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پست ها: 34   بازدید شده توسط: 162 users
17.03.2018 - 11:22

Supporters will be organizing the protocoins drop every week, checkout this thread for more information:



Original message:

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I've hosted two protocoins tournament, one for ranks 0 to 6, and another for ranks 7+.

High Ranks - https://atwar-game.com/games/?link=7245714943
Beginners - https://atwar-game.com/games/?link=9175714948

High Ranks Tourney Settings:
Whole World, 4 mins, 100 turns, FFA, [locked] settings.
#1 placer gets 1000 PCs, #2 to #5 gets 400 PCs, #5 to #10 gets 200 PCs.

Beginners Tourney Settings:
Whole World, 4 mins, 50 turns, 1 ally, unlocked settings
# place gets 800 protocoins each, #2 place gets 600 protocoins each, #3 to #5 gets 400 Protocoins each.
PCs rewards will be given based on teams (a single player count as a team, too).
Single-man-teams that manages to reach the top 5 will get double the team's prize and 400 PCs as a reward (so if the #1 team by SP happened to be a single player, he gets 800 + 800 + 400 = 2 000 protocoins!).

Everything allowed by the game is also allowed in the tourney (backstab, rewall, you name it). You can change your team or act alone. If for some reason your team have to leave or dies, and he was still your team when he dies, then your team can count with his SP as long as you don't ally anyone else.

Alts in the beginners tourney that have an account higher that rank 7 won't be considered for the rewards.

In case I'm not on, screenshots and evidence must be provided.

Another tournament will be hosted in 7 hours since this post. Details will be provided 10 minutes before the tourney.

17.03.2018 - 11:27
''People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.''
17.03.2018 - 11:39
I can move the date earlier if there's enough demands. Europeans might be sleeping at that time.

Is 8PM UK Time ok? (that is, in 3 hours and half).

Upvote this post if you'd like it to be moved!
17.03.2018 - 11:42
But we've got salah

17.03.2018 - 14:21
Both tournaments just ended, their winners were rewarded. There doesn't appears to be enough interest to host them now (7:20PM UK Time), so I'll try again in 4 more hours. Do note that it depends on activity though.
17.03.2018 - 14:34
I still can't believe i managed to win the high rank tournament ... Anyways

Thank you for hosting this- please know that we appreciate all of ur efforts and hard work. We are lucky to have you as an admin
17.03.2018 - 15:07
اکانت حذف شد
نوشتع شده توسط clovis1122, 17.03.2018 at 11:39

I can move the date earlier if there's enough demands. Europeans might be sleeping at that time.

Is 8PM UK Time ok? (that is, in 3 hours and half).

Upvote this post if you'd like it to be moved!

nice upvote farm!!
17.03.2018 - 15:13
اکانت حذف شد
نوشتع شده توسط clovis1122, 17.03.2018 at 14:21

Both tournaments just ended, their winners were rewarded. There doesn't appears to be enough interest to host them now (7:20PM UK Time), so I'll try again in 4 more hours. Do note that it depends on activity though.

there are alot fof players online and all of them can play so...i think u can host now (:
17.03.2018 - 15:39
نوشتع شده توسط xBugs, 17.03.2018 at 14:34

I still can't believe i managed to win the high rank tournament ... Anyways

I can, the sum of your alts sp is roughly r11.
17.03.2018 - 17:22
نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 17.03.2018 at 15:39

نوشتع شده توسط xBugs, 17.03.2018 at 14:34

I still can't believe i managed to win the high rank tournament ... Anyways

I can, the sum of your alts sp is roughly r11.

You're a foolish person, I'll just ignore what you say. Also, I have decided to remove you from my e-list and put you in my buddy list... because no person with such innocence can be called a threat or an enemy to bugs bunny. Therefore, you're rather a buddy to me... Yay?

Still, watch how I win all tournaments. It's inevitable Lao. There is just no way i can lose (when enraged ofc) lol
17.03.2018 - 22:13
نوشتع شده توسط clovis1122, 17.03.2018 at 11:22

Hey Clovis,

First of all, thank you for your dedication, and the immense breath of fresh air to this game.

I was wondering ... will there be some tournaments (or even better ... developments?) for casual players some time?
We just finished a casual tournament a couple of months ago (https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=35829), and ... well ... let me quote myself (taking the risk of sounding pretentious, but really, i just want to avoid reformulating all my thoughts):

نوشتع شده توسط Noir Brillant, 03.02.2018 at 22:57

3- Finally, I want to point out the fact that we finished this 32 player casual tournament in less than 2 months - less time than the 64 player quick tournament. Not a fair comparison in all aspects, but still, i think we can conclude, in a sense, that casual tournaments are viable.
Now this brings me to my main point: there exists an interest in casual play. And I believe it's stronger than many players suspect. And my personal conviction is that if some key problems were addressed, casual games would thrive at an unbelievable rate. So I will use the success of the tournament as an opportunity to request a single improvement that would revolutionize casual game play, and I obviously mean implementing the famous "Turn 0".
Implementing "Turn 0" would have a huge increase in fair play for casual games. The casual game community could take advantage of the incredible work done by the quick game community in terms of strategy balancing, mapmaking, openings, etc. [...] And competitiveness would not only thrive because of tournaments, but also because it would allow CWs to be started in a more accessible way.
I firmly believe that it would attract a lot of new players. I also believe it's time for the casual community to receive an improvement it deserves. I know the map maker is the priority #1, but I cannot close this tournament without one last plea to Ivan, Amok, and Clovis1122 to implement this "Turn 0" sooner than later.

What do you think? Could this "turn 0" be something feasible in the "near" future?

Thank you
18.03.2018 - 06:08
نوشتع شده توسط Noir Brillant, 17.03.2018 at 22:13

What do you think? Could this "turn 0" be something feasible in the "near" future?

18.03.2018 - 06:45
نوشتع شده توسط clovis1122, 18.03.2018 at 06:08

نوشتع شده توسط Noir Brillant, 17.03.2018 at 22:13

What do you think? Could this "turn 0" be something feasible in the "near" future?


Hi clovis, could we have more casual tourneys?

Asians like me are unable to participate in the quick ones

18.03.2018 - 14:07
نوشتع شده توسط clovis1122, 18.03.2018 at 06:08

نوشتع شده توسط Noir Brillant, 17.03.2018 at 22:13

What do you think? Could this "turn 0" be something feasible in the "near" future?


Wow, thank you, that would be awesome.
18.03.2018 - 14:53
Next protocoins tourney just began!

18.03.2018 - 18:12

Strong game, thx Don for sponsoring.

Next tourney will be the next weekend! I'll try to announce the date beforehand so that more players can participate.

I'm unsure what would'be an appropriated way to host a casual protocoins tournament? if someone have some insights on what to do I'll gladly hear.

18.03.2018 - 18:26
نوشتع شده توسط clovis1122, 18.03.2018 at 18:12

Strong game, thx Don for sponsoring.

Next tourney will be the next weekend! I'll try to announce the date beforehand so that more players can participate.

I'm unsure what would'be an appropriated way to host a casual protocoins tournament? if someone have some insights on what to do I'll gladly hear.


Rip my exam i played this game instead of sleeping for my exam
18.03.2018 - 22:01
نوشتع شده توسط clovis1122, 18.03.2018 at 18:12

I'm unsure what would'be an appropriated way to host a casual protocoins tournament? if someone have some insights on what to do I'll gladly hear.


I think that same settings as your high rank tournament, but with 48h turns, would be perfect.

You can start the game with a small country (like Cyprus), and let everyone join on turn 1, and when the game is full, you surrender. Just my two cents.
19.03.2018 - 01:05
A mod cancelled my connection packets 1 min before the game started just so that mod can join and play which was very dirty, imo. But also, very very foolish if you ask me

Anyways, I knew you would win Froyer... Good job
19.03.2018 - 07:06
نوشتع شده توسط Froyer, 18.03.2018 at 18:26

نوشتع شده توسط clovis1122, 18.03.2018 at 18:12

Strong game, thx Don for sponsoring.

Next tourney will be the next weekend! I'll try to announce the date beforehand so that more players can participate.

I'm unsure what would'be an appropriated way to host a casual protocoins tournament? if someone have some insights on what to do I'll gladly hear.


Rip my exam i played this game instead of sleeping for my exam

Worth 100%....Just dont continue like this xd
19.03.2018 - 07:12
Can we have more please?

19.03.2018 - 08:40
Did I win
21.03.2018 - 00:39
Deez Nuts

24.03.2018 - 19:38
Yo, sorry I couldn't host one today. Nonetheless here are the tournaments for tomorrow.

A quick tournament will start tomorrow at 2 PM UK Time. It will be FFA and it will only last 25 turns. Rewards will be given to the players by SP. #1 place gets 1000 PCs. #2 place gets 400 PCs. #3 to #20 place gets 25 PCs for participating.

There will also be a casual tournament starting tomorrow, I'll give the link when it is available. I will join alone as Cyprus and leave the next turn. Link will be announced in public channels and posted here right after the game starts. It will be 48 hours, FFA for 500 turns. Max joining will be set to 99. Rejoining will be disabled. The initial reward for whoever wins by Game Rules (capped everybody or just won by SP) will be of 4000 PCs. Everytime someone manages to survive 50 turns he'll get 500 PCs and the initial reward is lowered by 500 PCs as well - so be fast at killing everybody!

Like in the previous tourneys, there are no rules (Casual Players should understand the implications here). Let me know what you think via this thread.

Both tourneys will be Rank 7+ ( sorry beginners, I'll prepare something cool for you guys next week ).

25.03.2018 - 08:52
Noice i need more proto coins to get prem
25.03.2018 - 11:06

Strong game, congratulations to the winners!
08.05.2018 - 06:53

The casual game is still running and there are 6 players left. Remember that there will be a reward to every player every 50 turns, even if that player latejoined at Turn 49. Whoever is still in that game, be fast at killing everybody!

Supporters will be hosting the protocoins events from now on, but I'll still keep watching the casual game.
21.05.2018 - 05:35
What if u die turn 50

Commando Eagle (spectator): egg strongest rank 7
21.05.2018 - 06:33
نوشتع شده توسط egg123, 21.05.2018 at 05:35

What if u die turn 50


On a side note, congratulations to the survivors! (And the latejoiners ). I've give everybody 500 PCS, for a total of 4500 PCs spent. Since the game's reward is already over (was 4000 PCs), I'll make some changes to keep the game interesting:

1. There will be a new reward of 2000 PCs to the winner.
2. Whoever is in the game by turn 60 get 200 PCs and the new reward is lowered by 200 PCs as well.

I encourage all the players in the game to kill his opponent as fast as possible! You don't want X guy to give up and leave, his countries would then be occupied by latejoiners. The bigger the opponent, the more lethal it will be.

21.05.2018 - 19:21
Allowing players to join until the end is ridiculous. I didn't even know about this when I joined the game, and quite frankly, I don't really care. I'm playing to win and seeing six guys show up to grab 500 protocoins without any effort put forth or even any interest in winning is weak AF. Game started with 20 players, we were down to the final three and then this crap. Lame.
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