23.08.2020 - 23:34
HERE IS MY DRAFT OF THE MAP: Https://imgur.com/DepORbF (click on it and zoom in) Let me explain myself. So, despite being a regular player of Aetius' ww1 in main lobby and on alt in beginners, I have come to the conclusion that his map sucks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But first, the colors of the countries: German Empire - Black German Western Front - Deep Purple German Eastern Front - Deep Blue Austro-Hungarian Empire - Bright Red Austro-Hungarian military occupation - Pinkish Red Kingdom of Italy - Bright Green Italian military occupation - ugly green French Republic - dark blue French military occupation - bright blue Balkan Resistance (Serbian resistance + Greece) - very light blue Northern Eastern Europe (Russian empire) - Grey Southern Eastern Europe (Russian empire) - Honey yellow Russia proper (Russian empire) - bright yellow Romania - Boring Pink Kingdom of Bulgarian - Maroon Ottoman Empire - tan Ottoman Rails - dark green British Empire - Dark Orange British Empire Middle East - neon green/yellow Central Powers Military Intelligence - White? White lines are borders, spaces filled in with white are no-go zones due to neutral countries, environmental hazards, trenches, or mountains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's what makes my hypothetical map different: 1. Germany, France, Britain, Russia (proper, not eastern Europe), Austria-Hungary and Italy all require 2 - 3 players. One player will be the country itself, and the other player(s) will be the armies on the fronts of their respective nations. Take for example Germany, the nation itself is black, the western front is purple, and the eastern front is navy blue. One player will wield black Germany, assisting the other 2 players who wield Purple and Dark Blue Germany, who invade/hold the line against Russia and France. Black Germany will not be able to take cities, only Purple and Navy Blue Germany can, black Germany can produce artillery, cavalry, and soldiers, but they can only defend german homeland cities OR destroy enemy units, but the occupations of cities will be carried out by Purple and Dark Blue. An observant eye will catch a black German presence in Bulgaria, the Alps, and near Edirne; those bases also can only produce units that destroy enemy units but don't occupy cities, ensuring that the actual occupation of Romania or the Alps will be done by Bulgaria or Austria. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Once a player is capped and surrendered, the map treats it as if the nation surrendered and is no longer at war with anyone. Let me explain what I mean. Say for example, with the help of Germany proper, Purple Germany is able to break through and overrun the trenches and no mans lands on the western fronts, they will be able to take Paris (capital of France proper) and Versailles (capital of French army, they have an equivalent to the German purple army) with ease, knocking those 2 players out of the game; however, other french cities will have an immovable "French sovereignty" unit, which resists German occupation. Germans will be able to take Paris and Versailles, but no other cities. The same goes for Germany. If the French break through and take Koln (capital of Germany proper), Bonn (capital of Western front Germany) and Essen (cap for Eastern front Germany), they won't be able to occupy the other German provinces, which will now be neutral. The same goes for Italy, Austria, Russia Proper, and Britain. In special cases like the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Balkan Resistance (Serbian resistance + Northern Greece), Romania, and Eastern Europe administered by Russia, all cities are game for invaders. Of course, all capitals are within proximity of a decisive breakthrough. Austrian and Italian caps are placed close to the Alps so that if one of them breaks through, they won't have to march through un-occupiable land. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. If you noticed the X's on the map, those are event/spawned units. The black X's in the ocean are U-boats, the blue X's in Serbia are "Balkan resistance" stealth units. The Black X's in Russia are revolution units, and the neon green X's in Arabia are British backed Arab revolts. They all will spawn at their appropriate times of course. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. As we all know, Aetius' ww1 is VERY historically inaccurate when it comes to the British invasion of the Ottoman Empire. The British never really made it past Northern Syria and Iraq, but in Aetius' ww1, it's abnormal if the British haven't seized Ankara by late game. In my hypothetical scenario map, there are 2 players for the Ottoman Empire: the empire itself, and a rail master. The empire's units will be capable of taking cities, defending cities, and everything else normal units are capable of. The Ottoman Rails units however, they cannot take cities. There will be 10 cities scattered around the empire, all connected by straight lines of "ocean" (not really but you know), narrow enough for normal Ottoman troops to cross. These "rails" will accommodate a unit called "Armored Train". It will have a capacity of 20 units and high HP and Def. There will be train stops (the dark green cities) near every key Ottoman city, which units can be transported to. Each train stop has a defensive unit which are destroyable, but require considerable effort from the British, meaning taking those train stops is quite a headache. As I said, train units cannot take cities but can destroy units, meaning that they assist in the Ottoman defense. The cap for Otto trains is outside Constantinople, so killing Otto goes hand in hand with killing the Ottoman trains. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Aetius' Russian Revolution is a bitch. I hate it not only because I play Russia a lot but also just cuz its poorly designed. My hypothetical scenario map will include an extra player called "Central Powers Military Intelligence", who commands the U-boats of Germany and Austria, funds Ottoman and German eastern front, and most importantly, carries out the Russian revolution. Russia will be wielded by 3 players, one having a capital is Petrograd (Tzar Nicholas III), another in Kiev (General Brusilov), and one for Russia proper. Prior to the revolution, Russia proper won't be able to take cities, but instead just destroy German units in Eastern Europe and make walls in Ukraine and Belarus. Once the revolution hits (and Germany and Austria should be knocking on the doors of Kyiv and Petrograd), a revolution will start. It'll be a mix of stealth and normal units, attributed to CP MI player, who can only attack Russia proper. If Petrograd and Kiev are taken, Germany must leave Russia alone during the revo. Halfway through the Russian civil war, French units will spawn along the Volga river, (France sent assistance to White Army during the civil war, even after they pulled out of ww1). Russian white army units will be limited in number, remember that Russian units cannot take cities, and Commie units will have abnormally high attack against Russia proper's units; the white army units can take cities (only ones occupied by commies) and don't have a huge disadvantage against commies. Once ALL Russian mainland cities are taken, Russian proper's cap can be taken (it will be in Murmansk, east of Finland), knocking Russia out of the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. The Trench Warfare is so incredibly complicated that it requires its own post. I have an idea in mind, but I will illustrate and post it soon. Basically, this is late ww1, so there will be neutral cities in no man's land that will have units called "No Man's Land", that you have to take before being able to attack the Germans. These units will burn thru artillery and tanks, u have to use cons/infs. The point of them is to kill a lot of ur army, as the horrors of trench warfare and No Man's Land did. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. One big part of this map is integrity of the players. I have to trust German and French western fronts players to cooperate with their allies to fight the front. Austria and Austrian occupied land players must cooperate. Ottoman and Ottoman trains must cooperate, as should British Empire and British Empire Middle East. German Eastern front must have the integrity to not invade Russia proper and Russia proper must have the integrity to not invade Otto. I might make a rule that Austrian occupied land player may not wall inside Serbia until t5 to give Serbian resistance event units a chance, it can't be enforced by the map, the player will have to keep it in mind. I might make a rule stating that Romania and Bulgaria may not be invaded until a certain turn, which players must respect. b There will be rules for Germany, British, and Russia as well, which I will elaborate on in a later post, once I work on the draft of the map. This means we're gonna have to ban Gigi and his alts once I make this map. Gigi, you're one punk ass bitch. I'm trying to have fun in beginners lobby and you just have to ruin it for everyone. fuck you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K well, if u made it this far, I applaud ur reading skills, I'm a little bit dyslexic so thats why everything is split into paragraphs, sorry about that. Please upvote, share, comment, criticize etc. If you have any ideas to add onto this, pls let me know. Thanks! -b2
---- Man is something, that shall be overcome.
24.08.2020 - 01:20
Wow. I can tell you put a lot of thought into this. I am all in. The only real problem I can see is trying to fill this map without anybody leaving early...maybe you can make it so that if a player leaves, it will be easy for ones allies to take over the cities while making it difficult for the enemy to take advantage.
---- "Long have you hunted me. Long have I eluded you. No more. Behold the sword of Elendil." -Lord Aragorn, High King of Arnor and Gondor
24.08.2020 - 06:22
sadly, this map runs on integrity of the players. Since most cities will have a immovable unit of some sort, allycapping won't rly be an option.
---- Man is something, that shall be overcome.
24.08.2020 - 22:01
What if you put a added modifier specifically for combating friendly units?
---- "Long have you hunted me. Long have I eluded you. No more. Behold the sword of Elendil." -Lord Aragorn, High King of Arnor and Gondor
24.08.2020 - 22:35
When I save up for Lifetime Premium and start working on the map, I will enlist ur help. I'm not aware of any such modifier, I know the basics of the map editor.
---- Man is something, that shall be overcome.
25.08.2020 - 08:39
If you want to make a copy of a map but bigger with more reinf and complexity, 95% of the time its not a good idea.
28.08.2020 - 06:18
Enjoy your 20-player map that will never fill, I guess.
---- Someone Better Than You
28.09.2020 - 21:14
This is honestly worse then aetius's no
---- RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
29.09.2020 - 21:13
The idea is interesting but I can tell you this, 20 player scenario like this would almost never fill and even when it does... some fuck will ruin it by leaving early or breaking a rule making everyone else rage quit. There's a great 20 player WW2 scenario that is never played for these same reasons
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
03.10.2020 - 21:45
in general, I can't really say this is a bright idea
---- RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
04.10.2020 - 06:14
Any idea to shift up what is basically a meta is interesting in my books, doesn't mean it is good or bad but alternative thinking is interesting in the least
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
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