31.10.2016 - 11:44
Battle of Berlin Prussian Front Rank: 12 Infantry, General von Kleist (defenders), 1 Cavalry Prussian Rear Rank: Danish Front Rank: 5 Infantry Danish Rear Rank: 2 Cavalry, 2 Artillery, General Kreiger The Danes, seeking to expand their power in collusion with the Habsburgs entered prussian territory in the dark month of December. The Prussian army, was however quite ready to face them under General von Kleist who had been drilling his forces for monthes every since the defeat against the Austrians. The battle began with a powerful prussian volley with cavalry support but soon rain began to fall and muddy the fields making the cavalry far less useful for both sides. In the cold and wet conditions the match became a infantry slogging match as the danish artillery failed to be effective. And in these conditions, the prussians had by far the upper hand, their infantry were more numerous and defending their homelands. The Danes put up a good effort with General Krieger leading from the front, but ultimately he saw the battle was lost, mounted his horse and fled to Mecklenberg. The Prussians celebrated their victory with military parades and beer. Prussian Round 1: 12 Infantry volley: 2 Danish infantry routed, 1 Prussian Cavalry Charge; 0 hits, von Kleist attacks; 0 hits Prussia plays #34 - Rainstorm (For the remainder of this battle, it takes 2 Cavalry hits to Rout a single unit. - Battle -) Denmark plays #41 - Assault (Roll 1 less die during your firing step. Your enemy must select one unit to be Disordered without die roll! - Battle -) -- 1 Prussian Cavalry routs Danish Round 1: 3 Infantry volley; 0 hits, 2 Danish cavalry MOVE UP and charge; 1 prussian infantry routed, 2 rear rank artillery MOVE UP and fire grapeshot; 0 hits, Kreiger attacks; 0 hits Prussian Round 2: 11 Infantry volley; 2 danish artillery routed, von Kleist MOVES BACK and rallies 1 infantry Danish Round 2: 3 Infantry volley; 1 prussian inf routed, 2 Danish cavalry charge; 0 hits, Kreiger attacks; 0 hits Prussian Round 3: 11 Infantry volley: 2 danish cavalry routed, von Kleist attempts to rally but fails Danish Round 3: 3 Infantry volley; 1 prussian infantry routed, Kreiger attacks; 1 prussian infantry routed Prussian Round 4: 9 Infantry volley: 3 danish infantry routed, von Kleist attempts to rally but fails --The danish army has broken-- PURSUIT: Kreiger escapes to Mecklenberg Result: Prussian Victory Danish Casualties -5 Infantry -2 Cavalry -2 Artillery Prussian Casualties -3 Infantry -1 Cavalry Effects: Prussia gains 1 PAP for winning a major battle Prussia gains 2 cards for winning a major battle Danes gains 1 card for losing a major battle Due to losing 6 units in a major battle: Aetius: Danish commitment roll has to be 5 or lower to keep fighting Aetius rolls 2d6 = 4 Danes refuse to surrender https://rolz.org/dr?room=Napoleonic-Atwar
31.10.2016 - 11:56
Wait aetius why is my leader attempting to rally if he is in front line, shouldnt he be firing?
31.10.2016 - 12:31
Battle of Sierndorf (in Austria) ![]() Austrian Front Rank: 3 Infantry, 2 Cavalry, 1 Cuirassier 1 Artillery Austrian Rear Rank: General von Leiberich French Front Rank: 10 Cavalry French Rear Rank: General Napoleon, 1 Artillery Advancing rapidly through alps in winter (somehow lol) Napoleon emerges into the Danubian plain surprising the austrians. At his command is a massive cavalry force. Seeing this terrible sight, the austrian artillery and cuirassiers quit the field at once. von Leiberich steadies his men and they fire but it is of little use as the french cavalry cannot be stopped. They crash into the lines with such force the austrians flee in panic as if they were Knights of old against peasantry. FRENCH play #50 - Sauve qui peut (Panic sweeps through the enemy army. The player may choose two enemy units to immediately route . - Battle -) - Austrian Artillery and Cuirassier rout Austrian Round 1: 3 Infantry Fire; 2 french cavalry rout, 2 austrian cavalry charge;0 hits, von Leiberich rallies the artillery French Round 1: 8 Cavalry charge 7 hits, 3 Infantry rout 2 cavalry rout , Napoleon rallies 2 cavalry --Austrian army breaks-- PURSUIT: Rest of austrian units cut down, General von Leiberich captured Result: French Victory French Casualties Minimal Austrian Casualties TOTAL Effects: French gains 1 PAP for winning a major battle French gains 2 cards for winning a major battle Austria gains 1 card for losing a major battle Due to losing 6 units in a major battle: Aetius: Austrian commitment roll has to be 7 or lower to keep fighting Aetius rolls 2d6 = 11 Austria surrenders Austria loses its PAPs, Prussia gains 2 PAPs for being the first to war Austria (has total of 3), France gains 1 PAP for being the second (total of 2) Effects: Prussia, Austria, and Naples must now take territories from Austria in a treaty
31.10.2016 - 12:33
How the fuck did the French artillery get to Vienna
---- Someone Better Than You
31.10.2016 - 12:34
Force march
31.10.2016 - 12:41
I'm starting to feel Force March is retarded, he could've sent his entire army into Vienna...
---- Someone Better Than You
31.10.2016 - 12:44
Word riches the National Assembly that General Napoleon has assumed full command of the French Army of the Alps and has launched preemptive strike against the Habsburgs in Vienna and across their domain! With riots in the streets, the National Assembly has had no choice but to accept the declaration of war Napoleon has forced on them. With cheers from the crowds in Paris, riots turn to celebration as word reaches the countryside as the Winter Leopard strikes at the heart of the austrians.... ![]()
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
31.10.2016 - 12:47
31.10.2016 - 12:59
"The French Republic expresses joy with the news that Naples has decided to join France on its crusade to export the Revolution. We are overwhelmed with pleasure that the free peoples of Naples have taken it upon themselves to liberate themselves without French hands having to be bloodied. We pledge to defend this new Republic and will be sending advisers over to ensure your republic has the means to defend itself against counter-revolutionary forces."
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
31.10.2016 - 13:05
With the overwhelming defeat of the Austrians, the French Republic orders the liberation of Flanders and Holland from the menace of the Austrians. We will respect and defend the claims of the Prussians and Napolese against the destructive behavior of the Austrians who have attempted to squash the hopes and dreams of an independent people. Viva la Revolution. ![]()
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
31.10.2016 - 15:05
1 general 1 artillery Update: Actually screw the artillery I'll buy one infantry and one PAP instead
---- Someone Better Than You
31.10.2016 - 15:06
>Overwhelming You beat less than 1/3 of my army and barely any of my artillery?
---- Someone Better Than You
31.10.2016 - 15:07
As for my actual move everything to Hungary
---- Someone Better Than You
31.10.2016 - 15:21
Omg, im trying to roll play and any good propagandist knows to exaggerate things to plebs known as citizens ![]()
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
31.10.2016 - 15:39
The French Republic orders the training of four new artillery divisions who shall begin field testing in Lorraine
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
01.11.2016 - 06:10
"Special: Players must build 2 regular Infantry units for each Elite Infantry unit produced (in the same production phase when the Elite Infantry is built)."
01.11.2016 - 06:56
2x Cavarly = 14 1 Inf - 4 to Peters. 1 PAP - 7 save rest to Russian bank
01.11.2016 - 07:13
UK is exempt from this rule.
01.11.2016 - 09:26
Bernadotte has informed the National Assembly that the Revolution should also e expanded through diplomacy and not just warfare. With this advice in mind, the Assembly cancels the training of artillery in order to expand the Republics diplomatic department (buys four PAPs instead of artillery)
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
01.11.2016 - 09:56
I just realised the borders are wrong Austria should own western Galicia
---- Someone Better Than You
01.11.2016 - 11:08
01.11.2016 - 12:17
Recruit in Berlin spending 19 points 1 infantry 1 cavalry 1 artillery Request land passage from British or war
01.11.2016 - 12:42
British Movements skip Austrian Movements
French Movements Spain Movements Prussian Movements Russian Movements
Ottoman Movements
Swedish Movements
01.11.2016 - 12:46
The French Republic orders the annexation of Bavaria with infantry moved to Thuringia Three infantry move from Flanders to Holland and fleet docks in Flanders port
---- Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
01.11.2016 - 12:52
Sweden declares war on the Danes 2 INF 1 CAV to denmark. Recall finish infantry to sweden.
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