مطلع حق بیمه برای مخفی کردن تمام تبلیغات
پست ها: 3   بازدید شده توسط: 29 users
16.02.2014 - 21:46
Let's say that after a few battles, if a few units have still been left over and not destroyed(had to have been in combat, say 1 tank vs 2 militia), they should get an upgrade depending on what they are useful for, like tanks getting a +1 bonus to attack. Or possibly even where they fail, such as a +1 increase to a tank's defense.

It seems a bit too much realism to put into the game, but dont you think after a while, if units get in battle and come out with purple hearts, wouldn't they gain experience of how to handle situations better, making them more effective and useful?

This could help it instead of being a spam fest, small countries have an opportunity to gain better and more powerful units to combat larger countries with more units on the battlefield.
16.02.2014 - 23:21
17.02.2014 - 09:36
اکانت حذف شد
What da faq xD No support, too op.

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