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پست ها: 24   بازدید شده توسط: 395 users
05.02.2020 - 23:48
Hello everyone

atWar staff is working on official tutorial for begginers and players who want to learn more about certain gameplay things and official tutorial will be released in several months.

Today, I had to remake bunch of 3v3 games which I have hosted because some players had no clue what to pick, so they have been constantly picking wrong country.
I got nervous, so I decided to make you a SIMPLE temporary tutorial (until the official one is finished) about standard 3v3 games (in Europe+) for those players who want to become competitive.


Standard 3v3 games are games played by competitive players (and those who want to become competitive)
Such games are played in deafult Europe+ map.
It is basically the match between 2 teams, each team has 3 players and fight against another team of 3 players.


You can choose between these countries to pick:

• United Kingdom
• Germany
• France
• Spain
• Italy
• Ukraine
• Turkey

IMPORTANT: Don't pick any other countries except those mentioned above!
For those with really damaged brain, that means: NO Russia Central, NO Russia Northwest, NO Norway, NO Sweden, NO Austria, NO any other country

There are many solutions in these picks, but some things needs to be respected:

• Each team MUST have 1 player on east (either Ukraine, either Turkey) and their fight is focused between themselves:
Ukraine (team A) vs. Turkey (team B) or Turkey (team A) vs. Ukraine (team B)
IMPORTANT: It is disallowed to have 2 players of same team picking both east countries (Ukraine and Turkey both)

• Each team MUST have 1 player on west (either UK, either Germany) and their fight is focused between themselves:
United Kingdom (team A) vs. Germany (team B) or Germany (team A) vs. United Kingdom (team B)
IMPORTANT: It is disallowed to have 2 players of same team picking west countries (United Kingdom and Germany both)

• Each team MUST have 1 player on west (either France, either Spain, either Italy) and their fight is focused between themselves (now we have 3 possible solutions since the remaining 2 players can pick between 3 countries):
either: France (team A) vs. Spain (team B) or Spain (team A) vs. France (team B)
either: France (team A) vs. Italy (team B) or Italy (team A) vs. France (team B)
either: Spain (team A) vs. Italy (team B) or Italy (team A) vs. Spain (team B)

Visually, it looks like this:

- BLUE COLORED COUNTRIES: One has to be picked by player from team A and another by player from team B
- RED COLORED COUNTRIES: One has to be picked by player from team A and another by player from team B
- GREEN COLORED COUNTRIES: One has to be picked by player from team A and another by player from team B

So, each coloured countries are supposed to be opponents and focus to fight each other. Of course there can be a help to your teammate, but keep your focus on your major opponent.

SOLUTION 1 (most used solution) is to choose between those 6 countries: UK, Germany, France, Spain, Ukraine or Turkey.

Example for explanation:

UK is focused primarily to fight Germany and vice-versa.
France is focused primarily to fight Spain and vice-versa
Ukraine is focused primarily to fight Turkey and vice-versa

These are the most common and used picks for 3v3 games (UK, GER, FRA, SPA, UKR, TURK) because such a picks make things very equal for each team, independently what combination of mentioned and shown picks they took.

SOLUTION 2 (sometimes used solution) is to choose between those 6 countries: UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, Ukraine or Turkey.

Example for explanation:

UK is focused primarily to fight Germany and vice-versa.
France is focused primarily to fight Spain and vice-versa
Ukraine is focused primarily to fight Turkey and vice-versa

These picks (Italy instead of France) is used sometimes when player from one team wants to stop Spain from spreading to Italy and to make pressure on Turkey (if he is an opponent)

SOLUTION 3 (rarely used solution) is to chose between those 6 countries: UK, Germany, France, Italy, Ukraine or Turkey.

Example for explanation:

This solution is rarely used, but possible. It's used only when player wants to help his teammate (for example Ukraine) to make more pressure on Turkey and to give him possibility to kill his opponent in Turkey more easy.
On the other side, Italy's enemies on west (let's say France and Germany) will kill him more easy too.


• Choose ONLY one of these countries: United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Ukraine or Turkey. NO ANY OTHER COUTNRY.
• UK, Germany, Ukraine and Turkey are always picked and that is 4 of 6 players from 3v3 game. Remaining 2 players choose between France, Spain or Italy.
• UK and Germany must be opponents
• Ukraine and Turkey must be opponents
• France and Spain must be opponents OR Spain and Italy must be opponents OR France and Italy must be opponents (depends on which 2 of these 3 countries are picked)

I hope I was clear enough. If you have any questions, feel free to post them below. Cheers

06.02.2020 - 03:25
Thanks For sharing These useful info
06.02.2020 - 03:31
Picking Poland in 2v1 on Ukraine is legit, but that is more of an advance tactics.
Some prefer Volga tho ::khm puntori khm::
...још сте ту...
06.02.2020 - 03:42
06.02.2020 - 03:44
نوشتع شده توسط Your Laki, 06.02.2020 at 03:31

Picking Poland in 2v1 on Ukraine is legit, but that is more of an advance tactics.
Some prefer Volga tho ::khm puntori khm::

Exactly, but this is the simplest temporarily 3v3 tutorial.
Just to teach them at least to pick the proper base countries for 3v3.

In official tutorial they will have basics of 3v3, advanced 3v3 and some starting expansions.

06.02.2020 - 06:52
Is this a sign of 3v3 revival?

06.02.2020 - 07:08
You state that East should only focus East, West should only focus West, and Third Pick should only focus Third Pick. You need to incentivize teamplay and synergy with your teammates, 3v3s are not a collection of three 1v1s being played concurrently. There needs to be communication and planning, even at the most basic of learning levels. You need to drive this point home early, or you'll have uncooperative, uncommunicative teammates in the future once they are a high enough rank to compete.

Also, remind noobs to pick in this order:

First Pick: United Kingdom
Second Pick: Turkey, Ukraine
Third Pick: France, Spain (When you've gotten better at the game: Italy, Sweden, Poland, Russia: Northwest, Russia: Volga)
Fourth Pick: Germany

Germany isn't going anywhere and shouldn't be wasted as a pick early if the enemy team knabs UK first. UK was the best pick on the map due to its geographic location, spawn allotment, and overall reach, but now that bridging has been fully legalized, I see it becoming a little less relevant in this regard over time, and perhaps East will become the first pick. East is always your second pick, and largely it's up to your preference between Turkey and Ukraine nowadays. Classically, Turkey was more important than Ukraine, but nowadays Ukraine is just as good, if not better than Turkey in a lot of ways (High income, access to high spawn, etc). Third Picks usually play a support-based role and can turn the tide of battle if in the right hands, but they're definitely more situational than anything else in the map and should be picked around what your team already has.

Good explanation thread Croat
06.02.2020 - 07:36
نوشتع شده توسط Garde, 06.02.2020 at 07:08

You state that East should only focus East, West should only focus West, and Third Pick should only focus Third Pick. You need to incentivize teamplay and synergy with your teammates, 3v3s are not a collection of three 1v1s being played concurrently. There needs to be communication and planning, even at the most basic of learning levels. You need to drive this point home early, or you'll have uncooperative, uncommunicative teammates in the future once they are a high enough rank to compete.

I said literally nowhere that East should ONLY focus East, West only focus West and 3rd pick only focus 3rd pick.
I have painted/marked countries they are primarily focused to fight. I have reminded them which country should primarily focus and fight which country.
And I have reminded them that it's not an absolute rule, of course they can make deals and help each other, but you can shit on it if they neglect their major opponent.

نوشتع شده توسط Croat, 05.02.2020 at 23:48

...and their fight is focused between themselves:

نوشتع شده توسط Croat, 05.02.2020 at 23:48

UK is focused primarily to fight Germany and vice-versa.
France is focused primarily to fight Spain and vice-versa
Ukraine is focused primarily to fight Turkey and vice-versa

نوشتع شده توسط Croat, 05.02.2020 at 23:48

So, each coloured countries are supposed to be opponents and focus to fight each other. Of course there can be a help to your teammate, but keep your focus on your major opponent.

In addition to this. I have few examples just from Yesterday.
- I have capped Geramany and recapped my teammate in UK as Ukraine. Guess what happened, I was owned by Turkey even I managed to put 46 in my capital Kiev.
- I have surrounded Germany and helped my teammate Turkey, who was in bad position, with too many units to fight with Ukraine. Guess what happened, I was slowly eaten by Spain who opened the way to Germany to rush me in the worst time for myself.

And all of that happened because I thought okay, my opponents are pretty much done, so I over-focused on helping my retarded teammates and I have became a retard as well with flying around and not keeping focus.

I hardly disagree that team talk, cooperation and similiar will miss from 3v3s if I have told them which country should primarily focus on which country.
They have their own developed brains, Garde. They know how to use chat and how to think. We cannot think for themselves.
You are talking like we are teaching hundreds of tablua rasa babies how to deal with atWar 3v3 games.
They just need practice. Everything other will come by itself, from cooperating with team to the rest. The things about picks are just basics which they obviously needed.

نوشتع شده توسط Garde, 06.02.2020 at 07:08

Also, remind noobs to pick in this order:

First Pick: United Kingdom
Second Pick: Turkey, Ukraine
Third Pick: France, Spain (When you've gotten better at the game: Italy, Sweden, Poland, Russia: Northwest, Russia: Volga)
Fourth Pick: Germany


06.02.2020 - 11:52
Message deleted by Kaska. Reason: Unleashed
06.02.2020 - 12:03
Thanks im pro now

06.02.2020 - 12:13
I do not like this post—I think it could serve a good purpose, but fundamentally atWar was not made for posts like these. Quite frankly, the way that Croat worded this post is somewhat discriminatory and uncalled for. Croat and the competitive community has a monopoly on what they think the "ideal" gameplay should be. They're a bunch of elitists that think they know how to run your life better than you can run it yourself. They have a de facto monopoly over players, and this monopoly should be broken. We should not be all but forced to pick between six different countries, but rather we should be free to decide among ourselves what country we want to pick.

What if we want to defend our homeland? What if someone is from Denmark, or Moscow, and wants to defend his lands? Then, by enforcing monopoly power, you'd be denying him this freedom, which you have no right to do.
Happiness = reality - expectations
06.02.2020 - 16:14
Why isn't this dude banned yet ?
06.02.2020 - 17:26
Very important and useful for the new competitive players, well done
''People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.''
06.02.2020 - 18:55
Useful tutorial for scenario/rp/casual players who want to transition to competitive play
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

06.02.2020 - 21:29
The first time I tried cwing we tried to take both Germany & United Kingdom as our picks which then angered the experienced players we were versing who proceeded to abuse and cuss us out instead of explaining. More competitive players need to be patient and explain the simple things such as Croat has done here if they wish to boost the competitive scene. It's very normal to see competitive players abusing new people who randomly decided to play a 3v3 and didn't perform to their standard, you can even see this happening even with supporters & moderators. What you've done here is very good Croat, from here on I'd maybe make more threads about simple mechanics like walling certain countries in 3v3's and even turnblocking and so on, you have no idea how much something simple like that could help the newer players.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
06.02.2020 - 22:06
نوشتع شده توسط Augustus Caesar, 06.02.2020 at 21:29

The first time I tried cwing we tried to take both Germany & United Kingdom as our picks

strange because UK germ combo is actually pretty weak and I would have allowed it lol
06.02.2020 - 23:28
نوشتع شده توسط PleaseMe, 06.02.2020 at 22:06

strange because UK germ combo is actually pretty weak and I would have allowed it lol

It was a CW against Enigma, if you care you can take it up with them why they didn't want to allow it.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
06.02.2020 - 23:53
نوشتع شده توسط Augustus Caesar, 06.02.2020 at 23:28

نوشتع شده توسط PleaseMe, 06.02.2020 at 22:06

strange because UK germ combo is actually pretty weak and I would have allowed it lol

It was a CW against Enigma, if you care you can take it up with them why they didn't want to allow it.

i don't care i am just saying i would allow it. enigma is noob clan anyway of course they didn't allow something to their liking.
07.02.2020 - 00:30
Lb poland is the only true meta
"You're aren't " - epic backflip
07.02.2020 - 03:09
Great job, wish I had the idea

This is first step, more to come
07.02.2020 - 19:51
Can we please not mention any russia nor sweden as a solid 3v3 pick?
06.02.2021 - 21:34
Can you pin this.
06.02.2021 - 23:04
Poland is viable
Deutsch überwältigt

07.02.2021 - 04:51
نوشتع شده توسط Richthofen, 06.02.2021 at 23:04

Poland is viable

its not in 3n3

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