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ارسال شده توسط Witch-Doctor, 28.05.2016 - 19:29
I suppose it perfectly fits the nature of your clan name that you people have decided for no reason to ban playing cw vs epic clan if I was in the game right?

When I spoke to your members, the reason I got was
"I'm an alt"

I guess me deciding to split my ties with hdrakon and going off with my own account was a bad thing in the eyes of ENIGMA.

Now you can all stop pretending that you all came to this consensus and it wasn't the work of one member.
You can also stop pretending that "I'm an alt" is the only reason you refuse to play epic clan if I'm in the game.

I just want to congratulate you guys on making Clan Wars even more stagnant. You're free to point out whatever you feel Epic Clan might have done too, but it does not excuse the fact that you people are abusing the current clan wars mechanics.

I want to highlight that you are abusing the fact that clan wars are entirely optional (unlike many other games where it is mandatory that you play vs another clan )

It is clear to me that not all of ENIGMA or former ENIGMA members (prom) appreciate such policies. So thanks to those who don't.

Why don't you all get off your high horses and realize your policy of "banning" people from clan wars such as Critical is the reason why you are ranked below Mystics, a dead clan.
29.05.2016 - 11:48
نوشتع شده توسط 1GodofWar1, 29.05.2016 at 10:00

quite frankly its none of your business who we want to play and who not just like i dont go sticking my nose in stalins martians or for that matter any clan please keep your nose out of our backyard.
we dont play alt accs and if anyone has a problem with it just jump on your main and we will cw you....
thanks again for showing you think your some sort of demi god like we care what you think.
and this goes for anyone who thinks its their right to tell us who and what to play on an online game XAXAXA
now fuck off.
good day sir.

It's a small community and it is the buisness of anyone who enjoys clanwars. So sorry but i will give my opinion whether you care or not. Don't be too surprised when others direct the same level of disapproval in your direction too.

You with your fear of higher ranks and petty issues with alts are fucking with the already fragile cw activity. Congratulations on being the new MOU.
29.05.2016 - 12:10
نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 11:48

نوشتع شده توسط 1GodofWar1, 29.05.2016 at 10:00

quite frankly its none of your business who we want to play and who not just like i dont go sticking my nose in stalins martians or for that matter any clan please keep your nose out of our backyard.
we dont play alt accs and if anyone has a problem with it just jump on your main and we will cw you....
thanks again for showing you think your some sort of demi god like we care what you think.
and this goes for anyone who thinks its their right to tell us who and what to play on an online game XAXAXA
now fuck off.
good day sir.

It's a small community and it is the buisness of anyone who enjoys clanwars. So sorry but i will give my opinion whether you care or not. Don't be too surprised when others direct the same level of disapproval in your direction too.

You with your fear of higher ranks and petty issues with alts are fucking with the already fragile cw activity. Congratulations on being the new MOU.

Dang harsh diss on GOW
It's not the end.

29.05.2016 - 13:41
نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 11:48

You with your fear of higher ranks and petty issues with alts are fucking with the already fragile cw activity.

Aqollo is a Rank 8, ROYAL is a Rank 10 as is gow. How is a fear of higher ranks related to this case?
And if the CW activity is fragile, that is the fault of all high ranks who have a sense of superiority and who discourage low ranks getting better, and mods that go inactive and can't be bothered to do their jobs.
There was a thread where a rank 1 complained about getting beat again and again. So many people told him to just leave and stop whining instead of actually helping. #Rankism
And as for petty issues with alts, Enigma is free to choose who it wants to play with. Every clan has its own rules. One of Enigma's happens to be, we don't play with alts. You may argue that ROYAL is the alt, but heat already answered that above ^
If Enigma wants to self-limit the games it can play, that's its business, and its problem. This isn't just a cry thread, it's a cry for attention. And you're obliging him.

When you Google "traits of a peacock" you get this:
The peacock is a showy bird, with its bright colors and beautiful tail feathers. It struts around, flashing those feathers to attract the females. Thus, its not hard to imagine that a person with the personality traits of a peacock is someone who adores attention.
And then there's ROYAL's new pen-name: Peacock. Fitting no? Peacock

29.05.2016 - 14:19
نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 07:58

I actually agree with him. The pool of clans to play is too small to be refusing certain ones over stupid reasons. It is not like he is hiding the fact he is playing on the aqollo account. I don't know the specifics of whatever reason you guys won't play him, but if thats it it's pretty poor. Besides i completely understand why he is using this new account. Hdrakon is not somebody you want to be associated with.

Okey, agree with him all you want but let me explain you this very little details you should have in mind.

- What for you might seem stupid, for others could be important. Example: strategy buffs and nerfs. It's all a matter of views which can not be discussed nor should be critizised, everyone will obviously have its own opinions on every matter. One thing you should answer is if you would cw a clan which is suspicious of having used bugs or whatever cheat on your cw in the past. If you answer yes, good for you, keep losing to his bugs. If you say no, according to your opinion, you're commiting a terrible mistake.

- Cws are not mandatory, as aqollo said. We care more about ourselves than about the wish of others to cw. This is the same with many other clans, which will cw 10 time one clan while only cwing 1 time another clan. Same goes for the dueling scene, where some people won't duel others cause of lower elo or whatever reason (Aqollo knows about this and has already cried in public about it while he does the same exact thing). For example, why haven't Epic Clan fought Aristokrats in like 15 days? Maybe Aqollo knows

- Every clan has its rules. Enigma's rule is to not cw alts, so I'll respect it. I'm sure you have your own rules, written or not. I'll respect them too.

- There is absolutely no need at all to involve hdrakon in this matter lao... that's very low of you and I don't respect it at all. Very arrogant of you.

- If you think there are not enough pool of clans, why don't you do the efford of starting a new one to train newbies and thus expanding the pool of clans? Complain all you like, if the circunstances are like this, it is OUR fault.

- If he has a problem with Enigma, he should reconsider what he has done. If he wanted to solve something, he has only made things worse by crying to the community something that is not their issue. If he wanted to achieve something with this, he has screwed really hard. There's something called private messages for these situations...

Btw, I wanted to make you know that I personally don't care too much about cws nor feel very associated with it so don't start it with the "cws are a must and there aren't enough". There's no need for them, we just play them for the fun and if we find we are not having fun, we will just not play them.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

29.05.2016 - 14:21
نوشتع شده توسط Darth., 29.05.2016 at 13:41

And if the CW activity is fragile .... and mods that go inactive and can't be bothered to do their jobs.

How is mods going inactive related to CWs - they don't force people to play CWs so I'm not sure how they relate to the issue of Apollo not being allowed to play.

Also why does ENIGMA seem so defensive? All of ENIGMA has more or less just attacked peoples opinions in this whole thread. Clovis who isn't in ENIGMA has provided more value than ENIGMA members to this thread.

By the looks of it you seem to want to encourage players (low ranks to play competitive), but you turn away higher ranks - how does that make sense? Nice contradiction there.
PS: Searching up a players name doesn't mean anything, Darth (Darth Vader) was an @##hole who betrayed his friends and slaughtered kids. That makes him a piece of sh!t, are you also a piece of sh!t?
Be Humble
29.05.2016 - 14:26
نوشتع شده توسط Darkmace, 29.05.2016 at 14:21

Also why does ENIGMA seem so defensive? All of ENIGMA has more or less just attacked peoples opinions in this whole thread. Clovis who isn't in ENIGMA has provided more value than ENIGMA members to this thread.

Easy. Once you are attacked publicly like aqollo has done without talking things privately, you feel offended. This is not meant to be public. Anyways, we shouldn't even have to argue this, it is OUR decision over OUR cws. Why the heck do you guys even care? Everyone can cw whoever he pleases...

نوشتع شده توسط Darkmace, 29.05.2016 at 14:21

By the looks of it you seem to want to encourage players (low ranks to play competitive), but you turn away higher ranks - how does that make sense? Nice contradiction there.

Dark, pls, do I really have to explain this again!? CLAN RULES STATE NOT TO CW ALTS, NOTHING RELATED TO HIGH RANKS. Nice reading skills

Come back again later, once you realize where you are picking your nose in
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

29.05.2016 - 14:31
 Witch-Doctor (وزارت دفاع)
نوشتع شده توسط RaulPB, 29.05.2016 at 14:26

نوشتع شده توسط Darkmace, 29.05.2016 at 14:21

Also why does ENIGMA seem so defensive? All of ENIGMA has more or less just attacked peoples opinions in this whole thread. Clovis who isn't in ENIGMA has provided more value than ENIGMA members to this thread.

Easy. Once you are attacked publicly like aqollo has done without talking things privately, you feel offended. This is not meant to be public. Anyways, we shouldn't even have to argue this, it is OUR decision over OUR cws. Why the heck do you guys even care? Everyone can cw whoever he pleases...

This is why clan wars need to be mandatory like every other competitive games that involve clans. Clan A declares war on Clan B, clan B has to play or forfeit.
29.05.2016 - 14:36
نوشتع شده توسط Witch-Doctor, 29.05.2016 at 14:31

This is why clan wars need to be mandatory like every other competitive games that involve clans. Clan A declares war on Clan B, clan B has to play or forfeit.

Other games are other games. This is AW. Let's not turn AW into another game just because certain circunstance allows you to prove a point, because it doesn't prove anything. One plays a cw if he wants to, if cws were mandatory even less people would be in any clan, even less clans would be made. This game would lose 80% of the people that play in none competitive clans. If one must play something when he doesn't feel like doing it, then why is this a game and not my job? Pay me and I'll do whatever you insist in doing! If you want such thing to happen, start a cw tournament and any clan that wishes to participate will inscribe. You are not anyone in charge of telling another clan what to do.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

29.05.2016 - 14:40
نوشتع شده توسط Darth., 29.05.2016 at 13:41

you made way too many points and accusations for me to even begin to address them all. I am just going to hone in on the high rank point. It is my own personal gripe with clans like enigma who fuss about ranks before every cw and refuse cws based on this. I can understand it come the seasons end when stakes are high but doing this all season just prevents their lowerranks/weaker players from gaining experience vs better players and improving. Note how 1 month ago stalins martians had 950 elo. We were training our members. Enigma should try this too. Right now they are doing the community a disservice. They are doing you a disservice. I know enigma members who have complained about this, i know members who have left because of this. And the finger has been mostly pointed at Godofwar.

نوشتع شده توسط RaulPB, 29.05.2016 at 14:19

- What for you might seem stupid, for others could be important. Example: strategy buffs and nerfs. It's all a matter of views which can not be discussed nor should be critizised, everyone will obviously have its own opinions on every matter. One thing you should answer is if you would cw a clan which is suspicious of having used bugs or whatever cheat on your cw in the past. If you answer yes, good for you, keep losing to his bugs. If you say no, according to your opinion, you're commiting a terrible mistake.

Hold it there, i am criticising one clan for refusing to play another because theres a r10 playing on a r8 account. If you wish to say no to cwing buggers hackers etc, you have my full support. But lets not get confused on the issue here.

نوشتع شده توسط RaulPB, 29.05.2016 at 14:19

- There is absolutely no need at all to involve hdrakon in this matter lao... that's very low of you and I don't respect it at all. Very arrogant of you.

royal mentioned him, i supported this stance. This is not arrogant at all. Hdrakon was permabanned 3 weeks ago and for very good reasons. If you even knew half of them you would fully respect why i mentioned him and why royal abandoned the old account gifted to him by hdrakon. You may very well know soon.

نوشتع شده توسط RaulPB, 29.05.2016 at 14:19

- Cws are not mandatory, as aqollo said. We care more about ourselves than about the wish of others to cw. This is the same with many other clans, which will cw 10 time one clan while only cwing 1 time another clan. Same goes for the dueling scene, where some people won't duel others cause of lower elo or whatever reason (Aqollo knows about this and has already cried in public about it while he does the exact same).

- Every clan has its rules. Enigma's rule is to not cw alts, so I'll respect it. I'm sure you have your own rules, written or not.

- There is absolutely no need at all to involve hdrakon in this matter lao... that's very low of you and I don't respect it at all. Very arrogant of you.

- If you think there are not enough pool of clans, why don't you do the efford of starting a new one to train newbies and thus expanding the pool of clans? Complain all you like, if the circunstances are like this, it is OUR fault.

- If he has a problem with Enigma, he should reconsider what he has done. If he wanted to solve something, he has only made things worse by crying to the community something that is not their issue. If he wanted to achieve something with this, he has screwed really hard. There's something called private messages for these situations...

Btw, I wanted to make you know that I personally don't care too much about cws nor feel very associated with it so don't start it with the "cws are a must and there aren't enough". There's no need for them, we just play them for the fun and if we find we are not having fun, we will just not play them.

I don't care about enigma's rules until they start affecting the rest of us. Right now you are refusing to cw a whole clan because theres a r10 on a r8 account. A bit silly dont you think? If not then we are at a disagreement and nothing more can be said on the matter.

ps have a look at all the low ranks in stalins.
29.05.2016 - 14:47
 Witch-Doctor (وزارت دفاع)
نوشتع شده توسط RaulPB, 29.05.2016 at 14:36

نوشتع شده توسط Witch-Doctor, 29.05.2016 at 14:31

This is why clan wars need to be mandatory like every other competitive games that involve clans. Clan A declares war on Clan B, clan B has to play or forfeit.

Other games are other games. This is AW. Let's not turn AW into another game just because certain circunstance allows you to prove a point, because it doesn't prove anything. One plays a cw if he wants to, if cws were mandatory even less people would be in any clan, even less clans would be made. This game would lose 80% of the people that play in none competitive clans. If one must play something when he doesn't feel like doing it, then why is this a game and not my job? Pay me and I'll do whatever you insist in doing! If you want such thing to happen, start a cw tournament and any clan that wishes to participate will inscribe. You are not anyone in charge of telling another clan what to do.

Then give clans an opt out option. This isn't a black and white suggestion, it is flexible.
If they choose to label themselves as competitive, they must be forced to cw other clans.
29.05.2016 - 14:48
نوشتع شده توسط Darkmace, 29.05.2016 at 14:21

نوشتع شده توسط Darth., 29.05.2016 at 13:41

And if the CW activity is fragile .... and mods that go inactive and can't be bothered to do their jobs.

How is mods going inactive related to CWs - they don't force people to play CWs so I'm not sure how they relate to the issue of Apollo not being allowed to play.

Also why does ENIGMA seem so defensive? All of ENIGMA has more or less just attacked peoples opinions in this whole thread. Clovis who isn't in ENIGMA has provided more value than ENIGMA members to this thread.

By the looks of it you seem to want to encourage players (low ranks to play competitive), but you turn away higher ranks - how does that make sense? Nice contradiction there.
PS: Searching up a players name doesn't mean anything, Darth (Darth Vader) was an @##hole who betrayed his friends and slaughtered kids. That makes him a piece of sh!t, are you also a piece of sh!t?

Where do I turn away higher ranks?? Not once did I say high ranks should stop playing.
If someone starts a hate thread about you, are you going to lie there and take it, in which case you're weak, or are you going to retort and defend yourself?

29.05.2016 - 14:49
اکانت حذف شد
You old cunts still arguing about this ?
29.05.2016 - 14:50
اکانت حذف شد
Come cw with us (No Name) I will rape
29.05.2016 - 14:58
نوشتع شده توسط Witch-Doctor, 29.05.2016 at 14:47

Then give clans an opt out option. This isn't a black and white suggestion, it is flexible.
If they choose to label themselves as competitive, they must be forced to cw other clans.

Okey, in that case, first accomplish such thing yourself (be a role model) and your clan and everyone else in this fucking game, then force us to follow those same rules. Being hypocrite is not nice... and forcing others against their will just to make you happy is not nice either. Even worse is to cry in public about a private issue between you and a certain rule of a certain clan.... shame.

We cw for fun. That means we cw when we want, who we want, how we want. Don't try take away our fun nor our own rules. You're no one to decide that.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

29.05.2016 - 15:04
اکانت حذف شد
نوشتع شده توسط RaulPB, 29.05.2016 at 14:58

We cw for fun. That means we cw when we want, who we want, how we want. Don't try take away our fun nor our own rules. You're no one to decide that.

29.05.2016 - 15:09
نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 14:40

Hold it there, i am criticising one clan for refusing to play another because theres a r10 playing on a r8 account. If you wish to say no to cwing buggers hackers etc, you have my full support. But lets not get confused on the issue here.

We feel like cwing in an alt is not fair nor transparent. Therefore we include it in the same topic and prefer not to take the risk of anyone using an account that isn't his. End of discusion. Are you gonna tell me now that you don't have any rule about cws such as no rewalls or whatever?

نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 14:40

royal mentioned him, i supported this stance. This is not arrogant at all. Hdrakon was permabanned 3 weeks ago and for very good reasons. If you even knew half of them you would fully respect why i mentioned him and why royal abandoned the old account gifted to him by hdrakon. You may very well know soon.

This has nothing to do with hdrakon nor him being on an account gifted to him by whom ever. We do not care about the reason behind it at all, we have only said it's an alt. That's why I find hdrakon has no reason whatsoever to be in this discusion.

نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 14:40

I don't care about enigma's rules until they start affecting the rest of us. Right now you are refusing to cw a whole clan because theres a r10 on a r8 account. A bit silly dont you think? If not then we are at a disagreement and nothing more can be said on the matter.

ps have a look at all the low ranks in stalins.

WRONG. It doesnt affect anyone. It only affects A SINGLE ACCOUNT. We can cw Epic Clan as long as they don't use an alt, same as we wouldn't cw SM if you used an alt... Why would being on a rank 8 alt not matter but if he were on a rank 1 alt matter more? We simply don't feel comfortable and it is the clan's decision not to do such thing.

PS: so what about those low ranks?? I said: make a new clan since according to you, there aren't enough. Have you adressed this problem yet? No.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

29.05.2016 - 15:24
نوشتع شده توسط RaulPB, 29.05.2016 at 15:09

نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 14:40

Hold it there, i am criticising one clan for refusing to play another because theres a r10 playing on a r8 account. If you wish to say no to cwing buggers hackers etc, you have my full support. But lets not get confused on the issue here.

We feel like cwing in an alt is not fair nor transparent. Therefore we include it in the same topic and prefer not to take the risk of anyone using an account that isn't his. End of discusion. Are you gonna tell me now that you don't have any rule about cws such as no rewalls or whatever?

نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 14:40

royal mentioned him, i supported this stance. This is not arrogant at all. Hdrakon was permabanned 3 weeks ago and for very good reasons. If you even knew half of them you would fully respect why i mentioned him and why royal abandoned the old account gifted to him by hdrakon. You may very well know soon.

This has nothing to do with hdrakon nor him being on an account gifted to him by whom ever. We do not care about the reason behind it at all, we have only said it's an alt. That's why I find hdrakon has no reason whatsoever to be in this discusion.

نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 14:40

I don't care about enigma's rules until they start affecting the rest of us. Right now you are refusing to cw a whole clan because theres a r10 on a r8 account. A bit silly dont you think? If not then we are at a disagreement and nothing more can be said on the matter.

ps have a look at all the low ranks in stalins.

WRONG. It doesnt affect anyone. It only affects A SINGLE ACCOUNT. We can cw Epic Clan as long as they don't use an alt, same as we wouldn't cw SM if you used an alt... Why would being on a rank 8 alt not matter but if he were on a rank 1 alt matter more? We simply don't feel comfortable and it is the clan's decision not to do such thing.

PS: so what about those low ranks?? I said: make a new clan since according to you, there aren't enough. Have you adressed this problem yet? No.

1. if we decided we wouldnt cw teams with you on them for some stupid reason would you be too happy about it? Put yourself in royals shoes. It's all very well having a go at him as an inactive who doesnt cw or even play all that much at all.

2. Hdrakon is relevant to the discussion because he is why royal is now on the r8 account. For the record royal took over the betatrooper peacock account at a later date. Aqollo is originally him. The higher rank account was his alt. If you choose to be anal about stupid rules then youve no reason not to play him.

3. It is your decision, and its a silly decision. Feel free to make all the silly decisions you like but don't be surprised when others make threads when such decisions affect them.

I don't know why you are having a go at me about the clan activity situation. I am close to quitting aw. I have trained low ranks and lead clans, i even still do so. Theres only so much 1 guy can do.
29.05.2016 - 15:25
Fight us
I love you Afterwind<3
29.05.2016 - 15:29
نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 14:40

نوشتع شده توسط Darth., 29.05.2016 at 13:41


listen bud ill make it very clear for you i created a clan to have fun and to cw as well, if i or other members/leaders/officers of our clan do not think we will have fun we wont play a cw.
unlike you, this is not the highlight of our life and it is merely a resort from RL.
you can shout bloody murder all you want but we have never signed a contract with anyone for anything on this game
if we decide to not cw with a guy since we dont like his avatar we just wont.
its as simple as that.
we really dont give a flying fuck about what you or other players think as long as we as a clan have decided so...
you might think i am a problem you can point your finger all you want but i represent all the players in ENIGMA
when i or heat or dino call out the harsh decisions.
true there were players that didnt agree with decisions but they were a minority in enigma.

if you think there are limited cws so instead of joining a fully functioning clan why dont you go out and make your own clan and raise competition.

29.05.2016 - 15:30
I've fucked your mommies.
29.05.2016 - 15:51
Enigma mod protecting enigma players. Stay Classy Enigma
It's not the end.

29.05.2016 - 16:10
نوشتع شده توسط Witch-Doctor, 28.05.2016 at 19:29

I suppose it perfectly fits the nature of your clan name that you people have decided for no reason to ban playing cw vs epic clan if I was in the game right?

When I spoke to your members, the reason I got was
"I'm an alt"

I guess me deciding to split my ties with hdrakon and going off with my own account was a bad thing in the eyes of ENIGMA.

Now you can all stop pretending that you all came to this consensus and it wasn't the work of one member.
You can also stop pretending that "I'm an alt" is the only reason you refuse to play epic clan if I'm in the game.

I just want to congratulate you guys on making Clan Wars even more stagnant. You're free to point out whatever you feel Epic Clan might have done too, but it does not excuse the fact that you people are abusing the current clan wars mechanics.

I want to highlight that you are abusing the fact that clan wars are entirely optional (unlike many other games where it is mandatory that you play vs another clan )

It is clear to me that not all of ENIGMA or former ENIGMA members (prom) appreciate such policies. So thanks to those who don't.

Why don't you all get off your high horses and realize your policy of "banning" people from clan wars such as Critical is the reason why you are ranked below Mystics, a dead clan.

btw aqollo/royal if you sent this pr to me or heat or dino im pretty sure we would have understood and agreed to cw you,
the moment you made it ugly and everyone's business that was your mistake...but that ship has sailed.......

29.05.2016 - 16:14
نوشتع شده توسط RaulPB, 29.05.2016 at 14:26

نوشتع شده توسط Darkmace, 29.05.2016 at 14:21

Also why does ENIGMA seem so defensive? All of ENIGMA has more or less just attacked peoples opinions in this whole thread. Clovis who isn't in ENIGMA has provided more value than ENIGMA members to this thread.

Easy. Once you are attacked publicly like aqollo has done without talking things privately, you feel offended. This is not meant to be public. Anyways, we shouldn't even have to argue this, it is OUR decision over OUR cws. Why the heck do you guys even care? Everyone can cw whoever he pleases...

نوشتع شده توسط Darkmace, 29.05.2016 at 14:21

By the looks of it you seem to want to encourage players (low ranks to play competitive), but you turn away higher ranks - how does that make sense? Nice contradiction there.

Dark, pls, do I really have to explain this again!? CLAN RULES STATE NOT TO CW ALTS, NOTHING RELATED TO HIGH RANKS. Nice reading skills

Come back again later, once you realize where you are picking your nose in


29.05.2016 - 16:22
نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 15:24

1. if we decided we wouldnt cw teams with you on them for some stupid reason would you be too happy about it? Put yourself in royals shoes. It's all very well having a go at him as an inactive who doesnt cw or even play all that much at all.

2. Hdrakon is relevant to the discussion because he is why royal is now on the r8 account. For the record royal took over the betatrooper peacock account at a later date. Aqollo is originally him. The higher rank account was his alt. If you choose to be anal about stupid rules then youve no reason not to play him.

3. It is your decision, and its a silly decision. Feel free to make all the silly decisions you like but don't be surprised when others make threads when such decisions affect them.

I don't know why you are having a go at me about the clan activity situation. I am close to quitting aw. I have trained low ranks and lead clans, i even still do so. Theres only so much 1 guy can do.

1. I wouldn't care, because as I mentioned, I don't care that much about cws. They are just a part of this game and I only play them if I know I'm gonna have fun playing them. If for some reason, a bunch of people decide I am not welcome, then I would not dare to ask them for a cw since I wouldn't have fun playing it on the first place. If I were on his shoes, I would not care at all. But in case I did care, I would personally talk to enigma's leader instead of thrashing the entire clan for a cry of attention. That is simply not the way and, just so you know, as a mod, you could have blocked this thread because of that same reason. He's targeting the entire clan and our reputation on public. Now put yourself on our shoes, how would you feel on our situation??

2. Okey, I know his story from very long ago. Aqollo joined Mystics back while I still was there and hdrakon had told me about this. But still, aqollo is an alt since he has no longer used it and focused on peacock instead. If we were to consider aqollo his main account, then transfer him all the sp he has gained in royal's account. Then this matter would be over. Easy solution easily acomplished by talking, don't you think??

3. It might be all silly as it wants... if we made this decision long ago, it might be for a reason. And thus, I choose to follow it since it does no harm to us nor anyone else that hasn't been in multiple accounts. If a SINGLE person is affected by our decisions, then I would expect them to be mature enough to talk about it with us privately. It's a much more effective way to reach a solution, instead of bashing on an entire clan, don't you think?

4. I am not having a go at you. In case you have forgotten, I'm responding to your own comment:
نوشتع شده توسط Permamuted, 29.05.2016 at 07:58

The pool of clans to play is too small to be refusing certain ones over stupid reasons.

If you complain about it being too small, then do something about it... right? Anyway, I understand that you can't handle everything so I am not expecting you to do everything but by complaining like that you won't achieve anything either. Solutions are made by talking, not by calling our reasons "stupid". Anyway, it's sad to hear that you're about to quit aw...
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

29.05.2016 - 16:33
نوشتع شده توسط RaulPB, 29.05.2016 at 16:22

". Anyway, it's sad to hear that you're about to quit aw...

in contrarium est verum, my friend

29.05.2016 - 16:40
نوشتع شده توسط 1GodofWar1, 29.05.2016 at 16:33

in contrarium est verum, my friend

Sorry papa, but one should not be happy about one veteran player quitting aw, at least in my opinion. They're always valuable and can bring something constructive to the game. Besides, every person counts in this game, I don't have any problem with Lao and we are a community after all! Same with you once you decide to quit standing me on clan chat and teaching me about spelling and mean words and go inactive, I will become sad!
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

29.05.2016 - 16:43
 Witch-Doctor (وزارت دفاع)
نوشتع شده توسط 1GodofWar1, 29.05.2016 at 16:10

نوشتع شده توسط Witch-Doctor, 28.05.2016 at 19:29

I suppose it perfectly fits the nature of your clan name that you people have decided for no reason to ban playing cw vs epic clan if I was in the game right?

When I spoke to your members, the reason I got was
"I'm an alt"

I guess me deciding to split my ties with hdrakon and going off with my own account was a bad thing in the eyes of ENIGMA.

Now you can all stop pretending that you all came to this consensus and it wasn't the work of one member.
You can also stop pretending that "I'm an alt" is the only reason you refuse to play epic clan if I'm in the game.

I just want to congratulate you guys on making Clan Wars even more stagnant. You're free to point out whatever you feel Epic Clan might have done too, but it does not excuse the fact that you people are abusing the current clan wars mechanics.

I want to highlight that you are abusing the fact that clan wars are entirely optional (unlike many other games where it is mandatory that you play vs another clan )

It is clear to me that not all of ENIGMA or former ENIGMA members (prom) appreciate such policies. So thanks to those who don't.

Why don't you all get off your high horses and realize your policy of "banning" people from clan wars such as Critical is the reason why you are ranked below Mystics, a dead clan.

btw aqollo/royal if you sent this pr to me or heat or dino im pretty sure we would have understood and agreed to cw you,
the moment you made it ugly and everyone's business that was your mistake...but that ship has sailed.......

Oh you mean like when I talked to you guys about critical? Oh wait...
29.05.2016 - 16:45
نوشتع شده توسط RaulPB, 29.05.2016 at 16:40

نوشتع شده توسط 1GodofWar1, 29.05.2016 at 16:33

in contrarium est verum, my friend

Sorry papa, but one should not be happy about one veteran player quitting aw, at least in my opinion. They're always valuable and can bring something constructive to the game. Besides, every person counts in this game, I don't have any problem with Lao and we are a community after all! Same with you once you decide to quit standing me on clan chat and teaching me about spelling and mean words and go inactive, I will become sad!


29.05.2016 - 16:46
نوشتع شده توسط Witch-Doctor, 29.05.2016 at 16:43

نوشتع شده توسط 1GodofWar1, 29.05.2016 at 16:10

نوشتع شده توسط Witch-Doctor, 28.05.2016 at 19:29

I suppose it perfectly fits the nature of your clan name that you people have decided for no reason to ban playing cw vs epic clan if I was in the game right?

When I spoke to your members, the reason I got was
"I'm an alt"

I guess me deciding to split my ties with hdrakon and going off with my own account was a bad thing in the eyes of ENIGMA.

Now you can all stop pretending that you all came to this consensus and it wasn't the work of one member.
You can also stop pretending that "I'm an alt" is the only reason you refuse to play epic clan if I'm in the game.

I just want to congratulate you guys on making Clan Wars even more stagnant. You're free to point out whatever you feel Epic Clan might have done too, but it does not excuse the fact that you people are abusing the current clan wars mechanics.

I want to highlight that you are abusing the fact that clan wars are entirely optional (unlike many other games where it is mandatory that you play vs another clan )

It is clear to me that not all of ENIGMA or former ENIGMA members (prom) appreciate such policies. So thanks to those who don't.

Why don't you all get off your high horses and realize your policy of "banning" people from clan wars such as Critical is the reason why you are ranked below Mystics, a dead clan.

btw aqollo/royal if you sent this pr to me or heat or dino im pretty sure we would have understood and agreed to cw you,
the moment you made it ugly and everyone's business that was your mistake...but that ship has sailed.......

Oh you mean like when I talked to you guys about critical? Oh wait...

its not even close to the same circumstances...

29.05.2016 - 16:47
 Witch-Doctor (وزارت دفاع)
نوشتع شده توسط 1GodofWar1, 29.05.2016 at 16:46

نوشتع شده توسط Witch-Doctor, 29.05.2016 at 16:43

نوشتع شده توسط 1GodofWar1, 29.05.2016 at 16:10

نوشتع شده توسط Witch-Doctor, 28.05.2016 at 19:29

btw aqollo/royal if you sent this pr to me or heat or dino im pretty sure we would have understood and agreed to cw you,
the moment you made it ugly and everyone's business that was your mistake...but that ship has sailed.......

Oh you mean like when I talked to you guys about critical? Oh wait...

its not even close to the same circumstances...

Show me the proof that Critical cheated/dced you.
If I remember correctly there were cws mystic had against ENIGMA where the entire mystic team dced at once. If I didn't have any common sense, I would have easily accused you of doing it.

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