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ارسال شده توسط Hugosch, 27.11.2015 - 05:35
5th official atWar 1v1 Tournament


Scedule & Planning:
I will give 1 week for matches the losers bracket, 2 weeks for the winners bracket. I give extra time in the first round, since it officially starts on 1 December. The first matches have to be played before Monday 7December. After this date i will post the new deadline date.

  • If you cannot get in contact with your opponent, PM me in time! I will first attempt to reconcile the player's schedules, and finally by fiat should accommodations be unattainable.
  • Without any notification before the deadline and no matchresult here, all players involved will be disqualified for this tournament and future 1v1 tournaments.
  • If possible, inactive players will be substitute by one of the reserves. After round 1, reserves will not be added.

    Default Match rules:
    Game Type*: Quick game
    Map: Europe+
    Turn duration: 3mins
    Starting funds: 5k
    Maximum players*: 2
    Joining until week*: 0
    Victory*: Capture player capital and hold for at least 2 turns
    Game duration: 50turns
    Rares: None
    Initial countries: 2
    Extra cities: On
    Allow rejoining*: Off

    Additional rules:
  • The above match rules are default: If both players agree on other gamerules (like other turn duration, map, initial countries or both players don't have premium), then it is allowed to change the default rules. Rules marked with * are non-negotiable
  • If there are players with serval accounts; you can enter the tournament with just ONE of them. Entering the tournament with more accounts will lead to disqualification on all accounts.

    Reporting a Victory
    It is the responsibility of the Victor to report the result of the game via forum or private message

  • If possible, the winner should take a screen shot of the results of the game, showing the winner
  • In the event that a screenshot is unavailable, the results must be corroborated by the losing opponent for the match to be considered valid.

    We still need some reserve players! If you want to join the tourney, post a message in this forum! Any other questions? Post below

    Current Reserves: (0)
    SellSex4Shinies (3)
    Stryko (11)
    Glory Of Allyfag (10)
  • 04.12.2015 - 15:01
    نوشتع شده توسط Croat, 04.12.2015 at 14:47

    Quote for attention

    Also SellSex4Shinies has been removed (not active for 11 days). Croat, you are lucky; you get the win and are trough to the next round. It also means xKoze won his match in the losersbracket.
    Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
    04.12.2015 - 15:06
    I also updated the Seedings
    Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
    04.12.2015 - 16:13
    نوشتع شده توسط Evic, 04.12.2015 at 11:24


    Corrambo shouldnt have talked shit..........

    ooooo cicenoobi beated me by luck!!!!! omg i rlly sholdnt have talked shit omg omg youre so op!!!! can i join optimates so u can train me?

    youre same as your noob friends, you win a game vs me and start talking "commando shouldnt have talked shit bla blabla" nice job little kid you proved youre too stronk for me lol

    04.12.2015 - 16:33
    نوشتع شده توسط AlBoZzZ, 04.12.2015 at 16:13

    ooooo cicenoobi beated me by luck!!!!! omg i rlly sholdnt have talked shit omg omg youre so op!!!! can i join optimates so u can train me?

    youre same as your noob friends, you win a game vs me and start talking "commando shouldnt have talked shit bla blabla" nice job little kid you proved youre too stronk for me lol

    By luck? you rushed poland t1 like a nub then acted completaly predictably and i latemoved all of your cities and then you suicided also as expected.

    Stick to 10k kiddo and stop talking shit will you? I havent called you noob once during this time but you keep doing it to me and my entire clan and guess what, ive beaten you and my clan beaten your former clan while you were still in it ( i think you were atleast, too tired to check).

    The more shit you talk the deeper the pit becomes........
    04.12.2015 - 16:34
     Heat Check (وزارت دفاع)

    04.12.2015 - 23:41
    نوشتع شده توسط Hugosch, 04.12.2015 at 14:47

    The following players have been removed from the tournament:
  • opi is banned, so can't play his game before the deadline. Replaced by Glory Of Allyfag

  • This made my day... what did he do XD

    [pr] Commando Eagle: duel?
    [pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush

    05.12.2015 - 02:16

    Me and Fuehrer have been trying to play for a few days now, but our timezone differences are very restrictive. I only catch early morning or night, and he's at work a lot of the time. We've been trying to find a suitable time but it's hard, so if we don't play by the deadline please have that in mind with extension/removal.

    We are not the same - I am a Martian.
    We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

    05.12.2015 - 02:31
    Updated the seedings again. I marked some player 'yellow' which means they didn't contact me, clovis or their opponent yet. If the deadline passes, all 'yellow players' will be removed, even if both players are marked yellow.

    Players marked white means they are still active and willing to play their match:
  • If your opponent is yellow and he doesn't contact us or you in time, then you have won your match.
  • If your opponent is white too, then both players have contacted us or their opponent and seem willing to play, but cannot arrange. I'm willing to give some extra time to these matches. If a match can't be arranged in a few days, i will give you a fixed date/time on which you have to play the match. Whoever doesn't show up, loses.

    This only applies to the first round ofc.
  • ----
    Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
    05.12.2015 - 08:57
    This is just sad, too many faggets fucking up the tourney
    05.12.2015 - 13:45

    We are not the same - I am a Martian.
    We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

    05.12.2015 - 14:20
    نوشتع شده توسط The Tactician, 05.12.2015 at 13:45


    That.... THAT ON... the fucking screen.. cursor... man.. it makes me so angry..
    05.12.2015 - 14:36
    نوشتع شده توسط Steve Aoki, 05.12.2015 at 14:20

    That.... THAT ON... the fucking screen.. cursor... man.. it makes me so angry..

    Look at his signature then, it should calm you right down.
    05.12.2015 - 20:26
    Lord Zeus
    اکانت حذف شد
    Eagle, where u at
    05.12.2015 - 20:45
    We drew first match, I thought he re walled but apparently i may have just had a glitch, 2 units seemed to disappear from t1 going into t2.

    result of game 2..

    05.12.2015 - 21:14
    Like i said. It wasnt a rewall. Maybe your game was bugged, because on t1 you said something about loising 2 units.

    But Thats ok. Second match you crushed me.
    06.12.2015 - 08:08

    06.12.2015 - 08:55
    نوشتع شده توسط brmaniac, 05.12.2015 at 21:14

    Like i said. It wasnt a rewall. Maybe your game was bugged, because on t1 you said something about loising 2 units.

    But Thats ok. Second match you crushed me.

    Yeah sorry for accusing you, thinking about it I think it was probably just a glitch. Gg
    06.12.2015 - 09:52
    نوشتع شده توسط Steve Aoki, 05.12.2015 at 14:20

    نوشتع شده توسط The Tactician, 05.12.2015 at 13:45


    That.... THAT ON... the fucking screen.. cursor... man.. it makes me so angry..

    This will be my trademark for every picture I take from now on

    We are not the same - I am a Martian.
    We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

    06.12.2015 - 12:58
    Won my first round! thank you
    ~Stay Hydrated~
    06.12.2015 - 16:01
    Thanks for playing these matches in the last couple of days. Also thx clovis for reminder everyone

    Last call for these people to get in contact with us (marked Yellow in the bracket):
    Adolphin Hipster

    These are all marked 'yellow'. Without any responds tomorrow (22 hours from now), they are all kicked.

    Then we have a few matches which seems cannot be played because both players aren't on at the same time. You also have 22 hours from now to play your game. If it hasn't been played then, i will give you a fixed date/time to play.
    Dbacks vs here
    Glory of Allyfag vs abhay
    panteri vs Prometheus
    Mr_Own_U vs njab
    the viking vs Flaming Spaz
    Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
    06.12.2015 - 18:23
    I will play don as soon as I see him. Thanks for the reminder

    نوشتع شده توسط Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

    Waffel for mod 2015
    07.12.2015 - 01:04
    Mauzer has me on ignore because he's a dirty serbian troll
    07.12.2015 - 06:42
    I won abhay gg
    He can confirm also gk and adiloi.
    ps:he wfed cap first turn and walled hungary witch was my second pick
    07.12.2015 - 08:26
    Glory of allyfag won me
    07.12.2015 - 09:45
    Won mine
    More u cry less u piss on the bed...... Krat Rules
    07.12.2015 - 10:22
    نوشتع شده توسط G.K, 07.12.2015 at 09:45

    Won mine

    itonisrael confirmed. gg
    07.12.2015 - 10:44
    20 protocoins on Mauzy
    Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
    07.12.2015 - 13:34
    Waf win

    Fears are strong
    07.12.2015 - 13:36
    نوشتع شده توسط Don, 07.12.2015 at 13:34

    Waf win

    gg bro

    نوشتع شده توسط Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

    Waffel for mod 2015
    07.12.2015 - 14:51
    The following players didn't PM us in time and are removed from the tournament:
  • egg123
  • Adolphin Hipster
  • Madara
  • sk10
    Also Fruit forfeited himself.

    All their opponents won their match (also in the loser bracket).

    There are 3 matches in which both opponent wanted to play, but couldn't match up:
    Dbacks vs. here
    Mr_Own_U vs. njab
    the viking vs. Flaming Spaz

    Your match will be tomorrow at 20,00 UK TIME (GMT), that means 23 hours from now. Who ever doesn't show up, lost his match.

    Also, the next deadline is 14 December for all matches in the Loser brackets 1st round and winners bracket 2nd round. All winners have 1 week extra.
  • ----
    Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.

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