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ارسال شده توسط Ghost-IV, 21.01.2014 - 19:16
New Version of Ghost-IV's UN Game just for you!

Revised Rules as of 08/04/2014!!!

UN must be Rank 6 and up To reduce trolls ruining games.


1. Nations must publicly declare war with legal reasons and before going to war, the UN must decide on to approve or refuse based on reason.

2. Nations cannot enter other nation's airspace or land space. If this rule is violated then the victim can destroy trespassing units and declare war. UN cannot decline. (Violators cannot go rogue for this reason.) This rule does not apply to UN.

3. Allies can support other allies by walling or funding their ally however they cannot assist in invading the enemy nation. (Violating this rule will allow the UN to declare you rogue).

4. Threats are a reason for war and UN cannot decline it.

5. Members of UN have the right to vote and the majority votes can overrule a UN's declaration or to declare a UN rogue (IF UN Break Rules).

6. If a nation used nukes against another nation and/or UN, before or after WW3 that nations will be declared rogue automatically and votes do not count if a nation nukes another nation. An exception to the rule is when the world is in world war 3 or you are nuking the rogue nation that nuked you. UN still cannot be nuked even if during WW3.

7. The UN cannot intervene or participate in world war 3 (All rules do not apply unless nations declare themselves to be neutral and must be declared before WW3 begins). A Violation of the rule will make the UN rogue and shall be banned from future un games.

8. Neutral land will either be delegated by UN, auctioned by UN, and/or declared free for all to fight over or disputed.

9. UN cannot occupy land other than their own bases (taking over rogue nation's bases is an exception until the rogue nation is defeat, then UN must leave the lands immediately).

10. Bank of Greenland can offer Loans but loans must be paid back in x amount of turns based on x income per turn.

11. Major nations such as USA, Canada, China, Russia, WEU, and UK all have foreign bases. If a nation wants a foreign base removed they have to ask UN for their removal if the owner of the foreign base refuses. The Reason for the removal of the foreign base must be valid just like declaring war.

12. No Nation can participate in Event wars other then nations who were already added to event.

13. Oilrigs are included in this map and they can be taken if neutral but when the oil war event has started, all oilrigs in the waters are vulnerable to attacks and liberation.

14. WW3 can be declared by nations anytime after turn 15 with at least 6 players agreeing to ww3. The 6 players who voted for WW3 must participate in WW3. (WW3 ends when all players agree to peace).

15. Nations are not allowed to occupy UN Bases, HQs, and Embassy's or they will be declared rogue automatically (this rules applies during WW3 too and even if UN bases are neutral).

16. Territories involved in events are the only territories you can use units from.

17. If an ally end has been voted for (Majority Votes) then all players must ally end or they will be declared rogue automatically.

18. If WW3 is official, all event wars are voided until ww3 is finished. If ww3 exceeds all event wars then the event war will not happen.

19. UN is responsible for Keeping the peace, not promoting war.

20. The Bank of Greenland gives loans only.

Financial System:

The Bank of Greenland will be operating a currency system for the first time in
atwar history of un games. This system will incorporate trade and economic growth
as well as give new reasons for war and to increase player's fun at the same time.

The Bank of Greenland must be rank 8 and up (if possible and if not then rank 6+)
to insure that people do not corrupt the banking system.

The Banker's Rules are as follows:

1. The Banker cannot fund rogue nations.
2. The Banker cannot attack other players including UNs.
3. The Banker can only offer loans to players with an added interest rate of $400 per
turn if loans are paid late.
4. The Banker must announce each player's currency rate every 3 turns.
5. The Banker cannot pick favourites.
6. The Banker can fund a rebellion against UN if UN goes rogue.
7. The Banker is not responsible for auctioning land.
8. The Banker is allowed to deploy bankers across the world if nations allow it.
9. The Banker will have one banker per nation at start of game to allow trade with banker. If a nation
kills a banker, The Banker has the power temporarily disable that nation's currency
rate until that nation pays the Banker a $5k penalty per banker killed.
10. The Banker can hire a nation to defend Greenland but the banker must pay the hired
nation 1k per turn. 2k per turn if units defending greenland exceeds 400 units.
11. The Banker cannot bankrupt a player. No player can go below $1 per dollar unless
that player dies or leaves. if a player leaves that nation's currency rate will be
distributed to the poorest nation.
12. The Banker must follow the default currency rate for the first 3 turns before
changing currency rates for each player every 3 turns.

The currency rate per nation is balanced between $1 - $85 dollars globally. The
following nations will start off with the following currency rates below:

USA: $15
Russia: $15
China: $15
Canada: $5
Uk: $4
France: $4
Germany $4
Ottoman: $3
India: $3
Australia: $3
Japan: $3
Arab: $2
Iran: $2
North Korea: $2
USAN: $2
Mexico: $2
AU: $1

Every 3 turns, the currency rates will be adjusted based on current events.
Bonus currency rates will be added based on special conditions. The Bonus rate
allows players to gain more towards their currency rate.

The Following Conditions contribute to bonus currency:

For Each Banker in a nation they will receive $1 per dollar per banker (Max bankers is 2 per nation)

Control of an entire set of oilrigs will grant a player $2 per dollar (4 rigs per set)

If you have more then 25 territories you will received $3 per dollar

For each loan paid on time or early (completely paid off) will grant $1 per dollar permanently.

Nations who have no choice but to let major nations house bases in their lands will receive $2 per dollar during the time that a foreign base exists in their lands.

For a military size over 400 units will give you $1 dollar per dollar
For a military size over 800 units will give you $2 dollars per dollar
For a military size over 1200 units will give you $3 dollars per dollar

If a nation was hired for protecting Greenland will receive $2 dollars per dollar

If you remain peaceful you will receive $5 per dollar until you are at war (which means you can never get this bonus after going to war).

If North Korea controls South Korea, they will receive $2 per dollar

If USA abandons the foreign bases in Iraq and in Afghanistan then USA will receive
$2 dollars per dollar

Allies who build a joint wall around their nations will receive a $2 per dollar
per nation who participated in combining walls.

You can also lose currency value and that will make you economically weaker. Try avoiding the following mistakes:

Warmongering can cause world war and it will reduce your currency rate by $2 dollars per dollar (This only applies to nations who have declared war 3 times or more.)

Killing a banker will cause that nation to lose $5 dollars per dollar permanently

Each threat to the banker will cause that nation to lose $1 per dollar

Losing Territory to your enemy can cause your currency rate to drop depending on the loss that you have endured.

Annexing other nations will cause a temporary drop in currency by $5 per dollar for 5 turns.

Each Illegal action will cause the rate to drop by $3 per dollar

Attacking vote cities in antarctica will cause that nation to lose $5 dollars per dollar per vote city attacked

World War 3 freezes all Currency rates until WW3 is over.

Event Wars:

Syrian Civil War (escalated)

USA (Rebels) VS Iran (Assad)

Oil Wars: (Turn 10 - 15)

Everyone (excluding UN and NATO)

Burma Civil War: (Turn 12)

Japan vs ASEAN

Vote for WW3: (Turn 15 - 500)

Everyone (excluding UN and NATO)

European Repeat: (Turn 16 - 20)


Reanimate Korean WAR: (Turn 15 - Until Korea belongs to Korea or Japan unless peace is agreed upon)

Japan vs North Korea

Pacific Rift: (Turn 8 - 14, Capture all Pacific Islands that belong to either USA or Japan)

Japan vs USA

Anchorage: (Turn 15 - 20, Control over Anchorage is victory)

China vs USA

Here's the New info Come and play!!!
18.02.2014 - 11:34
Black Hole
اکانت حذف شد
نوشتع شده توسط KYBL, 18.02.2014 at 10:09

نوشتع شده توسط Ghost-IV, 16.02.2014 at 21:16

NK isn't as strong as SK as SK gets more units but NK receives more income. I only did that to balance the Korean peninsula. Japan already has a special unit with great defense, the navy battle ship. If you look as well on my map japan has pacific islands as well so japan does not have to be strictly defensive, but also offensive, as well as participate in a new event war against the usa, pacific rift (conquer all pacific islands).

Make it the opposite for realism
Just what I said. Get #rekt fagit.
19.02.2014 - 22:37
Get out of here with this conspiracy theriost crap. Anyway I was thinking for Japan having primarily defenseive units at first but there is speacial places you can take in japan or around the pacific that gives you its WW2 military might. Really I just want it to be harder to go imperial as it is very easy
20.02.2014 - 06:54
اکانت حذف شد
نوشتع شده توسط MassProdigy411, 19.02.2014 at 22:37

Get out of here with this conspiracy theriost crap. Anyway I was thinking for Japan having primarily defenseive units at first but there is speacial places you can take in japan or around the pacific that gives you its WW2 military might. Really I just want it to be harder to go imperial as it is very easy
I am sorry for trying to make this UN more fun. I never said I believed in a illuminati bro. I suggested to have one that will be a huge bother to countries since this nation could bribe countries, control lots of oil (I want oil to be more important, I want it to transport vehicles).
20.02.2014 - 21:28
Or I could add Aliens to the game :p haha im kidding
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
21.02.2014 - 19:09
Or the GLA :p
22.02.2014 - 05:10
اکانت حذف شد
نوشتع شده توسط MassProdigy411, 21.02.2014 at 19:09

Or the GLA :p
22.02.2014 - 05:14
The Global liberation army off of Command and conquer genrals
02.04.2014 - 10:14
Updates! 02/04/2014

Crimea has been added to the map under Russian control.
North Korea is now known as North Korea & Ukraine.
Greenland is now a player called Bank of Greenland. This player gives loans, funds anyone they please, and can act as a nation.
Removed Nato and Added UN1 and UN2 as old system was boring for many people.
Revised rules (read them to find out).
Removed some Foreign bases to keep up with real life (except US bases as US Government is nothing but a big lie to it's people and the world).
Georgia now belongs to Russia.
Turkey and Allies is now called Ottoman Empire II.
Syria, Bulgaria, and Lebanon belongs to Ottoman Empire II.
Italy belongs to Germany and Allies.
Removed Syrian Civil war as it is becoming old news/not as important as the Ukraine Crisis.
Adjusted UNs income and Bank of Greenland's Income.

And probably a little more I might have forgotten to add but enjoy!
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
02.04.2014 - 13:50
نوشتع شده توسط Ghost-IV, 02.04.2014 at 10:14

Removed Syrian Civil war as it is becoming old news/not as important as the Ukraine!

You know it just scalated right? Usa is now gonna give the rebels modern wepons, and iran is sending their soldiers.

Ukraine is just a slide show.
02.04.2014 - 13:53
Black Shark
اکانت حذف شد
I thought Syria won the war a month ago, by taking the last good city the rebels had. Now I see, it's still going on.
04.04.2014 - 15:32
نوشتع شده توسط Cpt.Magic, 02.04.2014 at 13:50

نوشتع شده توسط Ghost-IV, 02.04.2014 at 10:14

Removed Syrian Civil war as it is becoming old news/not as important as the Ukraine!

You know it just scalated right? Usa is now gonna give the rebels modern wepons, and iran is sending their soldiers.

Ukraine is just a slide show.

I didn't even know haha. Seems to prove your theory how Ukraine is a slideshow at this time lol.
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!
08.04.2014 - 22:13
Updates! 08/04/2014

Reducing Bank's capabilities to ground forces only
Adding new financial system not based on real life gdp but similar to it.
Adding a bank unit to each nation's capital for trade purposes
Adding a rule to the bank unit
removing bank's privillage to act as a nation and only as a bank
Syrian Civil war returns but the war will be between US backed rebels and Iran's
supported Assad Regime
I'll haunt you, Don't tempt me!

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