounts. You will also be banned from any tournaments hosted by me. Oh, and no alternative accounts/alts.

Reporting your score:
Make a screenshot that will show who is the winner and post it here!
When your enemy cheated (by wallfucking in the first turn for example); make a screenshot of that happening, and also post it here.

Additional information:
I will be updating this page constantly.
It will be a 1 time knock-out system.

1st Round matches - You must play your 1st round matches by February 25th. After the 2th any players that were unable to play will be replaced or knocked out the tournament. The schedule will continue so, there will be one week for each round just like before!

1st Round Deadline - February 25th
2nd Round Deadline - March 4th
3rd Round Deadline - March 11th
Semi Finals Deadline - March 18th
Finals Deadline - March 25th

Live Bracket!

16.02.2014 - 16:55
<3 im in
не смотри где я - лучше смотри где ты
16.02.2014 - 17:02
Im in
16.02.2014 - 17:05
16.02.2014 - 17:09
16.02.2014 - 17:12
اکانت حذف شد
What if, for example, UK accidentally wallfucks Hamburg (Germany) with a transport used to attack Denmark?
16.02.2014 - 17:24
Welp, I guess sign me up this time. I was too late to join in the first one.
16.02.2014 - 17:46
اکانت حذف شد
نوشتع شده توسط Milkyy, 16.02.2014 at 17:24

Welp, I guess sign me up this time. I was too late to join in the first one.

LOL. GG tournament. Literally, I had a convo with people saying that you won't sign up so they have a chance. xD
16.02.2014 - 17:55
نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 16.02.2014 at 17:46

نوشتع شده توسط Milkyy, 16.02.2014 at 17:24

Welp, I guess sign me up this time. I was too late to join in the first one.

LOL. GG tournament. Literally, I had a convo with people saying that you won't sign up so they have a chance. xD

I'll put you on hold for a while BertanK. It may or may not be fair to everyone else. Then again, Steve Aoki joined so it might be unfair to exclude you. I'll save you a spot for now.

نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 16.02.2014 at 17:12

What if, for example, UK accidentally wallfucks Hamburg (Germany) with a transport used to attack Denmark?

Then Germany made too big of a wall and no one will be punished. I'll be making the decisions when it comes to special cases such as these.
16.02.2014 - 17:59
اکانت حذف شد
نوشتع شده توسط Madara, 16.02.2014 at 17:55

نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 16.02.2014 at 17:46

نوشتع شده توسط Milkyy, 16.02.2014 at 17:24

Welp, I guess sign me up this time. I was too late to join in the first one.

LOL. GG tournament. Literally, I had a convo with people saying that you won't sign up so they have a chance. xD

I'll put you on hold for a while BertanK. It may or may not be fair to everyone else. Then again, Steve Aoki joined so it might be unfair to exclude you. I'll save you a spot for now.

نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 16.02.2014 at 17:12

What if, for example, UK accidentally wallfucks Hamburg (Germany) with a transport used to attack Denmark?

Then Germany made too big of a wall and no one will be punished. I'll be making the decisions when it comes to special cases such as these.

Madara, I actually lol'd harder when you said that xD Poor bertie. I vote for not excluding him, he's rank 8 after all. Limitations is 5-8, you didn't say anything related to skills, therefore he should 100% be allowed.
By the way, it seems we are having a hard time measuring skills or whatsoever, ranks do not seem to be fair.
16.02.2014 - 18:01
نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 16.02.2014 at 17:59

نوشتع شده توسط Madara, 16.02.2014 at 17:55

نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 16.02.2014 at 17:46

نوشتع شده توسط Milkyy, 16.02.2014 at 17:24

Welp, I guess sign me up this time. I was too late to join in the first one.

LOL. GG tournament. Literally, I had a convo with people saying that you won't sign up so they have a chance. xD

I'll put you on hold for a while BertanK. It may or may not be fair to everyone else. Then again, Steve Aoki joined so it might be unfair to exclude you. I'll save you a spot for now.

نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 16.02.2014 at 17:12

What if, for example, UK accidentally wallfucks Hamburg (Germany) with a transport used to attack Denmark?

Then Germany made too big of a wall and no one will be punished. I'll be making the decisions when it comes to special cases such as these.

Madara, I actually lol'd harder when you said that xD Poor bertie. I vote for not excluding him, he's rank 8 after all. Limitations is 5-8, you didn't say anything related to skills, therefore he should 100% be allowed.
By the way, it seems we are having a hard time measuring skills or whatsoever, ranks do not seem to be fair.

I excluded someone because of their skills before, I'd do it again.
16.02.2014 - 18:07
اکانت حذف شد
نوشتع شده توسط Madara, 16.02.2014 at 18:01

نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 16.02.2014 at 17:59

نوشتع شده توسط Madara, 16.02.2014 at 17:55

نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 16.02.2014 at 17:46

نوشتع شده توسط Milkyy, 16.02.2014 at 17:24

Welp, I guess sign me up this time. I was too late to join in the first one.

LOL. GG tournament. Literally, I had a convo with people saying that you won't sign up so they have a chance. xD

I'll put you on hold for a while BertanK. It may or may not be fair to everyone else. Then again, Steve Aoki joined so it might be unfair to exclude you. I'll save you a spot for now.

نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 16.02.2014 at 17:12

What if, for example, UK accidentally wallfucks Hamburg (Germany) with a transport used to attack Denmark?

Then Germany made too big of a wall and no one will be punished. I'll be making the decisions when it comes to special cases such as these.

Madara, I actually lol'd harder when you said that xD Poor bertie. I vote for not excluding him, he's rank 8 after all. Limitations is 5-8, you didn't say anything related to skills, therefore he should 100% be allowed.
By the way, it seems we are having a hard time measuring skills or whatsoever, ranks do not seem to be fair.

I excluded someone because of their skills before, I'd do it again.

Ok then. Though; ranks are not determined by a person, they are determined by the game itself *All tournaments limitations are based on ranks*, and there still has not been found a viable way to measure skills, so this is based on a person's opinion. You shouldn't bother making a whole new poll for this. So, can you make a rule/statement, saying that entry limitation is 5-8 BUT people may be rejected if they're considered too good for the tourney?
16.02.2014 - 18:23
Semantics alex, we all know bert is an op rank 8, but then again so are cvaj and steve aoki. the thing is though this is a mid rank tourney designed to find the strongest mid rank. who knows, perhaps a lil tough competition on the ladder might force the other mid ranks to up their game.
16.02.2014 - 19:21
Uhm, well alright. If you really want to, you can put me on hold. Though, as you said, there are some other good rank 8's. Also, everyone can fuck up here and there, get unlucky etc. Everything is possible ;o
16.02.2014 - 19:32
The best solution is ranks between #-# registered before date #/##/#### if you are so concerned about people with 2-3 years experience in AW but still fit the rank range. Works if the idea behind this is for up and coming players. Just make this more of a 'Rising Stars' Challenge.
نوشتع شده توسط Amok, 12.03.2012 at 07:05

Why? It's much easier with the popup thingie buttons...

نوشتع شده توسط Amok, 15.05.2013 at 06:51

Wow man, you're so wrong, I don't even know where to begin with
16.02.2014 - 19:34
I guess I'm in.
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that...?" - The Riddler

16.02.2014 - 19:55
Alright, since we have some players with huge experience I'm going to put them all on hold. I'll put up a list of these players as well. If we need them to fill in extra spaces in the tournament I'll add them depending on who signed up first. Make sense everyone?
16.02.2014 - 22:00
I'm in.

Is rewalling (aka. wallglitching) allowed in this tourney?
16.02.2014 - 22:33
Count me in!
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
16.02.2014 - 23:13
Sign me up pls

got no experience with 1v1 at all but this sounds fun
16.02.2014 - 23:17
نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 16.02.2014 at 17:12

What if, for example, UK accidentally wallfucks Hamburg (Germany) with a transport used to attack Denmark?

That isnt 'accidentially' - imo a transport on the shore of enemy country in turn 1 is the same as moving troops into enemy territory.
17.02.2014 - 02:16
I like my chances in this tournament only see a few rivals
17.02.2014 - 02:27

Commando Eagle (spectator): egg strongest rank 7
17.02.2014 - 06:31
17.02.2014 - 08:40
So in this. Lol'd at Bert being put on hold, i guess this is a 5-non op rank 8's tourney but that makes our (lower ranks) chances better!
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

17.02.2014 - 09:07
For what it is worth, I think it is more unfair to withhold a particular Rank 8 from playing than to allow very good Rank 8 players to play. Why should we punish players for being good? There was a poll that determined ranks 5-8 should be included, and I believe that should stand without exceptions. That is just my opinion though.
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."
17.02.2014 - 09:33
Its should be made 5-7, rank 8s are going to dominate this tournament like last time and the lower ranks wont stand a chance.
17.02.2014 - 09:44
نوشتع شده توسط Spart, 17.02.2014 at 09:07

Why should we punish players for being good?

If u are a noob and u fight only vs other noobs,u will stay noob forever.

This is 5 - 8 rank tournament,so madara dont be crazy lol,all ranks 8 have right to participate.

17.02.2014 - 09:58
نوشتع شده توسط Spart, 17.02.2014 at 09:07

For what it is worth, I think it is more unfair to withhold a particular Rank 8 from playing than to allow very good Rank 8 players to play. Why should we punish players for being good? There was a poll that determined ranks 5-8 should be included, and I believe that should stand without exceptions. That is just my opinion though.

Same. Sorry for quoting you again lol
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

17.02.2014 - 10:52
I agree with mauzer and spart. I believe that if I'm able to play, all rank 8s should be able to play. Either let all rank 8s play or none at all.
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that...?" - The Riddler


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