We're all aware that there are some unscrupulous AtWar players that use alternate accounts to send themselves funds in games. As well intentioned and capable as moderators may be, they simply cannot detect this behavior every time it's employed against those who play the game fairly. To radically improve players' trust in games, I propose adding an option which is enabled by default to enable players to view funds that are exchanged between in a game (i.e. User1 sent 100 funds to User2). Another way to markedly improve the integrity of games would be to allow hosts to disable the option to exchange funds altogether, thereby limiting the advantage to those who use alts to the reinforcements from those alts, alone.
Major support for disabling fund option, would help in so many scenarios
Someone Better Than You
Yep also they don't just use alternate account's often they call friends to join and fund them...
Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
نوشتع شده توسط Zephyrusu, 04.09.2022 at 06:27
Major support for disabling fund option, would help in so many scenarios
well it's part of the strategy made by the team if we cannot fund anymore allies, that make the scenario strictly restrictied to the classic way which make the game very boring and repetitive
نوشتع شده توسط GustDNZ, 04.09.2022 at 07:06
نوشتع شده توسط Zephyrusu, 04.09.2022 at 06:27
Major support for disabling fund option, would help in so many scenarios
well it's part of the strategy made by the team if we cannot fund anymore allies, that make the scenario strictly restrictied to the classic way which make the game very boring and repetitive
It's part of the game, true. You could still opt out of course, so i don't see the problem with having it as an option to solve a problem.

To be clear, these would both be options that are able to be turned off and on each game, right? I don't mind viewing / disabling funds but some players might mind if it's like that every game
I believe they would be able to be toggled on and off in the lobby settings if this was done.
Kord پست ها: 89 از جانب: USA
Sucks to be the Bank of Braavos who pretty much exclusively deals in the shadows. Still, it's a good feature to have in 90% of scenarios - especially if it's an optional setting. Support.