مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
پست ها: 44   بازدید شده توسط: 111 users

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ارسال شده توسط RainBow!, 05.07.2014 - 02:14

I can't stand these guys, they don't talk, but they just keep backstabbing. Seriously, tell me how to deal with them. This is a scenario WWII game, so there is no way to end alliance. Should atWar introduce a way to give the owner a confirmation whether or not to have the territory transferred.
07.07.2014 - 02:38
Black Shark
اکانت حذف شد
Omg, what was I saying? This kind of backstabbing is annoying. Pls ban.
07.07.2014 - 02:59
نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 07.07.2014 at 02:17

نوشتع شده توسط Quantum027, 06.07.2014 at 22:33

its called jewing

no antisemitism

Why not?

kidding, kidding
07.07.2014 - 03:47
Do people read what i say

نوشتع شده توسط Guest, 07.07.2014 at 02:38

Omg, what was I saying? This kind of backstabbing is annoying. Pls ban.

I already said...

نوشتع شده توسط Professor Adog, 05.07.2014 at 04:02

نوشتع شده توسط RainBow!, 05.07.2014 at 02:14

I can't stand these guys, they don't talk, but they just keep backstabbing. Seriously, tell me how to deal with them. This is a scenario WWII game, so there is no way to end alliance. Should atWar introduce a way to give the owner a confirmation whether or not to have the territory transferred.

This is tik tok's ww2, I'll take care of this, they're banned.

07.07.2014 - 03:48
نوشتع شده توسط Quantum027, 06.07.2014 at 22:33

To the original post ~ Just screenshot them doing it and send to tik tok or adog, since this is a scenario with teams it isn't backstabbing, its called jewing, which is taken seriously if it hurts the game, usually no one cares if its the last couple turns and if you already won but if it was in fact ruining game. This is a serious issue just send ss to adog or tik tok and they be banned. Mods cant and wont do anything about it.

Yes report to Tik-Tok or me, and we shall take care of this, if not ...nothing will happen. Backstabbing in a team game is just retardation.

07.07.2014 - 08:25
Wut? Backstabbing in team game? Huehuehuehue...

RP/UN generate great collateral damage!
08.07.2014 - 16:42
Black Shark
اکانت حذف شد
نوشتع شده توسط Columna Durruti, 07.07.2014 at 08:25

Wut? Backstabbing in team game? Huehuehuehue...

RP/UN generate great collateral damage!
It's just RP. No one played a LoN or a UN in months.
08.07.2014 - 20:16
نوشتع شده توسط Professor Adog, 07.07.2014 at 03:48

نوشتع شده توسط Quantum027, 06.07.2014 at 22:33

To the original post ~ Just screenshot them doing it and send to tik tok or adog, since this is a scenario with teams it isn't backstabbing, its called jewing, which is taken seriously if it hurts the game, usually no one cares if its the last couple turns and if you already won but if it was in fact ruining game. This is a serious issue just send ss to adog or tik tok and they be banned. Mods cant and wont do anything about it.

Yes report to Tik-Tok or me, and we shall take care of this, if not ...nothing will happen. Backstabbing in a team game is just retardation.

I sent a message to TIk-Tok but no reply from him.
10.07.2014 - 10:55
نوشتع شده توسط RainBow!, 08.07.2014 at 20:19

That player is XxXrenitoXxX just for info. http://atwar-game.com/users/profile.php?user_id=488644

Tik-Tok never replies, he's pissed off mods aren't putting the auto ban feature in yet.

10.07.2014 - 15:01
Play games without backstabbing, use 1 unit in cities minimum, try to fix it with the host, try to fix it with atwar's devs, and if all else fails:

- Cry
- Drink bleach
- Stomach pumped
- Therapy
- Repeat the above
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
10.07.2014 - 16:23
نوشتع شده توسط Professor Adog, 10.07.2014 at 10:55

Tik-Tok never replies, he's pissed off mods aren't putting the auto ban feature in yet.

If mods could they would! Do you really think it depends on us?
10.07.2014 - 16:25
نوشتع شده توسط Columna Durruti, 10.07.2014 at 16:23

نوشتع شده توسط Professor Adog, 10.07.2014 at 10:55

Tik-Tok never replies, he's pissed off mods aren't putting the auto ban feature in yet.

If mods could they would! Do you really think it depends on us?

Mods are like jews, we blame them for everything, but deep down we know they are cute

12.07.2014 - 03:15
I still don't understand how the fact that mods are being held accountable for admin responsibilities doesn't cause them any outrage. And it's not the first time either.
13.07.2014 - 15:22
نوشتع شده توسط Columna Durruti, 10.07.2014 at 16:23

نوشتع شده توسط Professor Adog, 10.07.2014 at 10:55

Tik-Tok never replies, he's pissed off mods aren't putting the auto ban feature in yet.

If mods could they would! Do you really think it depends on us?

In that case, ~CD for ADMIN!!

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