13.10.2015 - 00:40
I've seen a few games where a player in south america or africa can expand in the first few turns very quickly and conquer the entire continent, however when I start in those continents I find that the cities are too far apart for me to expand as fast. How do players do it? By using air transport and spamming infantry? Wouldn't using air transport early in the game be too expensive?
13.10.2015 - 07:35
It depends. If they have a lot of money, they can afford the air transports and balance their costs with the income they generate thanks to the vast colonial expanse they've made. They may also be using strategies that lower the costs for units, overall or specifically. For example, Imperialist lowers the cost in overall.
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13.10.2015 - 07:44
Dont forget blitz.Which makes units go much far away but it has -1defence for everything.
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13.10.2015 - 08:51
there are several possibilities, and it depends on the funds available. 50k people can spam air transports with tanks or marines or bombers and conquer the continent quickly, but you'd usually run out of money doing that in 3/5/10/15k games. It comes down to strategy choice and micromanagement. If its a 10k game for example and i'm South Africa then I can pick several strategies which would affect how fast I expand, but the techniques are generally the same. Be as cost efficient, reinforcement efficient, and range efficient as possible. Don't make too many ATs or tanks, and don't make too few (depending on your money/reins). Sometimes it'd be fruitful to buy a naval transport to move troops quicker and sometimes its a burden. You will get to recognize this stuff after you've played a lot and with time get more efficient.
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
13.10.2015 - 20:03
Brazil: Northeast with Blitzkrieg can expand quickly on both South America and Africa, and even reach and beat U.S players if they are still fighting over there (Takes you around 6 turns to reach there). The only problem is that for archive a neat expansion you require no opponent in south america. If you are against one or many players then you should consider Argentina or Brazil Mato Grosso. That is true for 5k as for 10k games, as far as I am aware. In Africa and with 5 or 10k funds, Dr Congo is the strongest pick by far. Located in the hearth of Africa, it allows you to go for both Nigeria and south Africa very fast, and even able to beat any Mozambique or Cameroon that could'be there. If you want to have better chances to beat any player on the continent, then you should go Imperialist. However if you are looking for advantage in continental battles, you should go GW.
13.10.2015 - 20:08
Bla, I love wrecking Europe with Blitz Nigeria in a world 50k game. You can take 200 units to surprise Euro by turn 7 - Works especially well if euro players are tearing the shit out of each other. Otherwise for games with 10k or less imperialist strategy is very effective and spamming infantries is very strong once you have an economy and reinforcements. Guerrilla Warfare is probably more fun to play, because you have cheaper marines and the surprise element, also the militia are almost as strong as pd infantry (cost consideration) but I think imperialist will always come out on top if your going for the win.
---- intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
13.10.2015 - 21:03
Id be happy to test it out.. GW vs IMP in a 1v1
---- intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
13.10.2015 - 21:03
Not really... IMP infantries and GW militias have the same defense, except that GW can only match it in cities. IMP infantries: 6 defense. GW militias: 5 defense + one extra defense in cities, makes it 6. http://atwar-game.com/home/units.php
14.10.2015 - 03:43
Well if you won't allow me to prove you wrong, then you can hardly argue the toss. (especially to someone who plays these type of games most often) GW isn't bad, its more fun than imp, but it can't handle the infantry spam.
---- intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
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