مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
پست ها: 3   بازدید شده توسط: 30 users
06.04.2012 - 16:09
I think thatcities like jerusalem should be stronger because israel has one of the strongest militaries
06.04.2012 - 16:23
نوشتع شده توسط arad101, 06.04.2012 at 16:09

I think thatcities like jerusalem should be stronger because israel has one of the strongest militaries

Jerusalem is the capitol of two countries, Israel, and Palestine. If we based it just on Israels military strength, it would be bias and/or insulting to Palestine, as it would be the same the other way around. Basing a whole countries Military on one city is also not very hot: Every city in the USA would be 100+, while a country like Germany would dwindle around 2 or 4. Basing on Military strength makes hardly any sense at all; population of cities is the most sensible way of determining a cities economic and unit outcome.
06.04.2012 - 16:41
نوشتع شده توسط Garde, 06.04.2012 at 16:23

Jerusalem is the capitol of two countries, Israel, and Palestine. If we based it just on Israels military strength, it would be bias and/or insulting to Palestine, as it would be the same the other way around. Basing a whole countries Military on one city is also not very hot: Every city in the USA would be 100+, while a country like Germany would dwindle around 2 or 4. Basing on Military strength makes hardly any sense at all; population of cities is the most sensible way of determining a cities economic and unit outcome.

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