نوشتع شده توسط boywind2, 23.08.2016 at 17:46
Can I still sign up for this game?
If you can, call me Biggus Dickus and set my stats to 2 military, 4 oratory and 2 influence. TY
Nope too late, also stupid name
You want to prosecute the wealthiest man, who can help rome the most.
Go ahead with your silly prosecution
5 to rome and +2 roll.
I am opening a bank
Membership is given for free to those who have successfully completed 2 transactions with the bank, it is also possible to buy a lifetime membership for 1 gold coin.
To take a loan all you have to do is to quote me with the name of the loan you want to take.
Basic Loan = My bank will give you 3 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you will permanently deposit 1 gold coin every turn for the lapse of 4 turns.
[Members Only] Basic Loan II = My bank will give you 3 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you have to permanently deposit 4 gold coins before a lapse of 5 turns.
Modest Loan = My bank will give you 4 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you will have to permanently deposit 1 gold coin every turn for the lapse of 6 turns.
[Members Only] Modest Loan II = My bank will give you 4 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you have to permanently deposit 5 gold coins before a lapse of 6 turns
Extensive Loan = My bank will give you 5 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you will have to permanently deposit 1 gold coin every turn for the lapse of 7 turns.
[Members Only] Extensive Loan II = My bank will give you 5 gold coins during revenue phase, in return you will have to permanently deposit 6 gold coins before a lapse of 7 turns.
Campaign Arrangements:
The bank will provide you with 5 votes, in return you will deposit permanently 1 gold coin.
The bank will provide you with 7 votes, in return you will deposit permanently 3 gold coins.
[Free with Membership] The bank will dispatch a seasoned orator to fight for your case, in return you will permanently deposit 1 gold coin
5-Turn Insurance = The bank will hire a tribune to veto your persecution, in return you have to permanently deposit 1 gold coin every turn for a lapse of 5 turns even if you got persecuted. This protection will end after a period of 5 turns or if a tribune was used to veto.
Failure to follow the agreement of Type 1 loans will result in a 2 gold coin penalty
Failure to follow the agreement of Type 2 loans will render your membership null, and you will receive a 3 gold coin penalty.
Campaign arrangements are first come first serve, i will only provide such services to 1 client a turn
Gaius Antonius as owner of the bank will not lobby against himself
Insurance doesn't cover charges of assassination
The Bank may refuse to offer its services to anyone, but once payment has been made the bank will always honor its part of the deal.
I donate 1 to rome and i advise every concession holder to contribute as well
1 coin, how generous.
2 talents to Rome
I spend 3 on an equite and petition the Senate to prepare our fleets to either defeat Carthage or the pirates.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Darth. پست ها: 3783 از جانب: هندوستان
I roll for an equite without money, host games 7 cost to reduce unrest, and donate whatever is left of my money to Roman Treasury
I will donate all talents collected from the temples(6) to fund the war against the Carthaginians, may Mars grant us victory in battle.
3 talents on Equite
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
نوشتع شده توسط JF., 23.08.2016 at 18:15
You want to prosecute the wealthiest man, who can help rome the most.
Go ahead with your silly prosecution
5 to rome and +2 roll.
Ok then you failed to meet my terms and will be prosecuted
If you wanted to help rome you would have donated much more of the 15 coins you made off of the concession so far.
نوشتع شده توسط JF., 23.08.2016 at 18:15 m
Ok then you failed to meet my terms and will be prosecuted
I bet my bottom dollar you wouldn't be as brave to openly attack people if assassinations were allowed from turn 1.
نوشتع شده توسط JF., 23.08.2016 at 18:15
You want to prosecute the wealthiest man, who can help rome the most.
Go ahead with your silly prosecution
5 to rome and +2 roll.
Ok then you failed to meet my terms and will be prosecuted
I bet my bottom dollar you wouldn't be as brave if assassinations were allowed from turn 1.
You complained until the rules were changed because you died.
I cant see your problem im just doing my job.
نوشتع شده توسط JF., 23.08.2016 at 18:15
I cant see your problem im just doing my job.
Your entire argument against JF is utter crap. What JF effectively doing is trading 1 popularity for 5 talent. He isnt stealing anything from rome.
Infact he ended up giving the 5 talent he traded for 1 popularity to
But go ahead with your prosecution, you are only doing it to benefit yourself.
Let say you do win, JF loses his concession and can no longer donate 5 talent to rome
نوشتع شده توسط Aetius, 23.08.2016 at 18:03
نوشتع شده توسط boywind2, 23.08.2016 at 17:46
Can I still sign up for this game?
If you can, call me Biggus Dickus and set my stats to 2 military, 4 oratory and 2 influence. TY
Nope too late, also stupid name 
i think its a wonderful name.
نوشتع شده توسط JF., 23.08.2016 at 18:15
I cant see your problem im just doing my job.
Your entire argument against JF is utter crap. What JF effectively doing is trading 1 popularity for 5 talent. He isnt stealing anything from rome.
Infact he ended up giving the 5 talent he traded for 1 popularity to
But go ahead with your prosecution, you are only doing it to benefit yourself.
Let say you do win, JF loses his concession and can no longer donate 5 talent to rome
Go back and read the rules then come back
نوشتع شده توسط JF., 23.08.2016 at 16:22
GOW or Tripitz got anything to say?
I suggest you change them votes immediately.
I doubt you will be voted into office again like this.
first off it had to be a consul...this is what aetius sent me
7)If so, who will command the Illyrian war?Either your or Field Consul (this person may also promise to resign and appoint someone else)
8)Who will command the First Punic War? Field Consul has first dibs if he wants it, otherwise Rome Consul (this person may also promise to resign and appoint someone else)
please dont talk out of your ass ty
Idiot... "this person can choice to resign and appoint someone else"... Can you read English or not? Death should have been nominated in his place.
You're the one talking out your ass. Fucking knob jockey
Moved to Forum Games
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
Next game we need consuls nominated by dice roll for t1
Not giving shit to Rome until good leadership is demonstrated.
3 on equite
Darth. پست ها: 3783 از جانب: هندوستان
نوشتع شده توسط Phoenix, 24.08.2016 at 02:38
Next game we need consuls nominated by dice roll for t1
نوشتع شده توسط Phoenix, 24.08.2016 at 02:40
Not giving shit to Rome until good leadership is demonstrated.
So basically you're going to be whiny and petty this game too. Instead of crying, donate something to ensure that Rome actually survives. Your crying is getting far too irritating. I get you dislike me, but considering Aetius is Consul too I'd have thought you'd be a bit less butthurt. Evidently unless you're in charge it's bad governance. Take last game. You were removed from command of armies, you whined. We gave other people a chance to command armies, you whined. We decided to vote, you whined. We put you in charge again, and you still fucking whined that we didn't give you command earlier. There's no winning with you  You have the attitude of a 4 year old child.
نوشتع شده توسط Phoenix, 24.08.2016 at 02:32
نوشتع شده توسط JF., 23.08.2016 at 16:22
GOW or Tripitz got anything to say?
I suggest you change them votes immediately.
I doubt you will be voted into office again like this.
first off it had to be a consul...this is what aetius sent me
7)If so, who will command the Illyrian war?Either your or Field Consul (this person may also promise to resign and appoint someone else)
8)Who will command the First Punic War? Field Consul has first dibs if he wants it, otherwise Rome Consul (this person may also promise to resign and appoint someone else)
please dont talk out of your ass ty
Idiot... "this person can choice to resign and appoint someone else"... Can you read English or not? Death should have been nominated in his place.
You're the one talking out your ass. Fucking knob jockey
Again why are you aiming this at me if you want just ask tirp to resgin whyare you acting like a tool again?
نوشتع شده توسط Darth., 24.08.2016 at 05:35
Take a leaf out of my book and ignore me, you petty little toad shite.
Edit: forgive me... GoW has been so generous donating 1 fucking coin. I'm so insolent for not following his lead.
Its down to you an Tirp to assign someone. Don't tell me to ask him, when since its you thats consul, its you who should be suggesting what to do.
نوشتع شده توسط Phoenix, 24.08.2016 at 05:49
Its down to you an Tirp to assign someone. Don't tell me to ask him, when since its you thats consul, its you who should be suggesting what to do.
Im not consul...
I'm talking about when you were consul you fucking idiot.
Darth. پست ها: 3783 از جانب: هندوستان
نوشتع شده توسط Phoenix, 24.08.2016 at 05:48
نوشتع شده توسط Darth., 24.08.2016 at 05:35
Take a leaf out of my book and ignore me, you petty little toad shite.
Lol I'm petty? You ignored me because I tried (and failed) to assassinate you last game
You have your reasons for disliking me, but tbh I had nothing against you until you started raging instead of communicating what I was doing you disliked.
It seems you can never respond to any criticism or opinion or vote without throwing in a few insults.
You're treating this game like life or death, when the point is to have fun. I'd ask you to stop since you're spoiling the game for me, but I doubt you will. I'll simply say this: I offered to bury the hatchet after the first Rome game ended and we had that long flame war, and you agreed. Soon as the 2nd one started though, you went back to raging before I'd even posted my first comment besides making my turn with regards to nominations.
Honestly darth is right if this attitude does not stop (gm can get it to stop if pheonix cant stop on his own) then i probably will leave the game
Maybe darth and others will too.
I asked nicely before the game started we are here trying to have fun please tone down your hate.
Sponsor chariot races games and 2 on equite
Honestly darth is right if this attitude does not stop (gm can get it to stop if pheonix cant stop on his own) then i probably will leave the game
Maybe darth and others will too.
I asked nicely before the game started we are here trying to have fun please tone down your hate.
We would be better off without you