Additional options for Scenarios
There are lots of great ideas on the forum regarding scenarios. While we obviously couldn't implement all of them, we've done some very promising modifications:

  • Scenarios can now have customized units! Stats still have to be based on the standard units, but you can change name, picture and description - or disable the unit.
  • Country name, income, picture and names of the cities can now be changed.
  • Scenario players's names and starting funds can be changed (previously you had to delete/re-add the player).
  • Scenario side is now selectable after another player selected it and left.
  • Fixed late joiners 0 income.
  • You can now set the rare units chance in scenario options.
  • 100 additional cities option when creating a scenario

    Scenarios pack / Strategy points pack
    The SP limitation (30% after rank 5) for non-premium players has been removed, together with the Strategy points pack. Instead, Scenarios pack has been added.

    Non-premium players can create only one scenario, and cannot publish it (they will still be able to start games based on it). Also, they can only start games based on own scenarios, but still able to join scenario games started by others.

    Other things
  • Game creator is now displayed in the pre-game settings screen. If the creator is no longer present (and the game cannot be started), a warning "Missing!" will be shown, announcing that you should probably exit back to lobby and find another game

  • Recently added game results in profiles and on front page have been reset, since the SP count was incorrect. This doesn't influence your SP in any way.

  •   |


    مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
    نظرات: 12   بازدید شده توسط: 282 users
    04.05.2011 - 06:22
    Woah! That is one hell of an update, congrats!

    Would it at all be possible to have the custom units specific to one country? Like you can only build a certain custom unit in a certain country. Like building Leopard 2 tanks only in Germany?
    04.05.2011 - 06:36
    Sounds good. i didnt think much of the scenarios at first but they look great now:)
    i know there's an answer i just don't know what it is yet
    04.05.2011 - 09:30
    +100 THANK YOU!!!!
    04.05.2011 - 10:40
    نوشتع شده توسط PANTHA_1, 04.05.2011 at 06:36

    Sounds good. i didnt think much of the scenarios at first but they look great now:)

    That's because at first the Sceanarios created were not too different from regular games but now we have lots of crazy special sceanarios including ones with pirates.
    04.05.2011 - 16:13
    Also, will it be possible to add to the existing units?
    04.05.2011 - 21:36
    Awsome Fix! i had a few issues with all those things you adressed. Saves alot of time going back and makeing changes too.

    Here is my new list.
    Unit Picture section. Add pic for player only(name) EX england infentry 1 pic+name Germen inf Dif pic. name

    Add an option for late joiners to get All the things they missed in the senerio when they join EX turn 1 i put units into play for counrtys a guy joins on turn 2 he dont get them.

    Last one.

    Lock a country. Make a counrty goto war, piece change sides ecetera in the events alowing for lets say russia not helping germany after 1939. But before 1939 they can so in the events it would change sides in 1940 in a team game. This one is tricky but i think it would be used alot.

    Im only adding more sugestions to keep the ball rolling and am over joyed with the quick responce to the first update to them! Good work and keep it up! Thank you.
    Where's the BEEF!
    05.05.2011 - 03:21
     Ivan (رئیس)
    نوشتع شده توسط NortheasternBomb, 04.05.2011 at 16:13

    Also, will it be possible to add to the existing units?

    Nope, sorry.
    05.05.2011 - 10:39
    Are dlines ever gonna be shown in-editor?
    05.05.2011 - 14:23
     Amok (رئیس)
    نوشتع شده توسط Psychostick, 05.05.2011 at 10:39

    Are dlines ever gonna be shown in-editor?

    Not likely in the near future, it's quite complicated.
    05.05.2011 - 18:38
    Very good. I like the 100 additional cities and the changing playerfunds things.
    Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
    09.05.2011 - 19:00
    Something minor, in the last sentence "you" should be changed to your.
    16.06.2018 - 01:41
    Back when atWar had changes.

    Hits total: 57694 | This month: 235

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