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ارسال شده توسط Croat, 11.01.2016 - 15:28


Na upit mnogih, formiran je novi balkanski klan pod nazivom - Reservoir Dogs.
Informacije o klanu možete pogledati na ovom linku ---> http://hr.atwar-game.com/cln/cln.php?cln_id=672

U tijeku je regrutacija igrača s Balkana, i to (za sada) isključivo iz ovih država:
- Hrvatska
- Srbija
- Bosna i Hercegovina
- Makedonija
- Slovenija
- Albanija
- Crna Gora

Također, potencijalna regrutacija biti će izvršena i kod ovih država, ovisno o igraču:
- Grčka
- Mađarska
- Rumunjska
- Bugarska

U budućnosti možda proširimo spektar država iz kojih ćemo regrutirati članove, no za sada se baziramo na države bivše Jugoslavije i Balkana.
Ukoliko ste željni pridružiti se našoj koaliciji ili, pak, imate dodatno pitanje, slobodno napišite u komentar ispod ili se javite jednom od ovih igrača u inbox (koji su ujedno vođe koalicije):
- Croat (Hrvatska)
- mantis... (Hrvatska)



at the request of many, we formed a new Balkan coalition named - Reservoir Dogs.
Informations about coalition you can find on this link ---> http://hr.atwar-game.com/cln/cln.php?cln_id=672

Recruitment of players from Balkans is in progress, at this moment exclusively from these countries:
- Croatia
- Serbia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Macedonia
- Slovenia
- Albania
- Montenegro

Whatsmore, potential recruitment will be from these countries, depending on player:
- Greece
- Hungary
- Romania
- Bulgaria

In future we may expand spectre of countres from which we will recruit members, but for now we are basing on countries from ex-Yu and Balkans.
If you wish to join our coalition, or if you have an extra question, feel free to write a comment below or send a message in inbox to one of these players (who are also leaders of coalition):
- Croat (Croatia)
- mantis... (Croatia)


08.02.2016 - 20:03
نوشتع شده توسط AlBoZzZ, 08.02.2016 at 11:42

On a serious note to croat, remove Albania from recruiting list, no Albanian will ever join this dog clan

'no Albanian will ever join this dog clan'

Wow, you insulted us so much, I am so butthurted

At least dogs are smart, hardworking, faithful, loyal, and dedicated beings which never betray something they love.
On the other side there is one Albanian gypsy betrayer who has flown 10 000 kilometers away from something he 'loves' to clean American shit from toilets, because that kind of job is his mental limit.
Just brush...
up and down, up and down, up and down...

Also, funny how you, clanless guy hated by everyone, allowed yourself to indirectly talk shit on our clan in the name of the rest European Albanians from this game...

Duuuhh, just fly away from this thread like you flown from your homeland, I wish you luck with finding a coalition for yourself

08.02.2016 - 20:26
نوشتع شده توسط Croat, 08.02.2016 at 20:03

نوشتع شده توسط AlBoZzZ, 08.02.2016 at 11:42

On a serious note to croat, remove Albania from recruiting list, no Albanian will ever join this dog clan

'no Albanian will ever join this dog clan'
Wow, you insulted us so much, I am so butthurted
At least dogs are smart, hardworking, faithful, loyal, and dedicated beings which never betray something they love.


08.02.2016 - 20:32
نوشتع شده توسط AlBoZzZ, 08.02.2016 at 20:26

And point of this is?
To show Pavle is betrayer and unfaithful person same as you are?

Thanks on jumping in your own hole. Have a good night (or day in America)

08.02.2016 - 20:33
نوشتع شده توسط Croat, 08.02.2016 at 20:32

نوشتع شده توسط AlBoZzZ, 08.02.2016 at 20:26

And point of this is?
To show Pavle is betrayer and unfaithful person same as you are?

Thanks on jumping in your own hole. Have a good night (or day in America)

to show that a dog is a dog you got betrayed by your own dog the same one you invited in your dog clan D dog D

08.02.2016 - 20:41
نوشتع شده توسط AlBoZzZ, 08.02.2016 at 20:33

to show that a dog is a dog D you got betrayed by your own dog the same one you invited in your dog clan D dog D

I am always giving people 2nd chance, so I gave to Pavle.
Everyone can fail for once like your parents did. That's why you don't have brothers or sisters

09.02.2016 - 09:03
نوشتع شده توسط AlBoZzZ, 08.02.2016 at 11:41

Yes khal essi who said that??

XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAX. keep bulli the moldavian MAN ok
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